• Unveiling the Voice-Pelvic Floor Connection: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Vagal Regulation With Ginger Garner
    May 30 2024

    In this episode, physical therapist Ginger Garner shares her journey into pelvic health, bridging the gap between orthopedic and pelvic health. She discusses her background in athletic training, starting out covering sports like soccer and wrestling, which led her to explore pelvic health issues. Ginger highlights the evolution of pelvic health awareness since the 90s and emphasizes the continuous learning in the field. Tune in to learn more about the fascinating connection between vocalizations and pelvic floor health with Ginger Garner.


    • (09:14) Ginger emphasizes the importance of integrating orthopedic and pelvic health, suggesting that spending time in outpatient orthopedics before specializing in pelvic health can provide a comprehensive understanding of the body's interrelationships.
    • (17:46) Ginger discusses the significance of using musculoskeletal ultrasounds in her practice, highlighting how real-time imaging has expedited the assessment and treatment process, leading to quicker recovery for patients.
    • (25:36) Ginger addresses the importance of a systems-based approach in therapy, emphasizing the need to treat the entire body rather than focusing solely on symptoms, especially when working with trauma patients.
    • (35:58) Ginger explains the impact of trauma on the body, particularly in relation to the voice and pelvic floor, emphasizing the importance of trust-building and functional testing to address underlying issues.
    • (45:58) Ginger delves into the role of the vagus nerve in regulating various bodily functions, including voice modulation, stress responses, and emotional regulation, underscoring the importance of vagal toning strategies in therapy.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Pelvic Health Awareness: From Postpartum to Menopause | Allyson Shrikhande | Common Pelvic Health Challenges | Innovative Treatments and Therapies | Empowering Women's Health
    May 22 2024

    Dr. Allyson Shrikhande, co-founder of Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, shares her personal journey with pelvic pain and how it led her to specialize in the field. She discusses her own postpartum challenges and the limited treatment options available at the time. Tune in to learn how her experience shaped her approach to helping others with pelvic pain.


    • (02:43) Dr. Allie founded Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine in 2017, focusing on pelvic pain and dysfunction, with a strong emphasis on endometriosis treatment.
    • (11:30) Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine's data shows a 96% decrease in ER visits and an 88% reduction in missed work days, highlighting the effectiveness of their treatment protocols.
    • (21:56) The timeline for significant improvement in pelvic pain at Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine is around three months, with initial progress seen after two to three weeks of treatment.
    • (33:10) Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine offers topical hormonal treatments like DHEA and hyaluronic acid for conditions like vulvodynia and vaginismus, providing relief and tissue support.
    • (44:40) Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine provides comprehensive training for new providers, including online modules, in-person training, and ongoing mentorship to ensure high-quality care across all locations.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    57 mins
  • Redefining Motherhood: Unpacking the Invisible Load | Empowering Moms to Prioritize Self-care | Challenging Societal Expectations | Building a Supportive Community
    Apr 30 2024

    Today on the podcast, Erica DJossa, CEO of MomWell and author of "Releasing the Motherload," shares her journey into maternal mental health work after experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety. She discusses the challenges of motherhood and the importance of redefining expectations. Tune in for insights on supporting maternal mental health and the parallels between her work and pelvic health.


    • (03:08) MomWell is expanding its services to address maternal mental health challenges in the US and Canada, focusing on providing support and resources to mothers during the high-risk transition into motherhood.
    • (10:16) MomWell's platform offers various courses and resources to help mothers navigate challenges like mom rage, postpartum anxiety, and back-to-work transitions, providing accessible support at different price points.
    • (19:07) The challenges faced by mothers in the US, such as lack of maternity leave and unequal distribution of domestic labor, contribute to the maternal mental health crisis, highlighting the importance of addressing these societal issues.
    • (31:05) Erica's book, "Releasing the Motherload," aims to help mothers unlearn societal norms and expectations around motherhood, empowering them to prioritize self-care and personal identity.
    • (43:20) Despite the challenges and setbacks in entrepreneurship, having a strong mission and purpose, like the impact on maternal mental health, can drive resilience and motivation to overcome obstacles in building a company.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    1 hr
  • Understanding the Importance of Hormonal Health in Women | Addressing Postpartum Challenges | Exploring Hormone Therapy Benefits | Overcoming Sexual Health Taboos
    Apr 16 2024

    Dr. Alexandra Dubinskaya shares her journey into pelvic and sexual health, discussing her background in Russia, pursuit of medical training in the United States, and passion for helping women. Tune in to hear how she became a urogynecologist and founded the Los Angeles Institute for Pelvic and Sexual Health, emphasizing the importance of better pelvic, sexual, and menopausal health for women everywhere.


    • (03:24) Dr. Dubinskaya emphasizes the importance of addressing gaps in women's care, especially in the fields of urogynecology and sexual health.
    • (12:25) Dr. Dubinskaya discusses the holistic approach to pelvic and sexual health, highlighting the importance of personalized care and patient education.
    • (20:36) The conversation shifts to the topic of vaginal estrogen and the misconceptions surrounding its use, emphasizing the need to educate patients about its benefits and dispel fears.
    • (25:50) Dr. Dubinskaya stresses the importance of giving vaginal estrogen time to show its effects, mentioning that it may take 6 to 12 weeks for some women to feel the benefits.
    • (40:06) The discussion delves into the role of testosterone in women's pelvic health, explaining the distribution of estrogen and testosterone receptors in different areas and their impact on sexual desire and tissue health.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • The Future of Regenerative Medicine: Advancements and Challenges | Importance of Ultrasound in Injections | Potential of Autologous Conditioned Plasma | Role of Labs in Processing Blood
    Apr 9 2024

    Dr. John Sturges, a pioneer in regenerative medicine, discusses using the body's natural healing properties to treat injuries without drugs or surgery. He shares his journey into regenerative work with PRP and ACP, highlighting the evolution of stem cell research and its application in his clinic for over 15 years. The conversation delves into the intersection of regenerative medicine and musculoskeletal health, offering insights into innovative treatment approaches for sports injuries, repetitive use injuries, and chronic pain.


    • (02:27) Dr. Sturges discusses the importance of placing cells near the field of work for more efficacy in regenerative medicine.
    • (10:36) Dr. Sturges shares his experience injecting his knee weekly for 30 weeks with regenerative injections, resulting in better healing compared to cortisone injections.
    • (19:55) Dr. Sturges mentions the importance of applying pressure to promote healing in musculoskeletal tissues, highlighting the significance of specific techniques in regenerative medicine.
    • (29:26) Dr. Sturges emphasizes the value of using musculoskeletal ultrasound for precise injections, leading to better outcomes in regenerative treatments.
    • (42:39) Dr. Sturges discusses the potential for insurance companies to cover regenerative treatments, highlighting the need for proper training and infrastructure in the field.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    47 mins
  • Understanding Pelvic Pain: The Importance of Knowledge and Education | Emily's Journey: From OhNut to Kiwi | Desensitization and Muscle Relaxation Techniques | Empowering Individuals and Partners
    Apr 1 2024

    Today on the show, we have Emily Sauer, the owner and founder of the Pelvic People, formerly known as Ohnut. Emily's mission revolves around reclaiming intimacy, with a focus on providing pelvic health solutions. She shares her personal journey of experiencing deep pain during sex and the frustration of seeking help for over a decade. With the launch of their new product, Kiwi, Emily's team is dedicated to empowering individuals struggling with pelvic health issues. Join us as we delve into Emily's inspiring story and the important work of the Pelvic People.


    • (02:06) Emily's product, Kiwi, is designed to address entry pain and incorporates vibration and arousal to relax the pelvic floor muscles.
    • (11:15) O-Nut and Kiwi are designed to be multipurpose tools that can be used in various ways to address different pelvic health concerns.
    • (22:23) Kiwi is not only beneficial for individuals but also bridges the partner dynamic, allowing partners to be involved in the process and open up dialogue about sexual health.
    • (32:10) Kiwi can be used for men's pelvic health as well, providing a non-threatening and easy-to-use tool for addressing pelvic floor issues in men.
    • (41:35) The educational resources provided with Kiwi, including video tutorials and a pain scale, aim to empower users with knowledge about their bodies and pain experiences.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Innovative Approaches to Women's Health: A Discussion with Robert Greer | Cutting-Edge Solutions for Pelvic Health | Regenerative Technologies for Women's Well-being | Overcoming Challenges through Collaboration
    Mar 27 2024

    In this episode, Robert Greer, founder of Arms Medical, shares his journey into the world of women's health, specifically in the pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence space. Robert discusses his motivation to help women regain confidence and spontaneity through innovative technologies like Dermapure, V-New, and D-Cell. He reflects on his background in the medical field, starting with Pfizer, and his evolution to founding his own company dedicated to improving pelvic floor health. Join us as we explore Robert's inspiring path and vision for revolutionizing women's healthcare.


    • (02:15) Robert Greer has been in the pelvic health space for 15 years, starting with mesh solutions and now focusing on regenerative technologies.
    • (13:26) Arms Medical has helped over 7,000 women with innovative and safe solutions for pelvic organ prolapse.
    • (26:30) Arms Medical is working on new projects to address conditions like fistula crisis and painful pelvic floor issues.
    • (38:31) Robert emphasizes the importance of collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation in his work.
    • (52:38) The vaginal dilator set by Arms Medical is a medical-grade plastic device that can be used in different positions for progressive dilation.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    1 hr
  • The Power of Functional Medicine: Root Cause Approach to Women's Health | Consistency of Care for Long-Term Health | Personalized Nutrition Plans for Optimal Wellbeing | Harnessing Epigenetics for Improved Health Outcomes
    Mar 19 2024

    On this episode, Frankie Lee Shelton, co-founder of Wisdom Medicine, discusses the importance of root cause medicine in addressing women's health issues. Frankie shares her journey into functional medicine and how it led her to co-found Wisdom Medicine, a collective focused on holistic approaches to health. Discover how this organization aims to provide comprehensive care by considering the whole person and addressing factors like hormonal changes and digestive issues. Join us as we explore the power of functional medicine in transforming women's health.


    • (02:02) Wisdom Medicine offers a proactive approach to healthcare, focusing on fatigue, brain fog, hormonal issues, and digestive issues.
    • (10:14) Frankie emphasizes the importance of catching health issues early to prevent the progression to a diagnosis, highlighting the value of symptoms as early warning signs.
    • (19:36) Women make 80% of healthcare decisions in households but are often the least served by the medical system, indicating a need for personalized and consistent care.
    • (26:33) Frankie stresses the importance of personalized nutrition plans, emphasizing the need for a tailored approach based on individual lifestyle, history, and health conditions.
    • (43:32) The discussion on epigenetics highlights the power individuals have to influence their gene expression through lifestyle choices, leading to a more hopeful vision of health and healthcare.

    Host Bio

    This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology.

    Brought to you by...

    https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

    https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home.


    Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

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    1 hr and 15 mins