
  • Bite That Iron #6 - Gym Motivation When You Don't Feel to Gym
    Jul 21 2020

    Today, I'm sharing my way of dealing with the lack of gym motivation. Nobody is an exception on having a bad day, but not everyone can manage those blunt moments. I'm talking about three separate possibilities, each having its pros and cons and a different outcome.

    My Website 👉 https://031fitness.com/

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    5 m
  • Bite That Iron #5 - Push/Pull Workout... When Frequency Dominates
    Jul 17 2020

    Creating your workout program can be a difficult task. There are so many things to consider such as frequency, intensity, volume, rest... And our bodies change and develop over time, something that used to work for you a couple of years ago may not work anymore.

    Today, we’re going to review a push/pull workout. The old school split that involves two different workouts; push and pull and see how can we use it in our programs.

    Subscribe on my website: 031fitness.com

    Más Menos
    14 m