
  • Real reason you love supporting and encouraging others
    Jun 21 2024
    I was at a seminar about a year ago, and someone in the audience asked a fascinating question. He said, why’s it I’m more willing to support, or encourage others, but not myself? The speaker didn’t have an answer, but afterwards, I approached and said, It’s because it’s much easier, to tell others what to do , than do it ourselves. It’s much easier, to encourage others to be their best selves, than be ourselves. If you’re always pushing or encouraging others, you might unknowingly be doing it, to avoid your own work. For more visit KamKnight.com
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  • The Best Way to Ruin Your Life!
    Jun 21 2024

    This is how to ruin your life. Anytime you receive something, whether that’s news, feedback, or comment, there’s a triggered response, and then there is a response after the trigger. The triggered response is the automatic response that comes up, and it’s usually charged with strong feelings of anger, fear, or even lust and desire. Then there’s the response that comes when those feelings leave. If you want a sure fire way to mess up your life, always act on the triggered response. This is specially true when the triggered response to thinking about doing something is “I can’t,” “it’s not possible,” or it’ll be too much." For more visit kamknight.com.

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  • How to stop obsessing over regrets?
    Jun 20 2024
    This is what’s driving you crazy, I mean absolutely bonkers. Do you ever not want to do something, but you do it any way so you don’t have to feel regret. You know what I mean, you’ll regret not doing it, so you do it. The things is if it doesn’t go well, you’ll regret doing it. The thing about regret is it’ll show up regardless if you do it or not. You’ll feel regret for not having done it or wasting the time, money, or energy to do it. If you’re not aware of this it can drive you crazy. If you can realize there’s no avoiding the feeling of regret you can save yourself a lot of insanity. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • Your biggest challenge in life
    Jun 18 2024
    This is the biggest challenge for a human. I used to think life was about working hard, showing up, and doing the work. But there’s this one thing that messes it all up, and that’s anytime I’m making progress or doing well, the ego starts to creep. It makes me get too confident, feel better and superior to others, and creates feelings like I can slack and don’t need to put in as much effort anymore. This is specially true if I’m getting compliments and praise for my work. Because the ego high feels so good, I wanna chase it, and it becomes the very thing that causes me to make mistakes, lose focus, and ultimately destroy progress. Keeping the ego in check is the biggest challenge for us humans and our biggest problems arise. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • How many tries does it take to get good at something?
    Jun 18 2024
    Here’s the thing I’ve noticed with people who get nowhere in life. They hear a voice in their head when something doesn’t work after 2 3 or even 4 tries, that it’s never gonna work and to throw in the towel. The thing is your brain doesn’t know it takes at least 30 40 50 times of trying and failing just to start getting good at something. It literally takes that many times just to get a feel for a skill or goal, let a lone get good at it. Because your brain doesn’t know that, it throws up the voice to quit much sooner than your should! Know that if you ever stopped something because of that voice, you likely didn’t put enough reps. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • What is the most difficult task in life?
    Jun 17 2024
    The hands down hardest things to do are the ones where the natural response is to do the opposite. Here’s what I mean. If I wanna avoid sweets, but all my brain does is create cravings for them, it’s gonna be difficult to do. I’m always going to have this battle. My brain’s gonna tempt me and I have to fight temptation. This applies to anything in life where your natural response is the opposite. And this battle will never end. Instead of fighting the response, it helps to work on and release the response itself. To learn more visit kamknight.com
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  • What does your success depend on?
    Jun 16 2024
    One thing I struggled with in the recent past is that most people I knew wanted to bring me to their level. And because of the human innate desire to relate and connect, my brain would pull me to meet them at their level over my own growth, and it added to the challenge of staying on my path and growth. Sometimes you have to pick between relationships and your own growth. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • What kind of people should you cut out of your life?
    Jun 15 2024
    In my experience as an author of 12 books and coaching thousands of people around the world, here are the people most difficult to help. As much as they need and want the help there’s nothing you can do to help them. And that’s people who aren’t open to short-term discomfort for long term gain. They can’t see the temporary discomfort will lead to something greater, so will avoid the discomfort at all costs. You gotta watch out for such people as they’ll create discomfort to everyone around them just to avoid their own pain. For more visit kamknight.com
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