
  • The Inner Work Addiction: Integrating Growth
    Jun 17 2024

    Are you spending countless hours doing the inner work, to the point that you've become an inner work addict?

    The emotional releases, the “aha” moments - they give you a high and leave you feeling wonderful.

    Yet, despite feeling good in the moment, nothing much changes.

    The inner work is CRUCIAL, it’s the biggest part of any change…. and it’s only one part of the equation.

    The other part is action! Action bridges the gap between the internal and external world.

    Without action, inner work can become a comfortable escape, making you feel like you’re progressing without actually making real changes.

    In this episode, I talk about integrating the two to move from being a seeker to a powerful creator.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    8 m
  • The Illusion of External Peace: Why Avoidance Isn’t the Answer
    Jun 10 2024

    Time to hit block on those annoying people?

    You've probably been there at some point... wanting to hit "block" on someone or something that annoys you!

    Maybe it’s a person on social media, a challenging friendship, or even an unfulfilling job and you believe that eliminating these annoyances will bring you peace. But will it really?

    Whilst it may seem like the obvious thing to do, blocking or discarding things we don’t like might not be the best solution.

    While it’s true that your environment - including who with, where and how you spend your time - plays a crucial role in your support and growth, simply blocking out the things that bug you without addressing the underlying issues won’t bring lasting peace.

    The external world is a reflection of your inner state, and those unresolved triggers will follow you wherever you go.

    In this episode, I share why it's important to face and resolve these triggers head-on.

    Taking responsibility for your internal state is the inner work, and when you do that, you’ll find that your external circumstances start to change as well.

    Creating change begins with creating the life you want from where you are right now, rather than waiting for external changes to make you feel differently.

    Although they don't always feel like it, the challenges and triggers we face are actually gifts. They reveal where we need to release resistance and align more closely with our true desires. By mastering our emotions and beliefs, we can navigate any circumstance without being thrown off course.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    11 m
  • How to Activate Your Reality
    Jun 3 2024

    One of my favourite things (aside from karaoke) is being invited to speak on podcasts and having amazing conversations with people from all over the world.

    I love how each set of questions challenges my thinking and allows me to discuss core principles in new contexts - it's a great mental workout!

    Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with Shelley Perry on the LivGreater podcast where we covered everything from stepping out of your comfort zone to combating anxiety and soothing the unconscious mind's fears.

    We also spoke about the importance of flexibility in manifesting your desires and I shared practical tips on staying open to various paths and outcomes.

    Plus, some tips on how to start taking action no matter where you are on your journey.

    Finally, we dived into the impact of constant digital stimulation and the relentless pursuit of dopamine hits from electronic devices and how these habits can ultimately affect our perception of reality and ability to achieve meaningful goals!

    Follow LivGreater Podcast



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Revealing Your Patterns: A Path to Self-Awareness and Transformation
    May 27 2024

    You’ve probably heard the saying, “We take ourselves with us wherever we go.”

    But what does that actually mean? How can we spot what we're carrying with us and change what doesn’t serve us?

    It's all about patterns—those sneaky habits and reactions that shape our everyday lives. Patterns are repetitive actions, reactions, and thoughts that show up in every area of our lives. Recognising these patterns is crucial because they influence everything we do.

    In this episode, I’ll show you how to spot these patterns. They’re often predictable and repetitive, like autopilot responses you have in different situations.

    I’ll share real-life examples of common patterns, like procrastination, avoidance, people-pleasing, and perfectionism. These aren’t just isolated issues, they affect multiple areas of your life, impacting you in more ways than you might think!

    Once you recognise these patterns, you can start changing them. I’ll guide you on how to bring unconscious habits into conscious awareness and take steps to transform them.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Breaking Free: Unveiling the Patterns in Love
    May 20 2024

    Listen in to my amazing conversation with Stephanie Flygare on the Dating After Divorce Summit, I think you're going to love it!

    The conversation went deep and I shared all my best insights on how to find deep, committed, and secure love. Trust me, it's a journey worth taking.

    Struggling with confidence, dealing with a toxic relationship and searching for personal fulfilment led me down a completely different path from the one I'd planned.

    These experiences have not only shaped me but have given me the tools to help others break free from mental and emotional blocks.

    One of the biggies we talked about is understanding our patterns in relationships, especially after a divorce.

    We spoke about many juicy things and here are three keys I shared for building successful relationships and how to navigate them:

    • Understanding Your Values
    • Deep Love Strategy
    • Negative Anchors

    We also touched on the power of forgiveness – for yourself and for past partners and how letting go can open up so many new possibilities.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The Invisible Influence Shaping Our Decisions and Life's Direction
    May 13 2024

    Ever wondered why some tasks feel effortless while others are like pulling teeth, even if they're things you desperately want to do?

    It all comes down to a powerful unseen force... your values.

    Values aren't just words we toss around casually; they're the invisible influence of our lives, guiding our choices and actions whether we're aware of it or not.

    You can give yourself the most inspiring pep talk to hit the gym, but if exercise isn't a core value for you, it'll always feel like an uphill battle.

    These aren't the things we wish were important to us or things we think we should care about. I'm talking about the deep-rooted values that quietly drive our every move.

    Many of our values are formed during childhood, shaping our paths without us even realising it.

    In this episode, I dive deep into the world of values, sharing insights on how to uncover yours and conflicts within values that may be holding you back.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Universal Messages - How Life's Surprises Reveal Our Inner Work
    Apr 29 2024

    In this episode, I share a personal story about how the unconscious patterns were driving my behaviour and how to notice and work through them.

    When faced with revelations from the universe, it's tempting to shove them right back down where they came from.

    Rather than confronting the doubts, fears and lack of trust head-on, we often try and fix things by taking more action!

    Or drowning them out with distractions like food, drink, TV, or even more exercise... anything to avoid confronting the discomfort within.

    Change is an inner game - the external world is simply a reflection.

    Continually ignoring the whispers of our unconscious mind, inevitably finds us grappling with the same challenges time & time again.

    Being a prisoner of our mind without realising we hold the key to our freedom.

    Freedom exists when we make peace with ourselves as we are, while also taking deliberate steps towards our desires, dissolving the resistance to life!

    By integrating all aspects of ourselves, we free up our energy, creating space to allow more into our lives.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Do or Do Not: Making the Leap from Trying to Doing
    Apr 22 2024

    As the wise Yoda once said, "Do or do not, there is no try."

    I'm diving deep into this Jedi-level wisdom and unpacking the monumental difference between merely trying and fully committing to doing. And let me tell you, it's a total game-changer for how you approach life.

    Ever found yourself stuck in the perpetual cycle of trying but never quite reaching the doing part? When you finally make that shift from trying to doing, everything changes.

    Trying gives us an easy out, a safety net to fall back on. Whereas, when you wholeheartedly commit to doing, you're all in. No excuses, no safety nets... and that can feel scary!

    When you approach life with the energy of trying, you're constantly holding yourself back. When you embrace the mindset of doing, you step into your power. You take full ownership of your actions, your choices, and your outcomes... this is empowerment.

    Sure, embracing the mindset of doing comes with its own set of challenges and uncertainties - but every stumble, and every setback is essential for growth. Resisting it only creates more resistance, making the journey much harder than it needs to be.

    If you're ready to ditch the excuses, embrace the discomfort and go all in on your dreams, this episode is a must-listen.

    I'll be sharing insights into why you might have been holding back in your efforts and how you can begin to make that powerful shift from trying to doing.



    Guide - Start Before You're Ready Roadmap - 5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease

    Manifestation Masterclass - How to Create Your Reality from the Inside Out

    NLP Masterclass - Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy®


    My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out

    Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma

    Forgiveness Meditation


    Breakthrough Breathwork

    90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call

    Alignment Activator Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)


    Más Menos
    13 m