
  • Love at Work
    Jun 19 2024

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    Today I have a very short episode, but one that is extremely meaningful to me. I'm experimenting with what love looks like in the workplace, and how to be more intentional about where I put that energy. Through my thoughts around boundaries, hugs, feedback, and thank you notes, I come to realize an amazing gift that modern women have in today's workplace... the opportunity to model to others what work could look like if we poured more love and connection into it. Thanks for going on this journey with me, and as always, if you'd like to send me a note, be on an episode, or thank my beautiful son, Lincoln... you can email lincoln.m.mccormick@gmail.com or use the new fan mail option wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Grief and Joy of Empty Nesting with Roger Kastner
    Jun 5 2024

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    I had the honor of meeting Roger toward the end of 2023, and have been blessed to be on his podcast, "What Do You Know To Be True?". Today, he honors me with his presence as we talk about both the joy and grief associated with kiddos growing up and moving out of the house. I felt this topic was important as we embark on this graduation season, and know that Roger's important lessons like, "Time moves on and doesn't care whether you take advantage of it or not," is ever more true for me everyday.


    • Roger's Podcast: What Do You Know To Be True?
    • My episode on Courage
    • How to Stay Connected to Your Teenager

    If you'd like to share your thoughts or comments on this episode, have an idea for an episode, or would like to be a guest, please reach out to me! Also, if you'd like to send Lincoln fan mail, you can write to him (and me) @ Lincoln.m.mccormick@gmail.com. I appreciate all of the messages and truly believe it keeps his energy and memory alive.

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Wisdom of a Trusted Friend
    May 22 2024

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    We've all been there - in the heat of an argument or frustrating situation where our emotions start taking over. The adrenaline is pumping, harsh words are flying, and it feels like things are rapidly spiraling out of control.

    In this episode, I unpack a passage from 1 Samuel 25 in which I discuss the invaluable role a trusted friend can play in being that voice of reason when we're on the verge of making rash decisions we may later regret. I talk about two significant times in my 20s when I was the wrong-doer and how my actions negatively impacted both myself, but the persons involved as well as my community. Keep listening, because toward the end, I even start having my own realizations of how the choice of discipline for our own actions and words is in itself a demonstration of love.


    • The Bible in a Year Podcast w/ Father Mike Schmitz
    • In Sheep's Clothing by Dr. George K. Simon, PhD.

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Walking Through the Wilderness with Patricia Burgin
    May 8 2024

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    Speaking with Patty has left a lasting impression on me. Throughout our conversation and her journey, she’s shared two amazing quote that ring true to me… first "The most important thing is what you do next," and "through grief I learned how big my heart could be." I hope this conversation inspires you to take that step into the wilderness and start living your life like it's the only one you get.


    • Seattle Coach

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Generational Trauma: 7 Sneaky Ways it Can Emerge
    Apr 24 2024

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    Let's dive right into the complex topic of generational trauma - the emotional and psychological wounds that can be passed down through families over generations. I talk today about 7 basic ways that trauma forms over the course of our childhood, often without us even realizing it, and some methods for managing/stopping the cycle that work for me (when I can be present enough to use them).

    Have you ever experienced...

    1. Your emotions being minimized - Being told your feelings are "not that big a deal" or to "get over it"
    2. Being told not to feel a certain way - being prohibited from expressing anger, sadness, or other "undesirable" emotions
    3. Someone comparing their experience to yours - "Your problems aren't as bad as mine were" or "back in my day..."
    4. Someone distracting or redirecting you instead of validating your emotions - Changing the subject rather than listening and acknowledging your feelings
    5. Expressing irritation or impatience with your emotions - Sighs, eye rolls, or blatant annoyance when you open up about how you're feeling
    6. Being called attention-seeking for having big emotions - Dismissing strong feelings as "drama" or you just wanting sympathy
    7. Your perspective being invalidated - Telling you you're "making too big a deal out of it" or that "it wasn't that bad."

    Identifying these subtle patterns is the first step toward breaking free from the cycle of generational trauma. With self-awareness and compassion, we all can start to heal.

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Legacy of Love: Healing and Navigating Life with Emily Graham
    Apr 10 2024

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    In this deeply moving episode, I sit down with Emily Graham, an author, speaker, grief coach, and fellow bereaved mother, to explore the profound journey of grief and healing. Emily opens up about her beautiful son, Cameron, and the lasting impact of grief. Together, we discuss the love vs. fear, navigating friendship changes, and the delicate balance of managing limited energy amidst loss. Emily also discusses a powerful framework she uses to help her make decisions! I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I do.


    • Confessions of Child Loss by Emily Graham
    • Emily's Facebook Page
    • After Child Loss - Helping Bereaved Parents Heal

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • The Epic Power of Grace
    Mar 27 2024

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    Grace is the disposition of offering kindness or compassion to yourself or someone else, ESPECIALLY when it's undeserved. Let that sink in for a minute! Today I delve into the profound concept of grace and its transformative power. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, I share how embracing grace has led me to release the burden of shame and through relatable examples and insights, I hope to show you how grace can become a guiding force for navigating life's challenges with compassion and understanding.


    • The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Struggles in Corporate America - A Story of Grief and Triumph
    Mar 13 2024

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    Ted opens up about his experience navigating the corporate landscape, sharing the grief he felt when his unique skills were overlooked. He takes us through the challenges of finding his place in corporate America, shedding light on the transformative moment that led him to reevaluate his path. Ted delves into his remarkable journey of turning adversity into triumph, channeling his storytelling prowess to focus on communication and development for university students. I hope you enjoy his valuable insights, lessons learned, and the inspiration behind his mission to empower the next generation of leaders.

    Until we meet again <3

    Más Menos
    57 m