
  • Just World Hypothesis | Does ONLY Good things happen to Good people?
    Jun 23 2024
    Does ONLY Good things happen to Good people?
    Just world Hypothesis :
    The just world hypothesis is a belief that many people hold, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is the belief that justice is served and that everyone receives what is due to them. Given that it suggests that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, this view can be consoling.

    However, the truth is far more complex. The world isn't always fair, in actuality. Good people can experience horrible things, and bad people can experience good things. Unpredictability and randomness abound in life, and terrible things can occur for no apparent reason at all. Believing in the just world hypothesis can lead to victim blaming, as people may assume that those who are suffering must have done something to deserve it. This can be harmful and perpetuate injustice. It's important to recognize that the world is not always fair, and to have empathy for those who are struggling.

    if you want to share your suggestions/ experience please write to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Ep. 104 Series : Attachment Style - Secure : I'm valuable. So ARE YOU.
    Jun 2 2024
    I'm Valuable. So Are You.

    Researchers have found that people with secure attachment styles have a “secure-base script,” which is like an internal dialogue they use when faced with difficulties and stress. For example, someone with a secure attachment style might think, “If I am faced with a challenge, I will always have someone to turn to. That person will support me as I move through this obstacle, and they will provide the comfort and support I need to get through it.”- From Mikulincer M, R Shaver P.'s research paper.

    LISTEN to this episode to know more about Secure attachment style. Attachment Style: Secure

    if you want to share your suggestions/ experience please write to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thislifeticket_podcast/
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    13 m
  • Ep. 103 Series : Attachment Style - Anxious- Avoidant : I don't know what to do with Myself?
    May 19 2024
    New Series: Attachment Styles
    Know your & your loved one's attachment style.

    With disorganized attachment, people often are inconsistent and unpredictable in their relationships. People who have a partner with a disorganized attachment style will likely notice a push and pull in the relationship. Sometimes they want them close, and sometimes they do not. Having a hard time being vulnerable with your partner or other loved ones. Experiencing anxiety or fear in relationships at one point and being avoidant at other times. Finding it difficult to regulate your emotions.

    LISTEN to this episode to know more and we can learn how to move from Anxious- Avoidant (or) fearful avoidant ( or) Disorganized to a secure attachment style.

    if you want to share your suggestions/ experience please write to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Ep. 102 Series : Attachment Style - Anxious : Do you still love me?
    May 12 2024
    New Series: Attachment Styles
    Know your & your loved one's attachment style.

    Highly perceptive to their partners' needs, anxious attachers are typically delighted to oblige them. However, individuals frequently project their self-doubt onto their partners' actions because of their anxieties and self-worth issues. When a partner doesn't meet their demands in the manner that the anxious attacher needs, the anxious attacher interprets this as evidence that they are unworthy of love. know more about it in this series.

    if you want to share your suggestions/ experience please write to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep. 101 Series : Attachment Style - Avoidant : Do you avoid being in love or relationship?
    May 5 2024
    New Series: Attachment Styles
    Know your's & your loved one's attachment style.

    This is a broad overview of attachment types. Not everyone can connect to every category, but most will. We use attachment style categories to assist you make sense of the behaviors you adopt to cope with your worries and to help you better comprehend the fears you face in your relationships.
    People who have avoidant attachment styles are afraid of looking foolish. They may put in extra hours to handle this fear in order to appear competent and/or to stay out of trouble. This frequently manifests as shutting down, becoming defensive, arguing details.

    if you want to share your experience please write to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thislifeticket_podcast/
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Ep. 100 Being happy Vs Being distracted from sadness
    Apr 28 2024
    The difference between being happy and being distracted from sadness lies in the depth and authenticity of the emotional experience. Being happy entails experiencing genuine feelings of joy, contentment, and satisfaction. It involves a sense of fulfillment and well-being that arises from positive experiences, meaningful relationships, and a sense of purpose or accomplishment. Genuine happiness is often accompanied by a sense of inner peace and gratitude, and it tends to be long-lasting and sustainable. On the other hand, being distracted from sadness involves using external stimuli or activities to temporarily mask or alleviate feelings of sadness or emotional pain. This could include engaging in work, socializing, entertainment, or other forms of distraction to avoid confronting difficult emotions or situations. While distractions may provide temporary relief, they often do not address the underlying issues or bring lasting happiness. Instead, they serve as a temporary escape or coping mechanism. In essence, being happy is about experiencing genuine positive emotions and finding fulfillment from within, while being distracted from sadness involves seeking external sources of comfort or relief from emotional discomfort.
    I believe you are in the journey of finding your real happiness, if my words give you emotional support in your journey, I'm more happy about it.
    Thank you for wishing on this 100th Episode.
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Ep. 99 HEALING : Inner Child Wounds | Final Part 5
    Apr 14 2024
    thislifeticket #mentalhealth #innerchildwounds

    Find out what the child needs and go about giving it to them, nurture and care for your inner child just the way you would have liked to be cared for growing up and teach your inner child that now, as an adult you’ve got this.
    Learning to re-parent is a process. We need to build trust with our inner child, be reliable and take care of them/ourselves. I have personally found the process to be life-changing.

    share your thoughts to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thislifeticket_podcast/
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep. 98 ABANDONMENT : Inner Child Wound | Part 4
    Apr 7 2024
    thislifeticket #mentalhealth #innerchildwounds

    You might become aware of your worry, perfectionism, fear, or avoidance of particular situations, people, or places. All of these are attempts by your inner kid to feel secure. When the inner child is in charge, it will make decisions about thoughts, actions, and behaviors based on recollections from the past or unconscious beliefs, as well as on what the inner self needs to feel safe. The inner child frequently lacks access to the adult "self" reality and is unaware of how things have changed or how life has altered in the past.
    Know your inner child wound : Abandonment
    Abandonment wound arises from experiences of being physically or emotionally abandoned, rejected, or ignored by caregivers. This can occur through divorce, death, or neglect.

    inner child wound,
    Childhood trauma

    share your thoughts to thislifeticket@gmail.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thislifeticket_podcast/

    #tamilpodcast #mentalhealth #trauma #trustinnerchildhealing #innerchild #innerchildhealingjourney
    Más Menos
    15 m