
  • Can You Be Addicted To Food?
    Jun 4 2024

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    Do you feel like you may be addicted to food, especially those tempting salty and sugary foods? In this episode, I'm diving deep into the heated debate over food addiction. Is it a real thing? Can it be officially diagnosed?

    Is there solid evidence to compare the effects of food on the brain to that of drugs? I'll tackle this and the psychological fallout of demonizing our favorite treats. Plus, I've got insights and resources for anyone feeling at the mercy of their eating habits.

    So... are you ready to get some understanding of what you feel is food addiction? Hit play and free yourself from the confusion surrounding your relationship with food!

    Resources mentioned:
    Systematic review of 32 studies re: neuroimaging of those with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder
    2018 paper published in Neuropsychopharmacology debating the addition of food addiction to the DSM

    The concept of food addiction (00:00)
    The argument for and against food addiction (02:09)
    Defining addiction and comparing food and drug addiction (04:01)
    The Yale Food Addiction Scale (04:54)
    Debate on the existence of food addiction (08:10)
    Factors influencing the perception of food addiction (10:42)
    Summary and approach to overcoming food addiction (06:54)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
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    18 m
  • She Couldn't Enjoy Her Trips Because of Body Insecurities - Here's What Changed (Client Confessional with Varvara)
    May 21 2024

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    Varvara once had a healthy relationship with food, until she moved to the US, where everything changed. Suddenly thrust into the frenzy of American weight-loss culture, she felt like the odd one out in a sea of "lose weight quick" mantras. Varvara found herself in a rut, loathing her reflection in photos and videos.

    As someone who loves to travel, V was determined to break free from binge eating and reclaim her confidence, and that's when she came across my Nourished & Free program.

    In this episode, we talk about her wins, struggles, and transformation in her life, career and mind. So, if you're itching to ditch the self-doubt and feel confident in your skin, this episode is a must-listen!

    Varvara's Background (02:58)
    Shift in her mindset and behavior around food in her 30s (03:48)
    Joining a rigorous weight loss program (05:19)
    Started to binge eat (6:00)
    The effect of body image on Varvara's leadership role (11:16)
    Impact of mindset on her behavior (15:42)
    Coping with Weight Gain (22:45)
    Understanding body fluctuations (25:05)
    Normalizing body weight changes (27:28)
    Tools for coping with changes (29:03)
    Embracing discomfort in the process (33:32)
    Why Varvara decided to join Nourished & Free (36:34)
    Her breakthrough moments & impact of the program (41:38)
    Maintaining progress and confidence (42:40)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

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    45 m
  • Dietitian Reaction: Netflix’s Hack Your Health (with my husband Vincent)
    May 7 2024

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    Join me and my husband Vinnie as we react to the Netflix documentary "Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut." We're dissecting the pros and cons of this 'life-changing' documentary (as my husband called it).

    From the intriguing insights and studies to the eyebrow-raising moments where Vinnie thought a warning should be displayed (or the rating changed to 'R'), we're dishing out our honest opinions.

    Whether you're a health enthusiast or looking to learn more about your gut, and want to know if 'Hack Your Health' is worth your time, tune in as we reveal our honest and unfiltered thoughts to each other on this episode from the perspective of a registered dietitian + my husband (representing the average Joe).

    Resources mentioned:
    Our previous episode about the "You Are What Eat" Netflix documentary

    Share your thoughts with me! michelle@yatesnutrition.com

    Initial thoughts on the documentary (03:01)
    Pros (09:49)
    Adding not taking away food (09:50)
    Lack of shaming (13:31)
    Competitive eater's loss of hunger and fullness signals (16:49)
    Reawakening the senses (17:44)
    Cons (19:56)
    Fecal transplant (20:01)
    Tim Spector's role (22:50)
    Mixed messages and misleading implications (29:07)
    Unclear microbiome mapping (31:47)
    Misleading information about stool testing (00:34:05)
    Subtle promotion of at-home stool tests (00:36:18)
    Our rating of the documentary (00:37:25)
    Would we try the smoothie (00:39:23)
    Romanticizing fruits and vegetables (00:40:49)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

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    42 m
  • Debunking Food Sensitivity Tests (with Andrea Love, PhD)
    Apr 23 2024

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    Have you ever tried a food sensitivity test and felt more confused than ever (or STRESSED than ever)? In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Andrea Love, a renowned microbiologist and immunologist to uncover the truth behind these popular but MAJORLY misleading tests.

    We explore how these tests can fuel anxiety around food choices and dietary restrictions. It's time to question the hype and understand the science behind these tests.

    Are food sensitivity tests truly beneficial or just another health trend gone wrong

    Plus we discuss the responsibility of healthcare practitioners. Are they inadvertently endorsing tests that lack scientific validation for their own monetary gain? Tune in to get the real scoop, be educated by the best and empower yourself with knowledge.

    Resources mentioned:
    Lyme disease diet episode

    More from Dr. Andrea Love:
    Subscribe to her newsletter
    American Lyme Disease Foundation

    Misconceptions related to food sensitivity tests (03:16)
    The lack of FDA approval and regulation (06:21)
    The science behind food allergies (12:05)
    Explaining food intolerances (19:32)
    The difference between food sensitivity and intolerance (24:06)
    IgG antibodies and misconceptions (25:13)
    The challenges in diagnosing food intolerance (31:06)
    Harmful impact of misleading tests (34:03)
    Influence of wellness influencers and experts (39:50)
    Impact on quality of life caused by misleading tests (43:46)
    Elimination Diets and Food Intolerance (51:56)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

    ⭐️ Loved this episode? Leave a 5 star rating on Apple podcasts or Spotify (thank you!)
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    52 m
  • My Intuitive Eating Icks (i.e. Critiques)
    Apr 9 2024

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    Are you ready to challenge everything you thought you knew about intuitive eating and the anti-diet movement? As someone who has been a huge fan of intuitive eating, lately I've started to see some flaws in it.

    Have you ever questioned the cherry-picked data and misleading narratives these intuitive eating coaches push? And what about the contradiction between intuitive eating's support for body autonomy and its rejection of intentional weight loss? These are just two of the 5 icks I open up about in today's episode.

    As a reminder what I share is just my take, it might not hit home for everyone who's into intuitive eating, anti-diet vibes, or Health at Every Size. These are just my general observations and I'd love to hear what you think too!

    Resources mentioned:
    Blog post (find all the references / research mentioned here)
    Email me
    Deep dive episode on Health At Every Size

    Ick 1: The overcorrection around food morality (00:01:01)
    Ick 2: Cherry-picked and misleading data (00:07:50)
    "95% of diets fail" (00:09:06)
    Starvation mode (00:13:33)
    The concept that obesity does not negatively impact health (00:22:27)
    BMI and Body Fat Percentage (00:34:09)
    Ick 3: Intentional weight loss debate (00:36:28)
    Ick 4: Feelings vs. Facts (00:43:15)
    Ick 5: Concerns about intuitive eating coaches (00:46:59)
    Why I struggle supporting Intuitive Eating (00:49:28)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

    ⭐️ Loved this episode? Leave a 5 star rating on Apple podcasts or Spotify (thank you!)
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    52 m
  • Organic Food, is it REALLY any better? (with Dr. Adrian Chavez)
    Mar 26 2024

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    Do you ever wonder if organic food is really worth the extra cost? Well, today I'm joined by Dr. Adrian Chavez, and we chat about what exactly sets organic produce apart, especially when it comes to things like pesticides and nutritional value.

    Adrian is ready to debunk some common misconceptions and shed light on the actual impact of pesticides on our bodies. We explore what the persuasive power of organic food marketing is. Is it influencing our choices more than we realize? Plus, we take a closer look at the contentious "Dirty Dozen" list. Is it a helpful guide or a source of unnecessary worry?

    Stay tuned as we encourage you to keep an open mind and ask the hard questions. After all, the most empowered consumer is an informed one!

    Misconceptions about Organic Foods (00:01:26)
    Definition of Organic (00:02:36)
    Pesticides and Health Concerns (00:03:00
    Nutrient Content of Organic Foods (00:07:54)
    Cost and Accessibility of Organic Foods (00:13:12)
    Pesticide Residue (00:16:05)
    Regulation of Organic Pesticides (00:21:23)
    Neurotoxic and Hormone Disruption (00:22:35)
    Financial Considerations of Organic Produce (00:23:44)
    Organic Farming Practices (00:24:30)
    Long-Term Studies on Organic Food (00:27:25)
    Regulation Differences in Europe and America (00:30:15)
    Dirty Dozen List (00:37:30)
    Organic vs Conventionally Grown Produce(00:42:52)
    Sustainable Habits (00:46:10)

    Dr. Adrian Chavez Links:
    The Nutrition Science Podcast
    ➝Adrian's Organic vs Grass Fed vs Free Range episode

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

    ⭐️ Loved this episode? Leave a 5 star rating on Apple podcasts or Spotify (thank you!)
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    48 m
  • Winning the War Against Food in Your 50s (Client Confessional with Sharlette)
    Mar 12 2024

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    Are you ready to be inspired by a life-changing health journey? One that has been decades in the making...

    In this episode, I'm joined by Sharlette, my past client, and she opens up about her lifelong battle with weight and diet, from struggling in her teens and drinking SlimFast, taking weight loss injections in her 20s to binge eating in her 50s.

    We discussed Sharlette's diet history, why now was the perfect time for her to make a lifelong change and how my program Nourished & Free supported her to eat freely, find joy in moving her body, and be free from the shackles of weight loss pressure.

    Ready to embark on your path to feeling free from the food noise clogging your brain? Let Sharlette's story inspire you to take that first step. Hit play now and be ready to be inspired!

    Sharlette's Journey with Food (00:01:23)
    Struggling with Diets (00:02:49)
    Binge Eating in High School (05:55)
    Struggles with Weight Loss (08:18)
    Negative Relationship with Food (11:10)
    Initial Thoughts About Nourished and Free Program (14:21)
    Sharlette's Transformation in her Approach to Food (17:54)
    Physical and Mental Changes (21:54)
    Freedom from Dieting (23:36)
    Finding Joy in Exercise (25:32)
    Advice for Joining the Program (27:15)
    Long-term Transformation and Freedom (33:18)
    Intuitive Eating and Structure (40:08)
    Moving Forward and Self-coaching (46:13)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

    ⭐️ Loved this episode? Leave a 5 star rating on Apple podcasts or Spotify (thank you!)
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    49 m
  • Intuitive Eating vs. Not Dieting vs. Reverse Dieting - Are they the same?
    Feb 27 2024

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    Is Intuitive Eating really any different from just not dieting? 🤔 Why is it so hard to know what it is and how to do it? But at the same time, you hear people say it's easy to do, and the most sustainable solution for a lifetime of a healthy and nourishing relationship with food. So what's going on? Why are there so many polarizing opinions on the topic?

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the myths, misconceptions and mistakes I commonly see when someone starts to eat intuitively. I'm also putting it up against not dieting and how intuitive eating has its own process, as well as how reverse dieting isn't the same as intuitive eating (hint: that's still a diet, while intuitive eating isn't) 🚫

    So if you've been curious about healing your relationship with food by intuitively eating but weren't sure how it differs from just not dieting then this episode is made for you!


    Introducing Intuitive Eating (01:00)
    Challenges of Implementing Intuitive Eating (01:17)
    Difference Between Intuitive Eating and Not Dieting (02:23)
    Importance of Understanding Intuitive Eating (06:40)
    Misconceptions and Challenges in Intuitive Eating (07:50)
    Impact of Health at Every Size and Body Positivity (09:59)
    Intentionality in Intuitive Eating (12:18)
    Difference Between Intuitive Eating and Reverse Dieting (13:42)


    What is Intuitive Eating Blog Post (good place to start for learning the basics)

    The HAES® Controversy: Is it Evidence-Based? with Dr. Idz (@dr_idz)

    🔥 My Signature 4-Month Program, Nourished & Free
    📲 Follow me on Instagram (you'll get to know me pretty quickly!)
    📖 Check out my Blog for tons of helpful articles

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    Más Menos
    18 m