
  • 115 - What to do when it feels like no one supports you
    Mar 19 2024

    Do you feel like your family and friends don’t support you with your illness?

    I’ve been there.

    We all want the world to give a monkey’s when we get sick. We’ve had a life-altering experience, why isn’t the world feeling this too?

    Episodes mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 113

    Episode 114

    Book a discovery call here

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    4 m
  • 114 - Cultivate self-kindness
    Mar 12 2024

    When we are kind to ourselves, it can help us to respond more effectively when we face challenges as it can help us to feel what we are feeling, and by being kind to ourselves it can make it easier to be kind to others.

    When we are kind to ourselves it can seem like we’re making excuses. For instance, when we are exhausted and feeling unwell the kind thing to do would be to rest, but instead we see this as laziness.

    We wouldn't do that to others.

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    Más Menos
    6 m
  • 113 - 3 ways to rebuild self-esteem without validation from others
    6 m
  • 112 - 3 shifts for keeping house with a chronic illness
    Feb 27 2024

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been the type of person that keeps my house immaculate, almost to show home level.

    Pre-illness I used to get home from food shopping on a Saturday morning, and would blitz my way through the entire house in a couple of hours. But when I got sick, it could take all day to work through the smallest room, let alone the whole house.

    When I got sick I really struggled with how unclean the house felt. In some ways, I was too unwell to care. In others, having an unclean house made me feel worse.

    So these are the 3 shifts I had to make.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • 111 - Small step strategies for when the world feels against you.
    Feb 20 2024

    Do you ever feel like the world is against you?  You just want one thing to be simple and straightforward so you can cross it off the list.

    We all have moments when one problem comes after another, leaving you feeling like the world is against you. You try to stay on top of things but it feels like the harder you try, the worse things get, and the problems just keep on coming. The worry brings the anxiety, which brings the sleep problems, which brings eating the crappy food, and the cycle continues.

    But in order for you to believe that the world is on your side, and not against you, to get your thoughts and emotions back under control, you take small steps, one at a time.

    These are my favourite small step strategies to do just that.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 110 - 5 energy vampires making you tired
    Jan 30 2024

    Today I talk about 5 energy vampires that can cause mental, physical and emotional fatigue.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • 109 - Healthy ways to get your happiness hormones
    Nov 21 2023

    Today I talk about the healthy ways you can get those happiness hormones. 
    Happiness hormones are the chemicals that our body naturally produces to increase our wellbeing.

    Click here for shownotes

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    5 m
  • 108 - Things that happen as you leave survival mode
    Nov 13 2023

    Today I want to talk about the things that can happen when our nervous system comes out of survival mode.

    Click here for shownotes

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    5 m