
  • Leading a Small Group Toward Spiritual Growth 2–Preparation
    Jun 18 2024
    To lead your small group toward spiritual growth requires preparation for the leader. Kelly Arabie joins Kay Daigle in the second podcast in this series of three so small group leaders can prepare well to be ready for the group meeting. Sometimes we think of leading a small group as simply getting each member to talk and at the same time keeping the conversation on track. But if our goal is spiritual growth for the group members, it requires more than showing up and reading questions from the lesson. This kind of leadership requires deliberate preparation in several areas for the leader. You can connect to the video version if you prefer, and don't miss the helpful resources found below. Feel free to contact BOW at kay@beyondordinarywomen.org if you have questions. If you missed Part 1 of this series, Essentials, connect to the podcast. Action Points for Leading a Small Group Toward Spiritual Growth 2: Preparation (FYI: You can download the pdf version of these Action Points as well as the “Asking Open Questions” resource linked below under Resources.) Journal about these questions, or discuss them with a more experienced leader: What has been your understanding of discipleship previously? How does it differ from what you heard on this video? How is your learning different when it arises in a group discussion than when it comes from a sermon or lecture? What most excites you about leading this kind of group? Resources for Small Group leaders Action Points for Leading a Small Group Toward Spiritual Growth (PDF) Asking Open Questions (PDF) Women's Bible Study Small Group Leader Handbook (PDF) Leading Small Groups (webpage) Listening Well series Asking Powerful Questions series 3 Practices for Spiritually Growing Small Groups (post) 3 Suggestions for Powerful Group Prayer (post) Building Community in Small Groups? Share Life Stories (post) 5 Steps to a Terrible Small Group (post) Podcast Topics 0:33 Intro & defining a disciple 3:53 Discipleship in a small group 4:48 What is the role of the small group leader then? 5:42 What does the leader's preparation look like? 7:51 What does shepherding the group members look like? 8:18 Preparing in prayer 9:36 Preparing through the content 10:48 Action points for processing this episode
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Leading a Small Group Toward Spiritual Growth–Essentials
    Jun 4 2024
    What essentials are necessary to lead your small group to spiritual growth? You can take actions right now that will help! Incorporate a few necessary ingredients to foster discipleship in your group, and listen to the encouraging ideas from Kelly Arabie, BOW Ministry Team Member, and you'll soon be focusing on the essentials to lead your group toward spiritual growth yourself. In this first of three episodes from a conversation, Kelly shows her shepherd's heart, and she explains and illustrates these necessary ingredients for Kay Daigle, Founder of Beyond Ordinary Women. And alternately, you can connect to the video version if you want to watch the conversation and also listen in. And please don't miss browsing the helpful resources found below for leading small groups. Do you have questions? Contact Kay Daigle today at kay@beyondordinarywomen.org. Action Points for Leading a Small Group Toward Spiritual Growth 1: Essentials Reflect on these questions by personal journaling or having a conversation with a like-minded friend: What experiences have shaped your personal growth in small groups? What would your ideal small group achieve? What would it have to look like to make that happen? Evaluate which area of a healthy Bible study small group found below you most need help with and consider why: Peer Learning Bible-based questions Care Practical skills leading a discussion Reflect on this question through journaling or conversation with a like-minded friend: If you have never led a group, which area most concerns you and why? Resources: Action Points for Leading a Small Group Toward Spiritual Growth (PDF) Asking Open Questions (PDF) Women's Bible Study Small Group Leader Handbook (PDF) Leading Small Groups (page) Listening Well series Asking Powerful Questions series 3 Practices for Spiritually Growing Small Groups (post) 3 Suggestions for Powerful Group Prayer (post) Building Community in Small Groups? Share Life Stories (post) 5 Steps to a Terrible Small Group (post)
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    13 m
  • Recognizing Rape Culture with Dr. Joy Skarka
    May 21 2024
    What is rape culture? Dr. Joy Skarka joins Kay Daigle to discuss it and ways to better care for and support victims in the church. Often the church is guilty of supporting rape culture. Joy speaks from her personal experience as well as her study and ministry focus on sexuality with Authentic Intimacy. This is a must-see episode for every disciple of Jesus. You can choose to watch it on video if you prefer. Don't miss the helpful resources found below. Topics: 2:26 - Joy's story 4:01 – Clarification of terminology 5:26 – What is rape culture? 6:40 – Why do women not report rape? 9:51 – Christians often encourage rape culture 12:00 - Pornography's contribution 14:02 - An example from a sermon 15:47 – Women are Jezebels and men can’t control themselves – what do we do with that type of thinking? 20:26 – The theology of women taught in our churches affects the handling of sexual abuse claims. 21:46 – What practical steps can a woman in leadership in her church take to care for women who deal with sexual assault? 24:04 - Responding well to a woman who has been raped 26:18 - What can women do about “locker room” talk? 29:15 – Final encouragement Resources: Suggested resources from Joy Resources for Recognizing Rape Culture (PDF) Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters by Juli Slattery We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis by Mary DeMuth Interview with Dr. Sandra Glahn, Author of Vindicating the Vixens Sexual Abuse & the Church with Mary DeMuth
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    33 m
  • Best Practices for Women’s Bible Studies with Dr. Kay Daigle
    May 7 2024
    Dr. Kay Daigle and Kelly Arabie discuss practical ideas for Bible study leadership—small group leaders, administrators and teachers. You can watch this episode on video. See also Leading Small Groups, Bible Study Evaluation and Small Group Leader Handbook.
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Persevering in Ministry Through Hard Times with Virginia Grounds
    Apr 23 2024
    Virginia Grounds joins Sharifa Stevens to share her suggestions for how to keep going when encountering tough times. Virginia speaks from her many years of ministry experience, and any disciple of Christ will find her suggestions helpful when life is difficult. You can connect to the video version if you prefer. Virginia's outline is available to download.
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Purity Culture: A Corrective with Dr. Sandra Glahn & Sharifa Stevens
    Apr 9 2024
    Dr. Sandra Glahn of DTS joins Sharifa Stevens of the BOW Ministry Team to discuss purity culture--why it came about, where it went wrong and how it can be corrected to be more biblical. Alternately you can watch it on video. Connect to the accompanying resources.
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Why Take a Personal Retreat? with Jodie Niznik
    Mar 26 2024
    Jodie Niznik, author, speaker and Bible teacher, joins Kay Daigle to discuss why a personal retreat is so essential for a healthy spiritual life, especially for leaders. Optionally, you can watch this conversation.
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Becoming Pursuers of God with Michelle Clifford
    Mar 12 2024
    Are the Christians in your church stuck, not growing, not knowing how to live their faith out? Michelle Clifford has created a unique curriculum, Pursuit, to develop passionate followers of Christ. In this BOW podcast episode, she and team member Kelley Mathews discuss why she created it, its elements, how it works and what how Pursuit is different from the programs we often consider discipleship.
    Más Menos
    32 m