I'm not proud

of that spiteful little shadow that perches on my shoulder and whispers petty comments in my ear, but it is what it is. When our babysitter cancelled on me the other day because she was laid up with a broken foot, all I could think about was how annoyed I was that she went on that stupid rock climbing trip in the first place. (But don’t worry, I showed up with a plate of her favorite Greek pastries the next day, I’m not a monster!)

On the flip side, I’m always dying to know everyone else’s secret thoughts. Enter Lori Gottlieb, the therapist whose new memoir Maybe You Should Talk to Someone reveals what your shrink is really thinking about when you’re on the couch. As a former TV writer (she worked on ER and Friends! She knew George Clooney and Jennifer Aniston before they were famous!!), Gottlieb has an amazing instinct for storytelling, and her memoir is my everything right now. It’s like a cozy blanket I can wrap around me and my little inner demon while we enjoy a story together.

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