Not gonna lie,

it’s been a rough couple of weeks for me personally and I haven't been in too funny of a mood. I won’t get into it, but I will say that when I’ve needed a little lightening up, I’ve been turning to comedy. Watching some stand-up specials, listening to some comedy audiobooks, and even blending the two by listening to some stand-up like Hampton Yount’s Able. It’s a short listen, but it gave me some stuff to laugh about while making it through a very slow, very crowded, and very stressful subway ride to Brooklyn.

If I had to pick a theme for this month’s lineup (not that I do, but I need to tie a knot on this thing somehow), I guess it has to with laughing through the hard stuff and trying to find a little lightness when you can. I didn’t realize it when I was picking these titles, but they all have that in common with one another. Not to be all corny and whatever, but hopefully if you’re not feeling great these days either, maybe these listens can help lighten you up, too.

- Aaron, Audible editor

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