Quincy Jones on the creative process and life lessons

Quincy Jones on the creative process and life lessons

In his first-ever music producer Quincy Jones uses personal narrative and insights to impart advice for creatives over a series of 12 chapters (each one aptly named after a note on a musical scale). Here, he talks about why he wants to share his wisdom now and what he hopes listeners will glean from 12 Notes.

Why did you decide to share 12 Notes now?

As alluded to in the book’s introduction, 2015 was a major turning point in my life; I quit drinking alcohol after many decades of it being a part of the fabric of my being. And after making the jump, all of my memories came flooding back to me in the most clear form that I had ever experienced. Most importantly, they carried new perspectives with them. This book is the final product of years of distilling those perspectives into crucial pieces of advice that I want to share with anyone looking to break through the walls that often withhold creativity. I’ve published many books before, but those pages were filled with mostly biographical sketches of my life and tips on, specifically, production. 12 Notes is my way of extracting the lessons I’ve learned in my 89 years of life and sharing practical steps people can take to heighten their creative senses, achieve goals, and above all, remain a functioning human at the end of it.

What audience did you have in mind when you sat down to create 12 Notes?

People of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses. I’ve lived through every single year up until 89, and there’ve been valuable lessons learned at the dawn of each of them. Although this book has specific tips and advice for people who are just beginning their careers, there’s also specific suggestions for those who’ve been fortunate to live a bit more life. I’m a firm believer that anyone, at any age, can learn from others, either older or younger, if they only open their heart and soul to receive a message. So, whether you are 8 or 88, I pray this book has something in it for you!

What do you hope listeners walk away feeling?

Replenished and Inspired. Books are an incredible form of communication, because it’s as if the reader gets to have a one on one conversation with the author. I always enjoy getting to meet people before and after my shows, but even then, there’s only time for a quick exchange. But when I get to talk to my readers through a book, it feels like I’ve been given the rare gift of being able to sit and talk to them for hours on end. It’s a privilege that I don’t take lightly. And having my book available on Audible is even more special, because not only do recipients get to read my thoughts—they get to hear them. So, I hope that my words can fill you with hope, if you’re in a dark place; affirm you, if you are on the right track; inspire you to dream bigger, if you’ve already surpassed your highest goal. There’s always more to live for, so keep on keepin’ on!