All Grown Up: Must-Listens for Aging Millennials

All Grown Up: Must-Listens for Aging Millennials

Hi, I’m Robyn, and I’m a Millennial. What image popped into your head just now? Was it a 22-year-old cellphone addict who lives in her parents’ basement? Surprise: we Millennials are now officially middle aged 🤯. Yep, we love emojis, but we’re also making critical life decisions about things like parenting, taking care of our families, and saving for retirement. Some of us even hold elected office or sit in the C-Suite.

Personally, I think being a Millennial is great! I don’t suffer from the gloom and cynicism of Gen X, and I’m not plagued with as much uncertainty about my future as Gen Z. I came of age reaping the benefits of apps, social media, and the sharing economy, and thanks to graduating into one of the worst job markets in history, I’m used to rolling up my sleeves. When faced with a challenge, my first thought as a Millennial is "There’s got to be a solution to this, and I bet someone else has already found it." I like to think of us as "The Google Generation." We know there's a world of information out there (and we know to double-check our sources).

My friend Katie, however, hasn’t been feeling quite so optimistic. We were having brunch a few weeks ago (avocado toast, what else?) when she admitted she’s been panicking about turning 30. After having fully embraced the stereotype of the youthful Millennial, her looming thirtieth birthday has been giving her an identity crisis. As an elder Millennial who’s already seen this milestone come and go, she hoped I would have some advice for her. Reader, did I ever!

As I look back over my suggestions for Katie and other Millennials who are approaching middle age, I can’t help but notice that the common thread is self-reliance. What a gift! To quote a song from the year I was born, Millennials everywhere are “doing it for themselves.” It’s OK that we’re getting older, because we’re standing on our own two feet, taking charge at work, at home, and with our families, and hey—we’re probably going to save the planet, too.