Listens For (Almost) Every Financial Situation

Listens For (Almost) Every Financial Situation

Maybe you’ve devised a surefire way to win the lottery. Or perhaps you’re counting on some Dickensian twist, like a heretofore unknown aunt leaving you a vast estate in her will. But probably not, which means it’s up to you to take control of your finances.

Budgeting, planning for retirement, and investing can seem intimidating — but honestly, it’s not rocket science. I should know. I’m the host of , a weekly podcast that helps people save more, spend less, and invest better (and have a pretty good time doing it).

There are plenty of books that offer personal finance advice. Perhaps too many books, in fact. It’s hard to know which one is best for you and your situation.

But have no fear, a Fool is here … to pass along a list of some of the best books out there that can help you along your path to financial awesomeness. By listening, you can master your money even while you are busy commuting to work, doing dishes, or walking the dog.