The best audiobooks to feed your ever-growing plant obsession

The best audiobooks to feed your ever-growing plant obsession

Plant ownership has experienced a huge spike over the past two years, and it’s easy to understand why. Even I became entrapped in the classic race-to-the-greenest-living-room challenge (not actually a thing). Imagine this: just a year and a half ago, I had a Money Tree, some tiny Dracaneas, and a Golden Pothos. Now I have more than 60 plants, including an Anthurium Crystallinum, Philodendron Squamiferum, Mint Florida Ghost, and a Pink Princess Philodendron, among many others. My local shop owner even joked that I was there more often than he was...but I don’t think he was joking. All of that to say, my plant parent journey has been real.

With such a wide variety of plants appropriate for all skill levels, almost anyone can jump in. Rather than write ourselves off as hopelessly black-thumbed, many more of us are becoming confident in our ability to keep our green friends alive and thriving. And with guides and apps to help us keep even the most difficult plants healthy (looking at you, Alocasias, Calatheas, and Succulents), anyone can quickly turn their living space into something more jungle-like. 

But when you’re done reading over every guide on the internet (something I’ve become very familiar with), it’s beneficial to learn about the many aspects of plants and our relationship to them. From their diverse medicinal applications to their amazing intelligence, plants have so much to teach us beyond their specific care. To help, we’ve compiled a list of audiobooks to help you dive much deeper into the world of plants than you ever intended to. Then again, you also only intended to buy that one plant…remember? 

If you’re only looking for an in-depth plant guide, the first two selections on this list are sure to help. But if you’re ready to take that next step and learn everything there is to know about the world of plants, read on! Happy growing! 

P.S.: Pictured below are 12 of my 60+ plants. These are particularly special and are currently housed in a makeshift IKEA greenhouse setup.

Top level plants from left to right: Anthurium Crystallinum, Philodendron Birkin, Pink Princess Philodendron, Syngonium Albo, Mint Florida Ghost, Anthurium 'Fingers'

Bottom Level plants from left to right: Nerve Plant, Purple Passion, Monstera Siltepecanea, Philodendron Sqamiferum, Cebu Blue Pothos
