Narrator Bahni Turpin loves India, Atwood, and Alan Cumming

Narrator Bahni Turpin loves India, Atwood, and Alan Cumming

If you've heard it, you know it: Bahni Turpin's warm, versatile, and intelligent voice is the X factor in so many of our favorite listens. She's been on our radar since well before her reading of Angie Thomas's made her a household name with audiobook fans, and her latest performances have only confirmed her star power. A case in point is one of our favorite listens of 2020: the enthralling short story , written exclusively for audio by author Tayari Jones. It's hard to imagine a better conduit for the high-wire drama of twin sisters who hatch a plan to retrieve a precious family heirloom. In fact, if her own listening is any indication, complex dramas with a side of mystery are right up Turpin's alley. Here, she tells us what makes three of her favorite listens so special.