Cults—and their leaders, followers, beliefs, and rituals—are fascinating. There’s something endlessly curiosity-inducing about stories of seemingly ordinary people who get wrapped up in groupthink that quickly veers into dangerous territory. Part of the appeal is because we think it could never happen to us, even though we suspect, deep down, that it absolutely could.

What ultimately drives people to join cults or cult-like organizations? What will they be willing to do to remain a vital member? These outstanding cult podcasts explore the answers to these questions and so much more.

Darkness of the World
Coffee And Cults
Escape From Jonestown
Heaven's Gate
Escaping NXIVM
Let's Talk About Sects
Was I In A Cult?
Two Sisters and a Cult
Dear Franklin Jones
Transmissions From Jonestown
The Cult Vault
Trust Me: Cults, Extreme Belief, and Manipulation
Chasing Enlightenment
Sounds Like A Cult
Twin Flames (Ad-Free)