• 641 MSP Success Story: Unbound Digital
    Jun 6 2024

    The episode kicks off with Uncle Marv providing updates on his recent trip to IT Nation Secure and the new podcast sponsor, TruGrid. He then welcomes Jason and Rachel Miller to discuss what makes a successful MSP.

    The Millers share their experience of renovating their new office building, which was previously the Johnson City Chamber of Commerce building. They discuss the challenges they faced, including dealing with outdated features like parquet flooring and asbestos.

    A significant turning point for their business was the decision to shed their residential customer base and focus solely on business clients. This shift allowed them to streamline their operations and adopt a more specialized approach tailored to the needs of commercial clients.

    When it comes to financial management, the Millers take a pragmatic approach. While they don't strictly follow methodologies like Profit First, Rachel employs her accounting background to maintain a pulse on the business's financial health. Their focus is on retaining customers and ensuring high levels of satisfaction, rather than rigidly adhering to KPIs or billable hour targets.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Transitioning from residential to business clients was a pivotal moment for the Millers' MSP.
    • Renovating an old building presented unique challenges but allowed them to create a customized office space.
    • Customer satisfaction and retention are prioritized over strict adherence to KPIs or billable hour targets.
    • Rachel's accounting background plays a crucial role in the financial management of the business.

    Links from the show:

    Tennessee Man Attempts to Enroll at High School to Pursue Minor: https://tinyurl.com/3ytt3hfn

    Naked Florida Man Crashes into Jail: https://tinyurl.com/2jphsc5t

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 640 Interviews from Tampa - SuperOps Super Summit
    Jun 1 2024

    Uncle Marv here with the scoop from the SuperOps Super Summit. This was a tweener episode, recorded between conferences to give you the inside scoop.

    First up, I caught up with Arvind, the big boss at SuperOps. He filled me in on the Summit being their 7th event, with a focus on MSP education and networking rather than sales pitches. Arvind shared how SuperOps has grown from an unknown to a recognized brand in the last 18 months, thanks to their great product and making themselves available to the MSP community.

    Next, I grabbed Damo, the VP of Products. This guy has been building enterprise software for 20 years, but he really digs working on products that contribute to real people's growth and success. Damo encouraged listeners to join the SuperOps community to experience the full value beyond just the product.

    Then I had a chat with Chris Cool, who recently joined SuperOps after being impressed by their technology and people. Chris shared his journey from the copier world to IT consulting, initially outsourcing everything before deciding to bring it all under one roof with SuperOps.

    Finally, I connected with Juan Fernandez, the SuperOps Channel Chief. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for that interview in the next episode!

    Key Takeaways

    • SuperOps focuses on providing an exceptional experience for MSPs, not just a product
    • Their events prioritize MSP education and networking over sales pitches
    • The company has grown rapidly by making themselves available to the MSP community
    • New customers like Chris Cool are drawn by SuperOps' technology and people

    Links from the Show:

    Super Summit Website: https://supersummit.com/

    The MSP Owner's Handbook: https://amzn.to/4c4rnSa

    Lead It Like Lasso: https://amzn.to/3KmUbtc

    The Pumpkin Plan for Managed Service Providers: https://amzn.to/3R5L57V

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    36 mins
  • 639 ASCII Celebrates 40 Years
    May 30 2024

    ASCII was founded in the early 1980s when Alan Weinberger recognized that independent computer dealers and service providers were the smartest people in the industry, acting as trusted advisors to clients. Over 40 years later, that core vision remains - ASCII elevates managed service providers (MSPs) by leveraging the collective power of over 1,300 members and 10,000 employees across North America.

    The community provides immense value through group purchasing discounts, educational resources, networking opportunities, and the ability to subcontract work across geographies. Members drive new programs and initiatives through the advisory board, such as the popular SPARC peer groups where MSPs openly discuss business challenges.

    Looking ahead, ASCII is enhancing its global presence with instant translation capabilities, allowing members worldwide to collaborate seamlessly. The fundamental mission endures - empowering independent IT businesses by giving them a powerful collective voice while remaining vendor-neutral.

    Key Takeaways

    • ASCII celebrates 40 years as the oldest, largest independent IT community
    • Provides collective bargaining power, education, and networking for MSPs
    • Members drive new programs through advisory board and peer groups
    • Expanding global reach with instant translation for international collaboration
    • Remains vendor-neutral, elevating independent IT businesses as trusted advisors

    Alan Weinberger: Founder, CEO and Chairman of The ASCII Group Inc. - https://www.ascii.com/

    • Proud of the personal relationships and trust built between ASCII members over 40 years
    • Sees ASCII's bottom-up approach, driven by member ideas through the advisory board, as a key differentiator from vendors
    • Plans to enhance global presence with instant translation for international collaboration
    • Uses analogies to elevate the importance of MSPs, drawing parallels to doctors, pilots, etc.
    • Believes the public undervalues MSPs compared to regulated professions like medicine

    Alysia Vetter: Vice President of Marketing at The ASCII Group Inc.

    • Proud of the nurturing environment and team assembled by Alan at ASCII
    • Appreciates having full access to membership to understand their pain points
    • Highlights Alan's role in creating a "beautiful community" for members and staff over 4 decades

    David Stinner: Founder & President at US itek, MSP Workforce - https://www.usitek.com/

    • Sits on the ASCII advisory board to provide input on new programs, vendors, and educational topics
    • Involved in launching the ASCII SPARC peer group program, which allows MSPs to openly discuss business challenges
    • Leveraged relationships built through ASCII to get a major client opportunity by gathering video testimonials
    • Values the relationships and trust factor within the ASCII community

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    32 mins
  • 638 Defining Your Ideal Client for Effective MSP Marketing
    May 30 2024

    Revisiting Strategic Marketing Planning

    We kick things off by revisiting the concept of having a strategic marketing plan before executing tactics. Tim explains that most businesses get the sequencing wrong - you need to define your target market and ideal clients first, then identify where they are and what messaging will resonate with them. This "fuel" informs the marketing "vehicles" or tactics you'll use. Tim outlines his three power questions to identify ideal clients: who do you love working with, who are your most profitable clients (based on gross profit, not just revenue), and which clients are you getting the best results for? Clients that check all three boxes are your sweet spot to target.

    Defining Your Target Market

    From there, Tim walks through a process for defining your target market:

    1. Analyze the demographics of your ideal clients - industries, roles/titles, company sizes, etc.
    2. Dig into the psychographics - their pain points, goals, aspirations, and the results they want.
    3. Evaluate if the market is viable by looking at size, buying power, accessibility, and growth potential.

    As you go through this exercise, smaller sub-groups or niches will emerge that you can focus your marketing efforts on more effectively.

    Researching Where Your Ideal Clients Congregate

    The final piece is understanding where your ideal clients get information and spend time online/offline. Tim recommends using AI tools like Perplexity to research things like:

    • Influencers they follow
    • YouTube channels they watch
    • Podcasts they listen to
    • Social media groups they're in
    • Forums and online communities
    • Email lists they subscribe to
    • Associations, trade shows, and events they attend

    This creates a roadmap of all the places you can get in front of your target audience through marketing activities and strategic partnerships.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Define your ideal clients before executing marketing tactics
    • Ask: Who do you love working with, who's most profitable, and who get the best results for?
    • Analyze demographics, psychographics, and market viability to identify your target
    • Use AI to research where your ideal clients congregate online and offline
    • Focus your marketing efforts on the channels/platforms your target audience uses

    Links from the show:

    Rialto Marketing website: https://www.rialtomarketing.com/

    AI-powered conversational search engine: https://www.perplexity.ai/

    81-Year-Old California Man was a slingshot terrorist for 10 years: https://tinyurl.com/yc2yj249

    Florida Woman jumps from Naples pier after sex to escape police: https://tinyurl.com/bdzazusw

    Florida Mom Offers man sex with her 10-year-old daughter for $5: https://tinyurl.com/2ambnhsw

    Florida Man Goes Viral on Wheel of Fortune: https://tinyurl.com/yrucnve6

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    54 mins
  • 637 Pax8 Beyond 2024 Preview with Rob Rae
    May 24 2024

    Catching Up with Rob Rae

    Rob reflects on his first year at Pax8, describing the experience as intense but rewarding. He's impressed by the company's commitment to the MSP channel and the executive team's vision. Pax8 has rapidly expanded to 39 countries with 5,000 partners, giving Rob opportunities to visit places like Lithuania and witness the global MSP community firsthand.

    Pax8 Beyond 2024 Preview

    The upcoming Pax8 Beyond conference (June 9-11 in Denver) promises new innovations, education tracks for different MSP roles, and community networking. Rob emphasizes the value of vendor user conferences for MSPs to see where their investments are going and ensure alignment with the vendor's roadmap.

    The conference will feature five persona-based tracks, including a business growth track. While some attendees may take breaks, Rob aims to deliver compelling content that attracts engagement. He's excited to have new CEO Scott Massey, a tech-focused leader, involved in shaping the product roadmap and support experience.

    Pax8's Global Footprint and Future

    In October 2024, Pax8 will host its first European user conference in Berlin, designed to provide equal value to MSPs worldwide. As Pax8 continues its rapid international expansion, Rob is enthusiastic about the global MSP community's growth potential.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Pax8 is rapidly expanding globally, now with 5,000 partners in 39 countries
    • The Pax8 Beyond 2024 conference will feature new innovations, education tracks, and networking opportunities
    • Vendor user conferences allow MSPs to validate their investments and align with the vendor's roadmap
    • Pax8 will host its first European user conference in Berlin in October 2024
    • The company's tech-focused leadership aims to deliver strong products and support for MSPs worldwide

    Links from the show:

    Pax8 Beyond 2024: https://www.pax8beyond.com

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    29 mins
  • 636 Florida Man Tech Stories
    May 23 2024

    N-able RMM Rant

    For two straight days, my RMM provider N-Able has been experiencing an SSO issue, preventing me from logging in or properly accessing client devices and endpoints. While I had alternate methods to connect with clients, it was still incredibly frustrating, especially for those who solely rely on the RMM for remote support. I empathize with those who were unable to work due to this issue. Every vendor experiences problems, but it's crucial how they respond and resolve it. I'm not happy it's gone unresolved for two days, but we'll see what happens tomorrow.

    Health and Wellness in the Tech Industry

    Ron attended the MSP Geek conference, which had a refreshing focus on health and wellness for those in the tech industry. Sessions covered topics like meditation, mindfulness, and avoiding burnout – aspects often overlooked in our field. It's an important discussion as we tend to neglect our well-being.

    Upcoming Hire and Cybersecurity Focus

    Ron is excited to welcome a new team member starting on June 3rd after her month-long break. She'll be focusing on cybersecurity, having studied business with a cybersecurity concentration. It'll be great to have that expertise on board, especially as clients increasingly prioritize cybersecurity.

    Key Takeaways

    • Have backup remote access methods for clients beyond your primary RMM
    • The tech industry needs to prioritize mental and physical health
    • Cybersecurity is becoming a crucial focus for MSPs

    Links from the show

    • Florida Man Documents History of Landmark Computers: https://tinyurl.com/3rzdj4zy
    • Florida Man Sues Apple for Culture of Dumpster Diving: https://tinyurl.com/5ecyevf7
    • Florida Kid Called 911 over PlayStation Outage: https://tinyurl.com/37ubvs8u
    • Florida Man buys $140,000 Porsche with Check Printed at Home: https://tinyurl.com/5x9pdpyd
    • Florida Man Arrested in $800,000 Cryptocurrency Theft Scheme: https://tinyurl.com/4hab9my2

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 2 mins
  • 635 Kaseya's Nadir Merchant - Cooper, Copilot and More
    May 17 2024

    Nadir explains that his primary focus is understanding customer needs and ensuring that Kaseya's product roadmaps address those needs. He emphasizes the importance of building a cohesive ecosystem where different modules work together seamlessly.

    One of Nadir's key initiatives is the IT Glue Copilot, which leverages AI to automate documentation management tasks. This includes creating, curating, and making documentation more accessible to users. The Copilot suggests related items based on machine learning algorithms trained on individual customer data.

    Nadir stresses that Kaseya is taking a judicious approach to AI integration, focusing on delivering tangible outcomes rather than simply slapping an "AI" label on existing features. He highlights the importance of building a culture around documentation within organizations.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Kaseya is integrating AI to enhance documentation management and accessibility.
    • The IT Glue Copilot suggests related items based on machine learning algorithms.
    • Kaseya's approach to AI is focused on delivering tangible outcomes for customers.
    • Building a culture around documentation is crucial for effective knowledge sharing.

    Links from the show:

    IT Glue Copilot: https://www.itglue.com/copilot/

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    20 mins
  • 634 Uncle Marv Visits Kaseya - Leaves Without Incident
    May 17 2024

    Marv explains that Kaseya had been inviting him to visit their offices for several months, and he finally accepted their invitation. He clarifies that he was not acquired by Kaseya and that his MSP business and podcast will continue as usual.

    During the visit, Marv had open and honest discussions with Kaseya representatives. He expressed his experiences with their products and acknowledged both positive and negative feedback from the community. Kaseya provided presentations on their IT Complete platform, security solutions, and network management offerings.

    Marv highlights Kaseya's recent pricing announcement for Kaseya 365, which he believes makes their platform accessible to smaller MSPs and solo practitioners. He also mentions changes to pricing for their networking products and a new VPN solution.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Marv was not acquired by Kaseya, and his business operations remain unchanged.
    • Kaseya's new pricing model aims to attract smaller MSPs and solo practitioners.
    • Kaseya provided updates on their IT Complete platform, security solutions, and network management offerings.
    • Marv had open discussions with Kaseya representatives about their products and community feedback.

    Links from the show:

    Kaseya website: https://www.kaseya.com/

    Kaseya 365, Revolutionary New Offering: https://tinyurl.com/54v929yp

    === Show Information

    Website: https://www.itbusinesspodcast.com/

    Host: Marvin Bee

    Uncle Marv’s Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3EiyKoZ

    Become a monthly supporter: https://www.patreon.com/join/itbusinesspodcast?

    One-Time Donation: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unclemarv

    === Music:

    Song: Upbeat & Fun Sports Rock Logo

    Author: AlexanderRufire

    License Code: 7X9F52DNML - Date: January 1st, 2024

    Show more Show less
    11 mins