• How To Do The Right Thing... Effortlessly
    Jun 12 2024

    All was well until thought crept over the fence and destroyed our experience of life!

    All thinking leads to over-thinking. All thinking is flawed. And all flawed thinking leads you to thinking that you are flawed.

    Flawed and undeserving, little in comparison to how grand you really are.

    Using our mind that normal way, we sleepwalk through our lives, missing... everything but experiencing effort, struggle, stress and frustration.

    We simply need to let our thoughts pass by.

    Then, we experience reality as it is. We experience ourselves as we are. And we do what we need to do in the right in the right way at the right time... effortlessly.

    Like the sound of that?

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    30 mins
  • Why You Need to Meditate
    Jun 5 2024

    All too many people meditate without know why they need to meditate.

    Yes, meditation is a necessity. If you don't take control of your own state of mind you will continue to miss your own life.

    In this episode, I explain exactly how this happens automatically and we explore the implications.

    Those implications are numerous and, at its most fundamental, they are the reasons why it is so difficult to give up bad habits, lose weight, make money, enjoy yourself as your self.

    In these 30mins, I hope, I will impress upon you the paramount importance of taking control of your won state of mind. And how doing so will change... everything.

    Also, you will hear me referencing a book during this episode - Depression: An Emotion Not an Illness. That book is by Aine Tubridy and Michael Corry.

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    30 mins
  • Your Mind Does It All For You
    May 29 2024

    We're all have a pretty good idea of what we don't want in our everyday lives. But goals are not things from which you run away!

    No... goals are things we run towards - it's how we best set our mind to achieve anything and everything that our heart desires.

    In this episode we explore exactly how to do that and, more importantly, we explore how our doing mind then goes about enabling that which our heart desires "fall intou our lap".

    So, forget about what you don't want in your life; forget about how or when what you do want will happen; forget about where you'll be or what you need to do - just set your mind.

    Then, your set mind will look after the rest. It will ensure that, in every here and now, you do the right thing to inexorably move you to where you really, really want to be.

    You don't have to worry about what you need to do or when you need to do it. You don't need a plan. You need to have the end in mind and, with the end in mind, your doing mind will take you there.

    And it's all pretty effortless.

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    31 mins
  • It's Simply a Question of Timing
    May 15 2024

    You don't need to push nor do you need to struggle. You don't need to wonder when what your heart desires will fall into your lap. It will happen in its own good time.

    Yes, life's a lot like comedy, it's all about... timing!

    When you're in flow, you will discover the right information in the right way at the right time; you will hear things at just the moment that they mean the most to you; your Perfect Moments will "fall into your lap" at the perfect moment (otherwise they wouldn't be perfect moments!).

    What you and I have to do is turn up: be focused, present, alert and ready for action.

    To do this we need to become accustomed to choosing to be present, we need to become adept at practicing being present.

    Through presence and action we become ready to receive - to receive all the good things that will inevitably "fall into our lap" in the right way, at the right time, effortlessly.

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    33 mins
  • Strategies for Changing Your Life
    May 8 2024

    What strategies do you need to adopt for changing your life or any aspect of it?

    What plans to you need to create to take the right action that will lead you to achieve your goals?

    Well, you're in for an eye-opener in this episode: strategies and plans are what normal crazy people create to end up... in the same place!

    You need neither strategies nor plans to transform your life and every aspect of it. In fact, there's only one thing that you need to change and that change will enable you do everything in the right way, at the right time to achieve so much more than what your thinking mind might have had in mind for you by way of "goals".

    And a word of advice... do work through this episode (it's full of practical tips) and do listen carefully to the last 4 minutes... I'll say no more.

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    33 mins
  • Making the Right Lifestyle Choice
    May 1 2024

    Yes, there's only one lifestyle choice that you need to make - after that you're restructured brain will take you in hand and make all the moment-to-moment choices for you effortlessly.

    That means you'll start acting - a world away from how we normally only automatically react.

    That means you will transform every aspect of your life: your health and wellbeing, your financial freedom, your success and happiness.

    What's that one lifestyle choice? Well, if you're a regular listener, you may well already know. If you're not, it's time to find out!

    But, as I said, getting it right it enables you live life to the full, it enables you effortlessly make the moment-to-moment binary choice: am I present or am I thinking.

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    33 mins
  • And Now... It's Time to Forget About the Future
    Apr 24 2024

    We've talked about how important it is to forget the past - with a view to living in the present.

    But what about the future? Surely you need to think your future through, figure it out, have a plan. No!

    Forget about the future too.

    Because the only place that you can live your life is in the here and now. Your future will be created by what you do and how you do it in the here and now.

    And, when you do turn up to and tune in to the here and now, lo and behold, you feel a sense of direction - it's called your gut instinct. You know what the right thing is to do now, to lead you to where is best for you, regardless of what you might think is going on in the here and now.

    The episode explains exactly how this works in practice - it also explains how normal crazy people are responsible for creating the kind of life that they'd prefer not to have!

    But let's not dwell on that. Instead, let's dwell on how to live, for real, with an inbuilt sense of unwavering direction.

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    34 mins
  • Now... It's Time to Forget the Past
    Apr 17 2024

    So many people think that revisiting it will enable unpack who they think they are and, then, move on. So many people want to revisit it but end up reliving it.

    And, even without the aid of a psychoanalyst, you must understand that the normally-minded way of "operating" means that we are, in effect, reliving our past every single day - every Groundhog Day - and, in the process, missing every single day of our lives.

    No... today is the day that you decide "I'm leaving my past where it belongs... in the past".

    Today is the day that you're going to fully understand and appreciate the importance of tuning your attention to the present, restructuring your brain's key neural components and taking the quantum evolutionary leap that is going to change your mind... today.

    Time to move up a few gears...

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    35 mins