
  • Core Four Quickfire #5: Eleva-detours, 5:1 Fiber Rule, NSDR, and Solo-Tasking
    Jun 20 2024

    In our latest edition of the "Core Four Quickfire," we break down essential lifestyle adjustments. We explore effective habits like taking the stairs for increased activity, using the 5:1 fiber rule for smarter nutrition choices, implementing NSDR for better recovery, and applying solo-tasking for enhanced lifestyle management. Each segment is designed to seamlessly improve your health and wellness throughout your day. Learn how these straightforward practices can substantially benefit your overall health, from increasing physical fitness to boosting mental acuity. Get ready to transform the way you approach daily health decisions with strategies that are as easy to apply as they are effective. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your life with quick and actionable advice!

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

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    8 m
  • The Truth About Goals and How They Can Help or Hurt Your Progress
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode, we unravel the complex world of goal setting, highlighting both its empowering and limiting aspects. Discover how goals can sometimes distract us from meaningful progress by pushing quick fixes, especially in health and wellness. We’ll explore how shifting from a goal-centric to a process-centric mindset can lead to sustainable growth and why the journey is often more important than the destination. Learn to set goals that complement your lifestyle, enhance your well-being, and encourage long-term success. Embrace a balanced approach where structured goals and flexible systems coexist to support your ongoing development. Join us to refine your strategies and make every step count towards achieving a fulfilling and balanced life.

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

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    12 m
  • How to Avoid Majoring in the Minors
    Jun 10 2024

    In today's episode, we break down the concept of "majoring in the minors," a common pitfall in health where minor details overshadow essential health behaviors. Discover how focusing too much on trivial aspects can distract from the foundational practices that genuinely enhance well-being, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep. Learn to identify the critical health behaviors that yield the most significant results, guided by the 80/20 principle, and avoid getting sidetracked by less impactful health trends. Join us as we outline how to prioritize effectively, ensuring your health efforts are not only efficient but also impactful.

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Why Prompts: Strategies to Find or Clarify Your Why
    Jun 6 2024

    Today’s episode dives deep into the core of what drives us—discovering, cultivating, and clarifying your 'Why' to build a compelling life mission statement. Join us as we explore strategies and prompts from my book, "The Vitality System," to help you articulate your purpose in health and wellness. This isn’t just about setting goals; it's about understanding what motivates your choices and defining a vision that guides your life's path. Get ready to engage deeply with your personal values and transform the way you approach your health and happiness.

    Check out the Why Prompts PDF here: https://thevitalitysystem.co/the-vitality-system-exclusive-content/

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

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    10 m
  • Vitality Recap #5: The Daily Practice, 2% Newsletter, and Taking Action Now
    Jun 3 2024

    Today's episode is the fifth edition of the Vitality Recap, where we dive into life-enhancing practices and insightful wisdom from the past month. This recap starts with my new daily ritual introduced during a yoga retreat in Cambodia. This simple 15-minute morning practice combines yoga, breathwork, and meditation, offering a powerful start to the day. We'll also explore the enriching 2% Newsletter by Michael Easter, packed with compelling health and fitness insights that challenge the norms and provide actionable advice. Plus, we reflect on Benjamin Franklin’s timeless advice: "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today," a reminder of the power of acting now to enhance our health and life. Tune in for an episode filled with strategies that inspire and tools that transform.

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

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    7 m
  • 5 Keys to Building an Exercise Program You’ll Actually Stick With
    May 27 2024

    On today's episode we explore the essential strategies for crafting a practical and enjoyable exercise routine. If you're tired of abandoning fitness programs, this episode is for you. We’re breaking down how to build an exercise program you’ll love and stick with. From keeping it simple to injecting fun, our episode covers the crucial steps to ensure your fitness plan is versatile, personalized, and rewarding. Learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that lead to giving up and how to embrace a program that grows with you. This episode is packed with insights to help you maintain consistency and turn your fitness routine into a sustainable lifestyle. Tune in to transform your approach to fitness into a lifelong habit!

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

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    10 m
  • The “Subtraction by Addition” Strategy
    May 20 2024

    Today's episode explores the "Subtraction by Addition" strategy for improving your diet and lifestyle without the usual stress of restrictions. This method emphasizes adding nutritious foods and healthy behaviors, which naturally leads to less room for unhealthy options. We'll explore the psychological shifts that come with focusing on abundance rather than restriction, helping you foster a healthier relationship with specific behaviors. By integrating more healthy and positive behaviors, you'll find that the less healthy options get naturally crowded out. Learn how this method not only simplifies healthy eating but also enhances your overall wellness by reducing the sense of deprivation typically associated with restrictions.

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Core Four Quickfire #4: Post-meal Walks, Nutrition Staples, Things to Avoid Before Bedtime, and Ways to Limit Screen Time
    May 16 2024

    Welcome to the fourth edition of the “Core Four Quickfire” on the Vitality System Podcast, where we offer rapid-fire tips on movement, nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle. Today, we learn why a short walk post-meal can transform your health, which six nutrition staples to include for optimal wellness, and how to avoid common bedtime habits that hinder good sleep. We’ll also tackle reducing screen time with easy-to-implement strategies. This episode is packed with actionable advice to refine your daily routines and enhance your overall well-being in just minutes. Don’t miss these fast, focused insights!

    Follow "The Vitality System" on Instagram @thevitalitysystem and visit thevitalitysystem.co to join our newsletter for more insights.

    Más Menos
    9 m