• 056 Are You REALLY Ready for the LOVE You Want?
    Sep 23 2024

    I cannot tell you how many people say to me:

    “I'm ready for divine love. Why do I keep ending up in relationships that are disappointing, with people who betray me, are narcissists, don't see me, where I feel unloved and unwanted? Why do I keep repeating the same old stuff no matter what I do, when I'm so ready for my divine love?”

    And my answer to that declaration is, are you REALLY ready? In this episode, we’re going to dive into the source of patterns that keep repeating in our relationships. And we’re going to learn why taking 100% responsibility for our complaints is the only way that will bring us closer to the love we seek.

    What is Covered:

    -Recognising the familiar repeating complaints in our relationships

    -Recognising the common element of all the complaints

    -Why we so often identify with our suffering and pain

    -What happens when we take 100% responsibility for our repeating patterns

    -How to overcome the fear of detaching from our patterns

    -Journaling prompts to help you work through your relationship patterns


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    37 mins
  • 055 My Body Transformation - A Personal Share
    Sep 16 2024

    Today, I’m going to share with you all about my journey with my body transformation. Since October last year to today, I have lost almost 40 pounds, and I am only 5’3”, so that’s a lot of weight that I was carrying as a very small Asian woman.

    Although I have worked really intentionally to get here, I’ve hesitated to share this story. One of the reasons is because I don't want to feed any part of the human psyche that obsesses with external perfection, believing that if we achieve it, then we'll finally be free of the unworthiness that we feel. I also don't want to say that the solution to that is to just put on loads of weight and tell ourselves that we're still lovable and worthwhile, and that we don't need to shape ourselves.

    I actually want to go way deeper into this story and share, from an ontological context, how and why I got overweight in the first place, and what kind of transformation has taken place in order to release that weight and everything that I carried with it.

    What is Covered:

    -How I got 40 pounds overweight

    -The connection between our external and internal shape

    -What kind of emotional weight our external weight may be hiding

    -Why my weight persisted even though I ate healthy and exercised regularly

    -The events that led me onto the journey of my body transformation

    -The moment when the weight actually started dropping off my body

    -How releasing the weight created more space for love and light to enter my BodyMind


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    35 mins
  • 054 Transcending Chaos
    Sep 9 2024

    The level of chaos on our planet right now is extreme. There are intense levels of chaos happening between countries, between political parties, between religions, between parents and their children. And let's not forget the chaos that is happening inside our own selves.

    So chaos is very prevalent, but is somehow eradicating it from our lives the only way we can have peace? Or if we are addicted to chaos, can we feel alive at all without it? In this episode, I want to talk about how we can transcend our current old paradigm of relationship to chaos, so that we don't have to live a life free of chaos, but that we can be with chaos and be free.

    What is Covered:

    -Why chaos is perceived as a threat to our survival

    -Examples of childhood experiences that can affect our relationship to chaos

    -Why we are not equipped to have an empowered relationship to chaos

    -Why chaos on our planet is increasing

    -How the Earth’s electromagnetic field affects what is happening internally in our BodyMind

    -How we can transcend the increasing chaos externally and internally


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    28 mins
  • 053 Identity Politics: How Our Self-Views Are Keeping Us Trapped
    Sep 2 2024

    Today, we’re going to dive into identity politics. And if you are in the US, you cannot deny that it is happening everywhere in the political landscape. But what I want to do is blow up that whole system altogether and look at what's keeping us trapped in the same familiar form of suffering no matter what side we choose.

    Currently on our planet, the different worldviews that we identify with are so rampant in the battles we are fighting against each other. In fact, we are currently in a war - the war on the human mind. What’s winning that war is not the “right” viewpoint, but the fact that we as a species don't realise that we are trapped in a particular set of blindspots. So that’s what I’m going to unpack in today’s episode, and invite you to feel more compassion for yourself and someone else who is of a different self-worldview than you.

    What is Covered:

    -The essence of identity politics and why they keep us trapped

    -Is there the “right” belief and the “right” viewpoint?

    -Why nothing seems to be changing no matter which worldview we choose

    -The blindspots that keep us trapped in the paradox of identity politics

    -Paul Levy’s teachings in “The Quantum Revelation”

    -What self-worldview is and why we can’t see our own context

    -How we can be manipulated if we are not conscious of identity mechanisms

    -Why we feel so threatened when our worldview is challenged

    -How we can start gaining more consciousness, more power and cultivate more compassion towards different self-worldviews


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -“The Quantum Revelation”, a book by Paul Levy https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Revelation-Radical-Synthesis-Spirituality/dp/1590794486

    -Episode 017 What Creates Reality? What Creates Paradigm? https://player.captivate.fm/episode/063aa15f-03c8-4a3e-adfb-7b4e5c5a964f/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    56 mins
  • 052 What Do We Want to Emanate?
    Aug 19 2024

    When we are experiencing challenges in our lives, whether it’s with health, or relationships, or just what is true for us, one thing to consider is asking ourselves where we can be responsible. When we are stuck in pain and suffering, are we blaming someone else for our experience, or are we ready to learn and grow and mature from it? Because the hard part to understand is that we actually get to choose how our reality appears to us.

    In this episode, we’re going to first dive into this attachment to suffering, and explore what we are magnetising and emanating right now. We’re going to look into the things that keep repeating in our lives, bringing consciousness to what we are actually emanating, in order to arrive at what we want to be emanating.

    What is Covered:

    -Why we tend to be so addicted to pain and suffering

    -The split way of being and our oscillating between opposing desires

    -How to be honest with ourselves without blame, shame and guilt

    -How the world that we are seeing is created moment by moment

    -Understanding emanation and what you are emanating right now

    -Journaling exercise: what do you want to be emanating?


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 050 Aesthetic Intelligence: What Are We Emanating to the World? With Nicholas Onken https://player.captivate.fm/episode/901998c8-97b2-4be3-8f50-07617ba63e80/

    -Episode 012 Blaming vs. Learning: Do THIS to Grow Exponentially https://player.captivate.fm/episode/4487df95-d4fc-458f-ba37-c0ab0cc2777b/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    28 mins
  • 051 Business and Maturation
    Aug 12 2024

    Whether they are running their own business or working in a company, one of the hardest pieces that I see people struggling with is their relationship to their work.

    So, we either love our job, but we burn out doing it. Or we feel pressured in it - we love it, but it also makes us feel trapped. Or we work in jobs where we feel unfulfilled, or we find ourselves repeating the same patterns in jobs, no matter how many times we change jobs or change industries, or change our behaviours when it comes to running our own businesses.

    It seems like the way that we're in relationship with business and work has a familiarity to how we are in relationship with ourselves. So I want to use this episode to dive into our relationship with business and work from an ontological context.

    What is Covered:

    -The connection between the way we are in our work and our original family dynamic

    -Why we seem to always end up in the same job and the same team regardless of the company or the industry

    -How our mind as a pattern recognition device acts in work environment

    -Why we can’t recognise our parents in our bosses and coworkers

    -How to begin solving the repeating work patterns

    -Journaling question: what is your biggest struggle in work at this moment? How familiar is that to your original family dynamics?


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    16 mins
  • 050 GUEST INTERVIEW: Aesthetic Intelligence: What Are We Emanating to the World? With Nicholas Onken
    Aug 5 2024

    Today I have one of my favourite humans, and by far one of the most creative people I’ve ever met on the podcast. Nicholas Onken is known as the photographer of some of the world's most highly acclaimed entrepreneurs like Jay Shetty, Lewis Howes, Gabby Bernstein and more. Nick is a Creative Alchemist whose professional and commercial repertoire has no template or limits. His portfolio of photographed personalities includes Justin Bieber, Usher, Tom Hanks, Jessica Alba, and Tony Robbins, to name a few. He has been commissioned by top-tier brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Adidas and publishers such as Cosmopolitan, Conde Nast Traveller, and Marie Claire. He designs incredible hats that are worn by artists, thought leaders and creatives. Identity Alchemy, a concept coined by Nick, is a powerful mix of personal growth and personal branding.

    In this episode, we talk about Nick’s inspiring personal journey, the concept of aesthetic intelligence, our upcoming joint mastermind, and why we need to take ownership of both our internal and external expression to create the impact and influence that we desire in the world.

    What is Covered:

    -How I met Nick and his incredible background story

    -The journey of Nick’s breaking free from the strict religious conditioning he was brought up with

    -How he started photographing and made it big as a photographer

    -What happened next and why Nick’s identity as a photographer became unsustainable

    -What Identity Alchemy is

    -What aesthetic intelligence is

    -My own experience of working with Nick and transforming my personal brand

    -How the external expression of a brand impact the human brain and decision-making

    -Nick’s journaling prompts to explore what you want to emanate to the world


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Follow Nick Onken at https://www.instagram.com/nickonken/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    56 mins
  • 049 Boundaries: The Gateway to Compassion
    Jul 29 2024

    If you've been in the world of self-development or if you're new to it, you would have heard the term boundaries, and why they are important.

    But today I want to take the conversation around boundaries a little deeper. I want to create a distinction of what boundaries actually are, what happens when we set them, where we start with setting them, what happens when we don’t set them, and why they are a true act of love and a gateway to compassion.

    What is Covered:

    -What boundaries are and how they create clarity

    -Boundaries and self-awareness

    -How to honour and take action on our boundaries

    -Why we don’t set boundaries and what happens then

    -How resentment and anger can lead us to recognise where we need to set boundaries

    -Why setting clear boundaries is an act of love

    -How strong boundaries can make us more compassionate


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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    23 mins