• 177 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms - STOP Doing this Bad Habit
    Jun 25 2024

    Coaching for Cluttered Christian ADHD Moms

    Do you find yourself at the end of the day wondering what you were able to accomplish? Do you bounce from one room to the next but never feel like you finish anything? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day but your house is STILL A MESS?

    My ADHD client Hannah realized she was making this one big mistake in her home - NOT PLANTING HER FEET! When she started practicing the habit of planting her feet in a room and finishing all the tasks in that one room before moving on, she felt more accomplished and found she had more time for herself.

    Now, of course, bad habits don't go away so quickly. That's where online coaching with me became a tremendous benefit. I was able to hold her accountable while she practiced this new habit, and before too long, she was catching herself bouncing around her house and made herself to stay in one place.

    Tune in as Hannah shares her story of decluttering and systemizing her home and practicing new home management habits.

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    25 mins
  • 176 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms - Get Help Decluttering Your Closet
    Jun 20 2024

    Coaching for Cluttered Christian ADHD Moms

    Have you been hanging onto some clothes "just in case?" Do you feel attached to your clothes even though you know you have too many? Do you find it hard to weed out your clothes and let go of some things?

    My client Kathy felt the same way until she started coaching with me. During her decluttering session, she found permission to let go. She was actually surprised at how much she chose to get rid of. And now she loves her bedroom closet!

    Tune in as Kathy shares her story of getting help with decluttering her clothes and organizing her closet!

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    24 mins
  • 175 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms - Practice the Habit of Resetting
    Jun 18 2024

    Coaching for Cluttered Christian ADHD Moms

    Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? Do you keep ignoring the mess while things pile up which only leads to more overwhelm?

    My client Kathy found herself in that same spot - overwhelmed and avoiding the clutter in her home. She already had some good home organization in place but she lacked the habits for maintaining her systems. So she reached out to me for one-on-one coaching!

    Together we've been able to simplify her mom even more, set up some easy-to-manage systems, and practice doable daily routines that are slowly becoming automatic habits.

    Tune in as Kathy shares her experience and reports on how daily resets have been a game-changer in her home management routine.

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    21 mins
  • 174 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms - Practical Steps for ADHD
    Jun 12 2024

    Coaching for Cluttered Christian ADHD Moms

    Today, we're diving into the story of Katie, a wonderful mom with ADHD who transformed her home and her life. Like many of us, Katie faced the daunting challenge of decluttering—a task that often felt overwhelming due to her ADHD.

    Holding on to things just felt safer. But with a little guidance and a lot of determination, Katie embarked on a decluttering journey that proved to be more liberating than she ever imagined.

    Join us as Katie shares the practical steps she took, the emotional hurdles she overcame, and how letting go of the clutter helped her embrace a more joyful and less stressful life.

    Whether you’re looking to declutter your own space or seeking motivation to start, Katie’s story is sure to inspire.

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    40 mins
  • 173 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms - Organize Your Paper Clutter with a Step-by-Step System
    Jun 6 2024

    Are you drowning in a sea of paper clutter? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the never-ending influx of mail, bills, and school papers that constantly pile up around your home?

    If this sounds all too familiar, you're not alone. Paper clutter can quickly become a source of stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling disorganized and overwhelmed.

    Fortunately, there's a solution – a simple, step-by-step system that will help you regain control and create a clutter-free living space.

    By following this method, you'll not only learn how to handle the incoming paper trail but also establish a home filing system that will keep your paperwork organized and easily accessible.

    Join me today as my client Elizabeth shares her success with this method she learned inside The Accountability Club.

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    GUEST Elizabeth Andreyevskiy

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    25 mins
  • 172 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms - Letting Go of Sentimentals
    Jun 5 2024

    Have you ever felt guilty for throwing away gifts from a loved one? What about letters and cards people have sent you or artwork your kids have drawn?

    If you've ever hesitated to part with these items, you're not alone. Many of us struggle to declutter sentimental objects, fearing that letting go means disrespecting the giver or erasing precious memories.

    Elizabeth Andreyevsky, a work-from-home mom with four kids, understands this dilemma all too well. In our chat, she generously shares her personal journey of decluttering her sentimental items with the support of The Accountability Club. She candidly discusses her initial guilt about discarding sentimental items and how the coaching she received helped her reframe these feelings.

    She learned that honoring relationships doesn't require keeping every physical token. With The Accountability Club, she got the support and permission she needed to make tough decisions, ultimately leading to a greater sense of freedom.

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    GUEST Elizabeth Andreyevskiy

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    18 mins
  • 171 \\ PART 5 Time Management for ADHD Moms - Create a Zone Cleaning Schedule
    May 30 2024

    Are you an ADHD mom who is easily distracted when trying to clean your home? Do you find yourself bouncing from room to room never really accomplishing anything? In this episode, I'm sharing with your part 5 of my time management strategy - zone cleaning!

    Instead of trying to tackle your whole house at once, zone cleaning allows you to break it down into manageable sections. You'll learn how to designate logical cleaning zones based on your home's layout and traffic patterns. Then decide whether you want to deep clean each zone weekly or monthly, and schedule it into your calendar.

    You'll get practical strategies like having a backup plan for when life inevitably disrupts your schedule. And if certain areas need more frequent attention, you'll learn how to double up zones without burning out.

    By rotating through specific rooms or living areas, you can create consistent cleaning routines that become healthy habits. No more aimless wondering of what to do next! Zone cleaning provides structure while reducing the overwhelm.

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    #133 Cleaning vs. Resetting

    #123 Keep Your Shower Clean

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    18 mins
  • 170 \\ PART 4 Time Management for ADHD Moms - Create Daily Reset Routines Based on Your Natural Flow
    May 22 2024

    Are you tired of waking up to a constantly messy house? Are you so tired by the end of the day that you can't bring yourself to do anything else once you put the kids to bed?

    I used to be just like you! And then I downsized the stuff in my home, put some systems in place, and started practicing daily resets. I started thinking about my tomorrow's self and what she needed to be a better mom and human.

    I finally broke down huge daunting habits into doable steps, which allowed me to stick with my daily routines so much better. It all started with simply clearing my kitchen sink and now I'm effortlessly resetting my whole house. And you will too!

    In this episode, I share with you what my daily evening reset looks like and encourage you to create your own.

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    21 mins