• S2 E07: Three Sparks for Better Sex
    May 8 2023

    Let's talk about sex. A phrase we've heard a couple of times in the past several months is, "people are less comfortable talking about it than doing it."


    The truth is, not talking about sex within your marriage is probably keeping you from having the best sex you can be having.

    We all enter the union with misconceptions and misinformation. Mainstream and social media emphasize and glamorize a lot of the wrong things while glossing over import ideas like effort and work. Join us for a 30 minute conversation about 3 big concepts that shape the way you think about sex, therefore the way you have sex. We believe you and your spouse will be better for it.

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    29 mins
  • S2 E06: Who Should I Talk To? Getting the Best Help for Your Marriage pt. 2
    Apr 3 2023

    We continue the discussion about the right and wrong kinds of people to go to when you need to talk about your marriage with people outside of your marriage. Rob and Cassie will give you a couple of people to think twice about or totally avoid and suggest 3 people to pursue. In addition we'll highlight character traits that should either raise red flags or be green lights. Enjoy!

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    32 mins
  • S2 E05: Who Should I Talk To? Getting the Best Help for Your Marriage Part 1
    Mar 30 2023

    In this episode Rob and Cassie affirm the need to go outside of your marriage, at times, for help. In fact, not getting help or waiting too long to get help is one of the primary reasons for the creation of "Spark to Flame."

    In part 1 we give you a 3-item checklist to run through before you take your problem or need outside of your marriage.

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    32 mins
  • S2 E04: The Newlywed Game
    Mar 9 2023

    In this episode Cassie and Rob each share their #1 piece of advice for newly married people. Then they dissect an article from prepare-enrich that exposes 4 things that newlyweds argue about often. As they break down each concept, the Spark to Flame team connects the issue to the newness of marriage while also making it very real to your marriage no matter if you've been together for 5 or 50 years.

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    32 mins
  • S2 E03 Sexual Peace
    Feb 27 2023

    In season 2, Episode 3 we speak to Dr. Corey Carlisle (https://coreycarlisle.org/) about having/creating a theology of sex and striving for sexual peace. These are terms that are likely absent from most people's vocabularies. You will hear why you should not only want to be familiar with the terms and concepts, but take the time to think through them and discuss them with your spouse.

    Also, Corey refers to a worksheet with 15 prompts for you and your spouse to get talking about sex and sexuality in a healthy way. You can find that here: https://coreycarlisle.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Lets-talk-about-sex.pdf

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    28 mins
  • S2 E02: The Lies We Believe in Marriage - an interview with author Chris Thurman
    Feb 19 2023

    In this episode we interview author and psychologist Dr. Chris Thurman about the lies we believe in marriage. Thurman has written extensively on the lies we believe, "stinkin' thinkin'" and the Biblical concept that the "truth will set you free."

    In a more recent work he applies these ideas specifically to the marriage relationship. The book is called, The Lies Couples Believe: How Living the Truth Transforms Your Marriage and it is available in hard copy and digitally from all major booksellers. (We recommend it highly).

    Read more about  Dr. Thurman and his other works and happenings at https://drchristhurman.com/

    A lot of marital difficulty derives from faulty logic and unnecessary misbeliefs.  We hope this interview will act as a primer for understanding some of the ways you may be wrongfully making assumptions as we encourage you to take the next steps toward truth and transformation.

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    34 mins
  • S2 E01: Dealing with and Healing from Rejection in Marriage
    Feb 12 2023
    Rejection can happen in any relationship. It can be especially hurtful when we feel like the person we allow ourselves to be the most vulnerable with is turning us away or turning away from us. In marriage this can happen in singular bigger events or in many everyday types of interactions. We all reject our spouses at different times and on different levels and we all get rejected. This episode will explore some ways we reject, some ways to react and changes we can make to get rejected less.
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    32 mins
  • S1 E04: Meaning in your Marriage
    Dec 9 2022

    Episode 4 can stand alone, but is best listened as a follow up to episode #3. 

    We wrap up our marriage meaning project, give you a second way to use the word, "ouch" and how to go from not knowing what to buy your spouse for Christmas to having an over-abundance of ideas.

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    31 mins