• 6.9.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Lead Us Not Into Temptation"
    Jun 10 2024

    We are locked in a spiritual battle. There are forces of good and evil waging war all around us - and we are caught in the fray.

    Are you aware of that?

    This particular petition of the Lord's Prayer is striking. By teaching us to pray this way - Jesus opens our eyes to the spiritual struggle that we are ALL engaged in. And through it, He equips us for the fight.

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin shares the reality that 1) we are all tempted 2) why it works 3) and the key to standing firm in the midst of it.

    Take a listen, and gird up your loins!

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    25 mins
  • 6.2.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Forgive Us...as We Forgive"
    Jun 3 2024

    In Matthew 18 Jesus shares one of the most terrifying truths of all Scripture. After describing a servant who is sent to prison for all eternity, Jesus says: "So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

    You cannot escape this life without experiencing hurt in relationships. How will we find the strength to forgive those who have caused us pain?

    Listen as Pastor Kevin unpacks the "Parable of the Unmerciful Servant" - to point us to the One who can strengthen us to forgive, by what He has done for us.

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    18 mins
  • 5.26.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
    May 26 2024

    When you pray - what does it sound like? What do you say?

    Most of us are well acquainted with "petitionary" prayer. It's the kind of prayer where we are asking God to help us. To give us this or that. To protect us in some way. And there's precedent to pray this way: Jesus teaches us to pray: "Give us."

    But has praying this way deformed our understanding of who God is? Have we questioned the power of prayer when our requests have gone (seemingly) unanswered? How do we pray this way rightly?

    Listen to Pastor Kevin as he shared what it means to pray this petition. And cling, along with Him, to the bread of life!

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    19 mins
  • 5.19.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Thy Will Be Done"
    May 19 2024

    If God desires our good...and if God is all powerful...then why do I experience suffering?

    This is one of the biggest charges against the Christian God and one of the biggest challenges for believers in Him. Yet, the Bible declares that "all things work together for good" for those who love Him (Rom 8:28).

    Is that really true? How do we explain the difficulties we experience with our understanding of God's good purposes for us? How do we find the courage to pray "Thy Will Be Done" when God's will runs counter to the plans we would form for ourselves?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin explores the 3rd petition of the Lord's Prayer through the lens of the Old Testament character - Joseph.

    Listen and consider how God is weaving together your story - for your good.

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    23 mins
  • 5.12.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Thy Kingdom Come"
    May 12 2024

    The 2nd petition of the Lord's Prayer is: "Thy Kingdom Come." What do we mean when we pray this? Do you know?

    Jesus spoke about "The Kingdom" over 100 times in the Gospels. It was a central theme for Him. Something vital to why He came to Earth. So...what is it?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin shares what the "Kingdom of God" is, how it differs from "kingdoms" of this world, and how we can access it.

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    26 mins
  • 5.5.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Hallowed Be Thy Name"
    May 5 2024

    The word "holy" is not a term we're familiar with. It's a "church" word. We use it to talk about God, we sing about it...but what does it mean? It might get used (in common language) to describe someone self-righteous: "holier than thou."

    So what are asking for in the Lord's Prayer when we ask God's name to be "hallowed" or "kept holy"?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin unpacks the 1st petition of the Lord's Prayer by looking at the meaning of "holiness" in the Scriptures. Through this meditation he encourages hearers to "tap in" to the holiness God offers - by way of His Son - Jesus, the Holy One!

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    25 mins
  • 4.28.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Our Father"
    Apr 29 2024

    In Luke 11, Jesus’ disciples come to Him with a simple request: “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Unlike other places in the Gospels - where Jesus’ shrouds His teaching in parables or cryptic sayings - here Jesus gives a straightforward answer: “Pray then like this…”

    In the introduction to the Lord's Prayer, Jesus instructs the disciples to call Him "Father." What does this mean? What benefits does such a relationship give us? How can we have the audacity to call Him this?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin unpacks Romans 8:12-17 and the benefits of "sonship" to God through Jesus.

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    29 mins
  • 4.21.20224 "Become"
    Apr 21 2024

    In this final sermon series based on Mark 1:17, Pastor Aaron focuses on the final verb "become." Jesus says that we will BECOME fishers of men.

    How does this transformission take place? By being with Jesus.

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    22 mins