• Cracking the Code to Team Success: Psychological Safety, Collaboration, and Connection
    Jun 18 2024

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    In this insightful episode of the Vet Staff Podcast, host Julie South tackles the important topic of psychological safety and its impact on team dynamics, collaboration, and overall veterinary clinic performance.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to build a more trusting, connected, and high-performing work environment.

    Psychological safety is the foundation for successful teams. It's about creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, admitting mistakes, and taking calculated risks without fear of negative consequences. When psychological safety exists, open communication, mutual respect, and dependability thrive, leading to increased innovation, learning opportunities, and an inclusive atmosphere.

    Julie South explains why psychological safety matters and how it directly affects employee retention, job satisfaction, and clinic performance.

    But psychological safety is just the start. The episode also explores the interconnected concepts of collaboration and connection, and their vital roles in building strong, cohesive teams. Collaboration leverages each team member's strengths and expertise to achieve common goals, while connection fosters a sense of belonging, mutual support, and camaraderie.

    Julie South offers practical strategies for creating collaboration and connection, such as regular brainstorming sessions, clear communication channels, and team-building activities that create personal connections. These insights are valuable for anyone seeking to create a more engaged, enthusiastic, and loyal veterinary workforce.

    CHECK OUT EP 118: “Inclusion vs diversity – 7 inclusive ways to grow your employer brand as a PEOPLE.first vet clinic”

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    20 mins
  • Words and Gestures: A Window into Your Colleagues' Personalities - verbal and non verbal language
    Jun 11 2024

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    Have you ever felt like you're speaking a different language than some colleagues? In this insightful episode, DISC Certified Trainer and Resilience Coach Julie South provides a framework for understanding diverse communication styles through the lens of personality types.

    Using the research-backed DISC model, Julie breaks down the tell-tale verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate if someone is an "Assertive Executor," "Enthusiastic Collaborator," "Cooperative Stabiliser," or "Analytical Problem Solver."

    From direct body language and concise phrases to warm gestures and personal stories, you'll learn to quickly identify each unique style.

    By developing this personality awareness and emotional intelligence, you can build faster rapport with teammates, better relate to clients when proposing treatment plans, and ultimately improve team dynamics and workplace culture.

    Recognising these cues allows you to adapt your communication approach for more effective collaboration.

    Julie provides actionable tips for employers to incorporate this training, like creating team "cheat sheets" on personality cues and hosting workshops with DISC experts. For employees, she challenges you to increase your emotional intelligence by observing colleagues' styles and being more aware of your own.

    Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to crack the communication code at your clinic!

    Strengthening these skills will lead to more cohesive teamwork, stronger bonds, increased employee engagement and retention, and an exceptional workplace culture that makes your clinic shine.

    Three Key Takeaways:

    1. Learn the research-backed DISC model for recognising personality styles through verbal and non-verbal cues
    2. Develop emotional intelligence to adapt your communication approach and build better rapport
    3. Implement personality training through team workshops, cheat sheets, and new hire onboarding

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    14 mins
  • Psychological Safety, the True Cost of Staff Turnover and Building a Resilient Veterinary Team
    Jun 4 2024

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    Ever wondered what the true cost of staff turnover is in veterinary clinics and how you can build a more resilient and engaged team?

    Join us as we uncover the financial and emotional toll of staff turnover that often goes unnoticed, from productivity gaps to the stress on remaining team members.

    We break down some of these hidden costs and their implications on both the clinic's bottom line and team morale.

    Through strong interpersonal relationships and effective leadership, we share actionable steps for employers to enhance clinic culture, improve retention, and build a satisfied, resilient workforce. For veterinary professionals, there're takeaway action steps for you too.

    Dive into the five pillars of team dynamics: Connection, Coordination, Clarity, Consistency, and Care.

    These core principles are key to fostering a psychologically safe and effective team environment.

    Learn about VetStaff's exclusive DELTA Leadership Development Programme, which leverages DISC behaviour assessments to tailor leadership approaches, aligning perfectly with the five C's for optimal team performance.

    Plus, hear a heartfelt call to action to share our podcast with three veterinary friends or your clinic manager. Join your host and, together, rejuvenate the passion for veterinary work and build a supportive, motivated community.

    Tune in and transform yourself into the most fantabulous, resilient, and powerful version of yourself!

    NZ Stats - average wage rate (viewed 04/06/2024)

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    28 mins
  • Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “ACCOMMODATING LEADER” style - 8/8
    May 28 2024

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    Curious about how to unlock the full potential of Accommodating Leaders in your veterinary practice...?

    In this insightful episode, Certified DISC Trainer and Resilience Coach Julie South takes uncovers the world of the Accommodating Leader, celebrating their strengths while also exploring pathways for their growth and development through the lens of DISC Flow profiling.

    Here are three compelling takeaways that will have you eagerly tuning in:

    1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the core traits that define Accommodating Leaders through the DISC framework. Julie breaks down how these empathetic, people-oriented individuals (high in Steadiness) thrive in collaborative, supportive environments where mutual respect reigns supreme. You'll learn effective strategies for communicating and working alongside accommodating leaders, ensuring a harmonious team dynamic.
    2. Discover valuable insights into the potential challenges accommodating leaders may face, such as a reluctance to embrace change or a tendency to avoid conflict. Julie provides practical tips on how to gently encourage these leaders to step outside their comfort zones, embracing their "stretchy zone" and unlocking even greater potential within themselves and their teams.
    3. Explore tailored approaches for different personality types (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) when interacting with an accommodating leader. Whether you're a task-driven individual who values efficiency, a people-oriented team player, or a detail-focused stickler for processes, you'll gain specific guidance on building a productive and positive working relationship with your accommodating leader.

    With Julie's deep expertise in the DISC Flow personality model and her passion for building resilient veterinary teams, this episode promises to be an invaluable resource. You'll walk away with a newfound appreciation for the accommodating leadership style and practical strategies for maximising their impact within your clinic.

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    21 mins
  • Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “MODEST LEADER” style - 7/8
    May 21 2024

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    Ever work with a boss, Lead Vet, Head Vet Nurse or Practice Manager who's all about rules, routines and doing it by the book...?

    Let me take you inside the mind of the Modest Leader on this podcast episode.

    These leaders are obsessed with stability, honesty and having a well-oiled machine at work. Their vibe? Practical, careful, and crazy organised. You can count on them to make smart choices and avoid risks.

    Using the DISC personality model, I'll show you how different team personalities can vibe with a Modest Leader's meticulous style - and what to do when things get rocky.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Modest Leaders shine when accuracy and consistency are musts, but may need to loosen up and embrace change sometimes.
    • While some team members dig the predictability, others may feel boxed in by too many rules and not enough flexibility.
    • Open communication is essential. Voice your perspective respectfully, while recognising their commitment to quality.

    Join me as I give kudos to Modest Leaders for keeping it real with their integrity and structured approach. But I'll also share tips on finding the balance between order and adaptability.

    Whether you're a Modest Leader or work with one, this is a must-listen. Let's unlock your team's full potential through an approach that values stability and quality, but isn't afraid to switch it up when needed.

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    20 mins
  • Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “METHODICAL LEADER” style - 6/8
    May 14 2024

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    Have you ever found yourself navigating the intricacies of a leader who thrives on structure, processes, and doing things by the book?

    I, Julie South, invite you to delve into the fascinating world of the Methodical Leader in our latest podcast episode.

    We explore the systematic and detail-oriented nature of these individuals, examining how their commitment to accuracy and established procedures shapes the workflow and team dynamics within veterinary practices.

    By leveraging the DISC personality framework, I reveal how diverse team members can not only coexist but excel under such meticulous guidance, offering strategies to bridge the gap between different working styles for a more adaptable and harmonious clinic environment.


    • Methodical leaders are highly effective in roles where accuracy, consistency, and quality are paramount, but they may need to work on embracing flexibility to foster a more supportive team environment.
    • Team members with different personality types may appreciate the methodical leader's structured approach and attention to detail but can become frustrated by a perceived lack of spontaneity, rigidity, or an overemphasis on tasks over emotional needs.
    • Open communication is key to navigating the challenges of working with a methodical leader. Team members should express their concerns respectfully while acknowledging the leader's dedication to following established procedures and maintaining high standards.

    Join me as we celebrate the dedication of Methodical Leaders and explore practical tips to enhance teamwork, communication, and overall workplace harmony.

    Whether you're a Methodical Leader yourself or work alongside one, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to unlock the full potential of their veterinary team through a balanced approach that values structure, accuracy, and adaptability.

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    21 mins
  • Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “PERFECTIONIST LEADER” style - 5/8
    May 6 2024

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    Have you ever found yourself in awe of a leader who demands nothing short of perfection?

    I, Julie South, invite you on a fascinating exploration of the Perfectionist Leader’s psyche in our latest podcast episode.

    We dissect the meticulous and detail-oriented nature of these individuals, considering how their high benchmarks shape the workflow and morale within veterinary practices.

    By tapping into the DISC personality framework, I reveal how diverse team members can not only coexist but thrive under such demanding guidance, offering strategies to bridge the gap between different working styles for a more adaptable and unified clinic environment.


    1. Perfectionist leaders are highly effective in roles where structure, reliability, and results are paramount, but they may need to work on softening their approach to improve team cohesion.
    2. Team members with different personality types may appreciate the perfectionist leader's commitment to excellence but can become frustrated by rigidity, micromanagement, or a lack of flexibility.
    3. Open communication is key to navigating the challenges of working with a perfectionist leader. Team members should express their concerns respectfully while acknowledging the leader's dedication to quality.

    Discover your own leadership style and learn how to work more effectively with others by taking the DISC personality profile assessment. Contact Julie South at julie@vetstaff.co.nz to find out more about how this powerful tool can help you and your team work better together.

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    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    22 mins
  • Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “ACCEPTING LEADER” style - 4/8
    Apr 30 2024

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    Maybe You Crave a Leader Who Truly Listens and Supports You?

    Embark on a journey with Julie South as she explores the complexities of the DISC personality types and how they mesh with the harmonious ACCEPTING Leader.

    In this episode, you'll discover the warm, inclusive world of the ACCEPTING Leader.

    Julie South peels back the layers of the DISC Flow® framework to reveal how this people-focused personality type strives for positive team environments.

    The Essence of DISC Flow®: Your research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences.

    Meet the ACCEPTING Leader:
    The outgoing, enthusiastic motivator who inspires through appreciation and creating supportive team bonds.

    The ACCEPTING Leader's Influence:

    • Empower with Dominance: Learn how they boost confidence in fast-paced D personalities to unlock potential.
    • Harmonise with Influence: See how they connect through humour and wit with fellow I-types.
    • Steady the Steadfast: Find out how their patient, collaborative approach gels with S types.
    • Consider Conscientiousness: Understand how they value analytical C's objective data inputs.

    The Potential Pitfalls: Julie examines the ACCEPTING Leader's tendency to avoid confrontation and indecisiveness when firm decisions are required.

    Hit 'play' to gain insights into working effectively with an accepting leader while navigating potential blind spots.

    About DISC-Flow®
    DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

    Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

    If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

    How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
    This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

    How to shine online as a good employer
    If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because thi...

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    18 mins