• Belle Blake: From Abusive Marriage To Recovery
    Jun 13 2024

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    What makes for an abusive marriage? In this episode of the Modern Divorce podcast, host Billie Tarascio welcomes Belle Blake Phillips, a divorced mom, domestic violence survivor, and recent internet sensation who shares her shocking stories and the red flags of an abusive relationship. While she was taken by surprise by sudden online fame, she found her stories connecting with legions of domestic violence survivors.

    Her internet fame began with a simple video about her engagement ring, highlighting the emotional manipulation she faced from her ex-husband. Belle emphasizes that abuse isn't always physical; it often starts with emotional, psychological, and financial control. She recounts the progression from verbal abuse to physical violence, culminating in a shocking incident where her ex-husband tasered her while she was pregnant. Her resilience shines through as she describes how she eventually escaped the abusive environment, secured an order of protection, and rebuilt her life.

    A significant part of the discussion focuses on Belle's advocacy for the Address Confidentiality Program, also known as Safe at Home, which helps protect domestic abuse survivors by providing them with a decoy address to keep their real location confidential. The program has been instrumental in her own safety and she strongly encourages other survivors to consider it.

    For more information, find Belle Blake on TikTok and on Instagram.

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    44 mins
  • Top Prosecutor Candidate talks about Maricopa County's Criminal Justice System
    Jun 6 2024

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    In this episode of the Modern Divorce podcast, host Billie Tarascio sits down with Gina Godbehere, candidate for Maricopa County Prosecutor, to discuss local crime and the justice system. The conversation begins with a focus on the Gilbert Goons, a group recently classified as a gang, and the complications of prosecuting their crimes without sufficient evidence to prove gang-related motivations.

    Gina elaborates on the difficulties in tying crimes to gang activities, noting that traditional gang identifiers, such as markings and territorial threats, are missing in this case. Despite the group’s gang-like intimidation tactics, there was insufficient evidence to charge them under gang-related statutes. This nuanced explanation sheds light on the frustrations felt by the community regarding the prosecution of these crimes.

    The discussion then shifts to recent plea deals offered to members of the Gilbert Goons, including notable cases involving Christopher Fantastik, DeLeon Haynes, Jacob Pennington, and Garrett Bagshaw. Gina explains the implications of these deals, particularly how some offenders might only end up with misdemeanors, raising concerns about the potential for future criminal activity without a lasting felony record.

    A significant portion of the podcast is devoted to Gina’s critique of Rachel Mitchell, the current county attorney', and her more lenient approach to diversion programs and plea deals. Gina emphasizes the need for a balanced justice system that ensures accountability and protects victims' rights. Gina also touches on supervised probation and the challenges in effectively monitoring offenders to prevent recidivism.

    The episode wraps up with Gina’s reflections on her campaign and her commitment to restoring balance in the justice system, advocating for both victim support and fair prosecution. For more information about Gina, go to Gina for Justice, to learn more.

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    41 mins
  • Life Take 2: When Divorce happens to a “Trad Wife” Influencer
    Jun 4 2024

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    In this powerful episode, Modern Divorce Host and Attorney Billie Tarascio interviews Jennie Gage, who found herself divorced and broke after adhering to traditional wife
    roles dictated by her Mormon faith. Jennie recounts her journey from being a stay-at-home mom to a domestic violence advocate and social media influencer.

    She emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency and shares how she rebuilt
    her life through side hustles, including furniture flipping and social media, and her recent work with a law firm helping victims of child sex abuse in the Mormon Church.

    Jennie’s story serves as a cautionary tale for women who rely solely on traditional roles without safeguarding their futures. She discusses the pressures she faced to conform to her religious community's expectations and the devastating financial and emotional impacts following her divorce. Billie provides practical legal advice on the importance of post-nuptial agreements and maintaining relevant skills, even for stay-at-home moms, to ensure financial independence.

    This episode highlights the need for ongoing self-reliance and preparation for unexpected life changes. Jennie’s advocacy work and her partnership with attorney Andrew Van Arsdale aim to support victims and bring about institutional change. Billie and Jennie conclude with insights into how women can better protect themselves and their children.

    Find Jennie Gage on Tiktok and Instagram

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    55 mins
  • Is Our Community Safe? Sheriff Candidate Frank Milstead talks Leadership and Law Enforcement
    May 30 2024

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    In this special episode of the Modern Divorce Podcast, host and attorney Billie Tarascio interviews Colonel Frank Milstead, a 25-year veteran of the Phoenix Police Department and candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff. They delve into Frank's extensive law enforcement background, his leadership roles, and his vision for improving the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and managing the crime that keeps us up at night. The discussion also touches on pressing issues like public trust in policing, crime reduction strategies, and school safety.

    If you’ve been following the Gilbert Goons saga and the murder of teen Preston Lord, Frank shares his own experience losing a teen brother and how that impacted his family growing up.

    Key Topics:

    • Frank Milstead’s Background: Frank shares his journey from growing up in Phoenix to his extensive career in law enforcement, including his time as the Chief of Police in Mesa and the Director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
    • DOJ Oversight: Frank explains the ongoing Department of Justice oversight of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, its origins, and his strategy to resolve these issues and restore trust.
    • Challenges in Policing: They discuss the current challenges in policing, including media portrayal, public trust, and recruitment difficulties. Frank offers his perspective on how to rebuild trust and support for law enforcement.
    • Crime Reduction Strategies: Frank outlines his plans for crime reduction in Maricopa County, emphasizing collaboration between various law enforcement agencies and transparency in communication.
    • School Safety Initiatives: The conversation highlights Frank’s involvement in developing early warning systems for schools to enhance safety and his views on the importance of proactive measures.

    This episode provides a deep dive into the critical issues facing law enforcement in Maricopa County from the perspective of a seasoned professional. Whether you're a concerned parent, a law enforcement professional, or a voter, this episode offers a comprehensive look at the key topics affecting your community.

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    37 mins
  • From The Innocence Project To Family Law
    May 28 2024

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    In today’s episode of the Modern Divorce Podcast, host Billie Tarascio talks with Modern Law attorney Hannah Bustos who opens up about her victim advocacy work in Mississippi and how it still influences her work in family law. The conversation also covers her personal experience with divorce and why she takes a special interest in building strong relationships with her clients.

    • Hannah Bustos’ Background: Hanna shares her story of growing up in Arizona, attending the University of Mississippi, and immersing herself in the local culture and advocacy scene. She talks about the influences that led her to pursue a career in law.
    • Experience with the Innocence Project: Hannah describes her work with the Innocence Project in Mississippi, helping to review cases of wrongful conviction and advocate for post-conviction relief. She highlights the impact of this experience on her legal perspective.
    • Transition to Family Law: Hannah explains why her parents' divorce guided her towards a career in family law. She emphasizes the importance of providing compassionate and supportive legal assistance to families in transition.
    • Building Client Relationships: Divorce is deeply personal and gut wrenching. Billie and Hannah discuss why trust and rapport with clients, particularly as they experience high-stress and emotional situations like divorce and custody battles is key.
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    25 mins
  • Who's In Charge Of Where The Stepkids Live?
    May 23 2024

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    Should teens be allowed to choose which parent they want to live with? And how do step parents manage their spouse’s kids effectively? These are just some of the burning questions that get answered in latest episode of the Modern Divorce podcast, where host Billie Tarascio sits down with experienced attorney and divorced mom Ruby Becker to explore the intricacies of family law and juvenile justice.

    Ruby shares her lifelong ambition to become a lawyer while a mother of a three year old. The two attorneys go over the solutions to challenges faced by individuals who cannot afford legal representation, contrasting the support provided in juvenile court – albeit with the gaps in family law.

    Ruby talks about the necessity of legal counsel in family court to protect fundamental
    parental rights and improve outcomes for children while handling cases
    involving the Arizona Department of Child Safety.

    She also shares her personal experiences as a divorced mother and stepmother, offering success tips for co-parenting and blended family dynamics. She underscores the importance of maintaining amicable relationships with ex-spouses for the benefit of the children involved. The key, she says, is staying out of disciplinary roles and focusing on building supportive relationships with stepchildren.

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    26 mins
  • Maricopa County Sheriff Candidate Mike Crawford talks the issues
    May 21 2024

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    It’s primary season in Arizona, and this episode of the Modern Divorce Podcast features Mike Crawford, retired law enforcement officer and candidate for sheriff in Maricopa County. Host Billie Tarascio and Crawford explore the challenge of running for sheriff, including Mike's motivations, his law enforcement career, his campaign journey and the unchecked teen violence that has rocked so many suburban communities.

    Crawford shares why a police officer with 28 years of service decided to run for sheriff. They discuss the personal and family considerations involved in running for political office, highlighting the community impact.

    Additionally, they delve into the infamous Gilbert Goons case, offering perspectives on police and prosecutorial challenges. This episode provides a candid look at the challenges facing law enforcement in Maricopa County and offers practical insights into addressing the issue of teen violence.

    The discussion sheds light on the financial mismanagement within the Sheriff's Office, Crawford's plans for transparency and efficiency, and the ongoing DOJ lawsuit affecting the Sheriff's Office. He explains his strategy to bring the department into compliance and end costly fines. He also outlines his plans to implement mentoring programs targeting youth to prevent them from turning to violence.

    Whether you are a parent concerned about your community, an
    engaged citizen interested in local politics, or someone curious about the
    inner workings of a sheriff’s campaign, this episode is packed with valuable

    Listen to the full episode to hear more about Mike Crawford’s vision for a safer, more transparent Maricopa County.

    Related Links:

    • Support Mike Crawford's Campaign
    • Mike Crawford On Facebook
    • Our Family Wizard – Where you can set up communications with your ex in a safe way

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    44 mins
  • Unpacking Youtuber Ruby Franke's child abuse case
    May 16 2024

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    In this episode of the Modern Divorce podcast, host Billie Tarascio delves into the controversial Ruby Franke case with guests Beth Griffith, a true crime podcaster, and Jennie Gage, a social media influencer. Both guests bring unique perspectives as former members of the Mormon church. They explore the intersection of religion, parenting, and the extreme measures that led to Ruby Franke's arrest. The conversation highlights the influence of Mormon doctrines and cultural practices on the case, offering listeners a deep dive into the complexities of faith and family dynamics.

    Beth Griffith and Jennie Gage discuss their backgrounds and how
    their upbringing in the Mormon church has shaped their understanding of the
    Ruby Franke case. Jennie, who left the church amidst domestic violence
    struggles, and Beth, who turned to true crime content after her volatile
    upbringing, provide insights into the cultural and doctrinal aspects that may
    have influenced Franke's parenting methods. They emphasize that while Ruby's
    actions were extreme, they reflect certain teachings and cultural norms within
    the church.

    The discussion also covers the specific disciplinary actions
    taken by Ruby Franke, such as removing her child's bed and withholding food,
    and how these practices might be influenced by Mormon teachings on obedience
    and discipline. Beth and Jennie delve into the concept of "milk before
    meat" in Mormonism, where members are gradually introduced to deeper,
    sometimes more radical, doctrines. They argue that Ruby's actions were not
    isolated incidents but were deeply rooted in her religious beliefs and the
    pressure to achieve "perfect obedience."

    Lastly, the podcast touches on the role of mental health and
    support within the Mormon community. Both guests express concern about the lack
    of adequate mental health resources and the emphasis on religious solutions to
    personal struggles. They suggest that Ruby Franke's extreme actions might have
    been exacerbated by a lack of proper mental health support and the intense
    pressure to conform to religious standards. Overall, this episode of Modern
    Divorce offers a compelling examination of the Ruby Franke case through the
    lens of former Mormon members, shedding light on the intricate ties between
    religion, parenting, and personal well-being.

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    57 mins