• Rediscovering Family Heritage: Pamela Westbrooks-Hodge (ep. 682)
    Jun 20 2024

    Pamela Westbrooks-Hodge has led some of the world’s most iconic brands. And yet, it’s what she uncovered about her family's past that’s most incredible.

    After discovering that her great-great-great-grandmother had been enslaved in Missouri, wrongfully convicted of a crime, and denied the justice she so deserved, Pamela eagerly sought to learn more about her family’s heritage.

    My friends, today’s episode goes beyond Pamela’s journey as we celebrate unity, collaboration and how we can’t change the past, but we can certainly learn from it.

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    53 mins
  • Do You Mind Switching Seats with Me? (Monday Moment ep. 681)
    Jun 17 2024

    Every day offers the same opportunity: To invest in activities, efforts, work and conversations that build others up or to choose attitudes, words and actions that push others down. The choice we make profoundly influences how we feel about our lives and our capacity to positively impact the lives of those around us. Let me explain.

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    6 mins
  • Hope, Healing and Horses: Kim Meeder (ep. 680)
    Jun 13 2024

    At the tender age of nine, Kim Meeder faced an unimaginable tragedy when she lost both her parents in a matter of minutes. Though losing her parents in such a horrific way could have shattered her spirit forever, she discovered strength in her faith and solace in the company of horses. It was in taking care of, riding, and simply being in the presence of these majestic animals that she found her path to healing.

    Today, Kim shares how she transformed her pain into a life filled with purpose and joy, and how she shares this freedom with others, encouraging them to find their own paths to healing through Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch.

    My friends, if you want to hear a story of what being open to the unexpected can bring, and how to turn an evil tragedy into a life of beautiful healing, this conversation is for you.

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    55 mins
  • It Goes Fast (Monday Moment ep. 679)
    Jun 10 2024

    “I'm losing it.

    These were the final words spoken by the great singer, Frank Sinatra. The man who spent his life performing at sold-out theaters and proudly proclaiming he did it his way recognized at the end of his life that none of us are totally in control.

    Emily Dickinson offered a more poetic reflection as death approached. She looked past those gathered in the room and spoke these words, "I must go in, the fog is rising."

    "Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." Karl Marx shared this sentiment as he prepared to die. Even though he felt he’d said enough, they unintentionally became the last words he ever spoke.

    Fools or not, at some point we all speak words which will become our last. Have you ever considered what your final words might be? Have you ever heard someone share theirs? As we savor the last summer before taking our oldest son to college, I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on some last words shared with me. Let me explain.

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    7 mins
  • Christina Rasmussen: Healing the Heartbreak of Everyday Grief (ep. 678)
    Jun 6 2024

    Christina Rasmussen is an acclaimed grief educator who has dedicated her life to helping others navigate the often misunderstood and silent struggles of everyday loss. Her mission is to guide others to living life fully and joyously.

    Today, Christina shares how she overcame her fears and limitations while growing up in Greece, how she confronted the profound grief of losing her husband to cancer at a young age and how she’s helping others navigate their journeys with loss and grief.

    My friends, if you’re looking for a conversation that underscores resilience, the power of community, and how to embrace life’s fullest potential, this episode is for you.

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    52 mins
  • Hope Can Shine Through Despair (Monday Moment ep. 677)
    Jun 3 2024

    With intensifying conflicts around the world, ever-amplifying political tension in the United States, and persistent personal challenges we all deal with daily, it’s easy to feel lost in the seemingly growing shadow of darkness.

    And yet, there are examples around us of individuals who survive unspeakable heartache, remarkably heal, and today reflect light into a world longing for it. Few individuals personify this more brilliantly than my friend, Kim Meeder.

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    8 mins
  • Immaculée Ilibagiza: Rwandan Genocide Survivor on Hope, Faith and Peace (ep. 676)
    May 30 2024

    For 91 harrowing days, Immaculée Ilibagiza huddled a tiny bathroom with seven other women while hundreds of machete-wielding killers hunted for them during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Today, Immaculée stands as a beacon of hope and resilience.

    Join us at Immaculee shares her excruciating experience, how she found her faith and taught herself English in the midst of unimaginable terror, and most incredibly, embraced a life of peace, hope and forgiveness, even for those who had murdered her family.

    My friends, Immaculée's story isn't just about survival; it's about the boundless capacity for faith and resilience that lies within each of us. It's a reminder that no matter how dire the circumstances, we all have the power to rise above, to find peace within, and to spread love and hope to the world.

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    58 mins
  • Admire Their Bravery, Honor Their Sacrifice (Monday Moment ep. 675)
    May 27 2024

    Today, many of us will enjoy a day off work. We'll sleep in, take walks, watch shows, or spend time with family and friends. And yet, many in our communities remain unaware of the true significance of this day.

    On this Memorial Day, let us pause and remember why we have this day off. Let us give thanks for the incredible opportunities we have today and remember the ultimate sacrifices that provided these freedoms.

    In a world where we often celebrate people for their beauty, social following, or professional success, let’s ensure the humility, sacrifice, life, and death of these heroes continue to shine brightly through those of us lucky enough to live on.

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    5 mins