• Episode 11-Healthy Communication with Your Teen and Pre-Teen with guest Paige Clingenpeel
    Jun 11 2024

    While slammed doors and the silent treatment will probably happen in your home at some point during the teen years (it’s not personal, it’s part of your teen’s job description!), learning how to communicate with your teen is absolutely possible! Get ready to take notes as Jim welcomes fellow podcast host and licensed mental health counselor Paige Clingenpeel as they discuss how to encourage conversation between you and your teen, how important it is to apologize, and how validating their opinions creates equity for a healthy relationship as they grow. This episode is a goldmine of information for parents of pre-teens and teens and we can’t wait for you to hear it!

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Paige Clingenpeel Website: https://www.paigeclingenpeel.com/

    Embracing Your Season Podcast: https://www.paigeclingenpeel.com/embracing-your-season-podcast

    Facebook: @Paige Clingenpeel

    Instagram: @paigeclingenpeel

    YouTube: Embracing Your Season Sponsored by HomeWord

    Books Mentioned:

    Understanding Your Teen: https://homeword.com/product/understanding-your-teen/

    Living Life with Your Adult Children: https://homeword.com/product/dlwac-book/

    Jim’s Points:

    1. Listen more, talk less (listening is the language of love!)
    2. Make family mealtimes conversation times (put the phones away!)
    3. Have parent-teen date/hangout times on a regular basis
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    33 mins
  • Episode 10-The First Few Years of Marriage with guest Doug Fields
    Jun 4 2024

    We all want to start a marriage right. We think our love and connection with our new spouse will automatically keep us close, paving the road for a smooth marital journey. Then a few years down the line, we find ourselves distant from each other: little irritations are big bumps in the road, communication is faulty, and sex was about 250 rest stops ago. Where did we veer off course? Join Jim Burns and good friend, author, and speaker, Doug Fields as they discuss navigating the early years of marriage and how we can keep our relationship in good working order. In this episode, discover how to be intentional; cherish your spouse, be thankful for who they are, and welcome growth as a couple and as an individual.

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    HomeWord Contact: info@homeword.com

    HomeWord Voice Line: 949-485-3905 (open 24/7)

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Doug Fields Bio: https://www.dougfields.com/about

    Getting Ready for Marriage Online Course: https://gettingreadyformarriage.com/

    Doug Fields Resources: https://www.dougfields.com/store

    The First Few Years of Marriage: https://www.dougfields.com/product/the-first-few-years-of-marriage

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    39 mins
  • Episode 9-Daily Conversations for Screen Management with guest Dr. Alice Benton
    May 30 2024

    Are you a Screen Enabler or a Screen Limiter? Screen management can be a topic of dissension in the home and it’s difficult to know how to approach it in a way that both parents can agree on. Jim welcomes special guest Dr. Alice Benton as they discuss methods of screen management, how humility plays a huge role in the discussion, and how it helps to think of screen management as a family problem - not just an individual one. We hope this conversation gives you the stepping stones to healthy discourse in your home and removes some of the fear surrounding this timely topic.

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Dr. Alice Benton website: https://dralicebenton.com/

    Daily Conversations for Screen Management Course: https://dr-alice-benton-university.teachable.com/p/digital-parenting-daily-conversations

    Digital Parenting Conversations Course: https://dralicebenton.com/digitallybalancedparenting


    Understanding and Loving Your Children in a Screen-Saturated World: https://a.co/d/8bO4XzJ

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    37 mins
  • Episode 8-Doing Life with Your Adult Children with Jim Burns
    May 23 2024

    Once your kids have officially “flown the nest”, or even if they are still living at home as young adults, your relationship with them has to change - especially if you want to keep a relationship with them! Listen in on today’s “Just Jim” episode where he breaks down his book, Doing Life with your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out, for some truly sage advice on transitioning your former day-to-day parenting role to one of mentoring and friendship with your adult children.

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Doing Life with Your Adult Children Online Course: https://homeword.com/dlwac-course/


    Doing Life with Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out: https://homeword.com/product/dlwac-book/

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    34 mins
  • Episode 7-Why Girl Dad's Matter with guest Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
    May 13 2024

    Dads, have you ever felt at a loss when it comes to connecting with your daughter? Have you maybe even adopted the belief that your daughter doesn’t really need you as much as she needs mom? Join Jim and special guest Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield as they dive into the importance of your role as “Girl Dad” and the numerous long-term benefits of intentional connection between you. Loaded with both scientific research and biblical examples, you’ll come away from this conversation feeling encouraged and equipped to build the relationship with your daughter that she desperately wants and needs.

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield Website: https://www.drmichellewatson.com/

    The Abba Project: https://www.drmichellewatson.com/theabbaproject

    The Dad Whisperer: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dad-whisperer-podcast/id1208249241


    Dad, Here’s What I Really Need From You: https://a.co/d/0B9BIDU

    Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters: https://a.co/d/gIXELLJ

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    37 mins
  • Episode 6-Empty Nest Success with Charlotte Guest
    May 9 2024

    When you’re smack in the middle of this wildly beautiful and exhausting thing we call parenthood, it’s hard to imagine life after the kids are grown - but next thing you know, you’ve dropped the last one off at college…now what? Join Jim Burns and Charlotte Guest as they dive deep into life as “Empty Nesters”, and how to find joy, purpose, and maybe even rekindled romance with your spouse in this new season. Parents of young ones, don’t skip this! There’s some applicable wisdom here for you, too.

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Charlotte Guest website: https://www.charlotteguest.com/about

    Empty Nest Guests Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/empty-nest-guests/id1534634660

    Mission Quest Worksheet: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/7tKtFC3


    Finding Joy in the Empty Nest: https://homeword.com/product/finding-joy-in-the-empty-nest-discover-purpose-and-passion-in-the-next-phase-of-life/

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    38 mins
  • Episode 5-Moving from Denial to Hope: Parenting Your Teen in a Scary World with guest Dr. Jessica Peck
    May 2 2024

    No parent wants to consider the possibility of their child engaging in dangerous behaviors. We tell ourselves that our teens are smart and healthy; that they would never vape, send sexts, or contemplate suicide - and yet the data shows us that these are all too common behaviors. Host Jim Burns and guest Dr. Jessica Peck, a pediatric nurse practitioner and host of The Dr. Nurse Mama Show, dive into some of the primary pain points our teens face today and how a willingness to have those uncomfortable conversations greatly increases a healthy outcome for our kids. It’s time to step out of fear and into actionable hope!

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    SEMINAR: Creating a Media-Safe Home: https://homeword.com/seminars/creating-a-media-safe-home/

    Dr. Jessica Peck Website: https://www.drnursemama.com/

    The Dr. Nurse Mama Show: https://afr.net/podcasts/the-dr-nurse-mama-show/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.NurseMama


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrPeckPNP

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.nurse.mama/


    Behind Closed Doors: https://a.co/d/5J3AB9t

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    38 mins
  • Episode 4-When Marriage Doesn’t Mean ‘Happily Ever After' with guest Dr. Bob Paul
    Apr 25 2024

    Did you believe that once you got married you’d live happily ever after? If so, you may be entitled to compensation…

    Our culture has shaped a lot of what we unconsciously believe about marriage and that has led to some uncomfortable discoveries; marriage isn’t perfect, my spouse certainly isn’t perfect, I’m not happy all the time, and we fight more than any couple ever “should”. So what is marriage “supposed” to be? Join host Jim Burns and guest Dr. Bob Paul as they discuss some of the biggest lies and myths surrounding marriage and how we can shift our relationships to a loving, thriving, and hope-filled legacy.

    HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

    HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

    Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

    Bob Paul Bio: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/contributors/bob-paul/

    Hope Restored Marriage Intensives: https://hoperestored.focusonthefamily.com/

    Reactive Cycle: https://www.reactivecycle.com/


    9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/9-lies-that-will-destroy-your-marriage-and-the-truths-that-will-save-it-and-set-it-free/

    Restoring Hope: An Integral Approach to Marital Therapy: https://a.co/d/1gWvosU

    Finding Ever After: https://a.co/d/aRiconF

    The DNA of Relationships: https://a.co/d/aQ6XYxv

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    39 mins