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FluentFiction - Estonian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Mystery Solved: The Case of Tallinn's Missing Masterpiece
    Jun 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Mystery Solved: The Case of Tallinn's Missing Masterpiece Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mystery-solved-the-case-of-tallinns-missing-masterpiece Story Transcript:Et: Kirikukellad helisesid Tallinna vanalinnas.En: The church bells rang in Tallinn's Old Town.Et: Katrin kõndis mööda kitsast munakividega kaetud tänavat.En: Katrin walked along a narrow, cobblestone street.Et: Oli sügis, ja lehed langesid kuldselt maha.En: It was autumn, and the leaves were falling golden to the ground.Et: Katrin armastas vanalinna võlu.En: Katrin loved the charm of the Old Town.Et: Katrin töötas Raekojas.En: Katrin worked at the Town Hall.Et: Ta oli Raekojas kunstihooldaja.En: She was an art conservator there.Et: Ühel jahedal oktoobrikuu hommikul saabus Katrin tööle ja avastas, et sajanditevanune maal oli kadunud.En: One chilly October morning, Katrin arrived at work and discovered that a centuries-old painting was missing.Et: See oli suur maal, mis kujutas Raekoja platsi kunagi.En: It was a large painting depicting the Town Hall square of yesteryears.Et: Maal oli väga väärtuslik.En: The painting was very valuable.Et: Ei olnud märke sissemurdmisest.En: There were no signs of a break-in.Et: Katrin oli šokeeritud.En: Katrin was shocked.Et: Kuidas see sai juhtuda?En: How could this have happened?Et: Ta kutsus politsei.En: She called the police.Et: Politsei uuris juhtumit hoolikalt.En: The police investigated the case carefully.Et: Ei olnud mingeid märke vägivallast või vargusest.En: There were no signs of violence or theft.Et: Kõik oli omal kohal, välja arvatud maal.En: Everything was in place except for the painting.Et: Katrin mõtles palju.En: Katrin thought a lot about it.Et: Ta teadis, et maal on eriline.En: She knew the painting was special.Et: See oli sajandeid Raekojas olnud.En: It had been in the Town Hall for centuries.Et: See oli osa linnas ajalugu.En: It was part of the town's history.Et: Ühel õhtul, kui Katrin jalutas vanalinnas, ta nägi vanameest, kes hoidis kahtlast kotti.En: One evening, as Katrin was walking in the Old Town, she saw an old man holding a suspicious bag.Et: Mehe pilk oli terav ja kummaline.En: The man's gaze was sharp and strange.Et: Katrin küsis mehelt: "Tere, kas te oskate öelda, mida te seal kannate?"En: Katrin asked the man, "Hello, can you tell me what you are carrying?"Et: Mees oli vaikinud hetkeks, siis naeratas ja ütles: "Ei midagi erilist."En: The man was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Nothing special."Et: Katrin ei olnud rahul.En: Katrin was not satisfied.Et: Ta järgis meest, kuni ta läks väike pood.En: She followed the man until he went into a small shop.Et: Mees pani koti maha ja astus sealt välja.En: The man put the bag down and stepped out.Et: Katrin läks poodi.En: Katrin entered the shop.Et: Mida ta leidis, oli hämmastav.En: What she found was astonishing.Et: Koti sees oli kadunud maal!En: Inside the bag was the missing painting!Et: Katrin teavitas kohe politseid.En: Katrin immediately informed the police.Et: Politsei tuli ja võttis mehe kinni.En: The police came and arrested the man.Et: Selgus, et mees oli kunstivaras, kes tahtis maali müüa.En: It turned out that the man was an art thief who wanted to sell the painting.Et: Politsei viis mehe minema ja Katrin tõi maali tagasi Raekotta.En: The police took the man away, and Katrin returned the painting to the Town Hall.Et: Tallinna vanalinn oli jälle rahulik.En: Tallinn's Old Town was peaceful again.Et: Katrin oli õnnelik, et aare oli tagasi.En: Katrin was happy that the treasure was back.Et: Ta tundis, et oli teinud midagi tähtsat.En: She felt that she had done something important.Et: Maal paigutati uuesti oma õigesse kohta.En: The painting was placed back in its rightful spot.Et: Katrin istus oma lauas ja vaatas maali.En: Katrin sat at her desk and looked at the painting.Et: Ta teadis, et vanalinn on täis saladusi, kuid seekord oli üks neist lahendatud.En: She knew the Old Town was full of secrets, but this time, one of them had been solved.Et: Ja nii jäi Tallinna vanalinn edasi oma salapäraseks, kuid turvaliseks paigaks, kus sajandeid vana kunst oli kaitstud.En: And so Tallinn's Old Town remained a mysterious yet safe place, where centuries-old art was protected.Et: Lõpp.En: The End. Vocabulary Words:church bells: kirikukelladnarrow: kitsascobblestone: munakivicharm: võluart conservator: kunstihooldajachilly: jahecenturies-old: sajanditevanunevaluable: väärtuslikbreak-in: sissemurdmineviolence: vägivaldtheft: vargusgaze: piltsharp: teravstrange: kummalinesuspicious: kahtlanesilent: vaikneastonishing: hämmastavinformed: teavitasarrested: võttis kinniart thief: kunstivarassell: müüatreasure: aareworthless: ebavajalikridden: olidhideous: vinttisconsistent: jätkusuutlikconsciousness: teadvuscenterpiece: pärlpersistent: püsivruthless: hoolimatu
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    15 mins
  • Adventures in Lahemaa: A Serene Hike Through Nature's Wonders
    Jun 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Adventures in Lahemaa: A Serene Hike Through Nature's Wonders Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/adventures-in-lahemaa-a-serene-hike-through-natures-wonders Story Transcript:Et: Ilus suvehommik tõusis ja päike paistis heledalt Lahemaa rahvuspargi kohal.En: A beautiful summer morning rose and the sun shone brightly over Lahemaa National Park.Et: Maarika ja Juhan otsustasid, et see on ideaalne päev matkamiseks.En: Maarika and Juhan decided it was the perfect day for a hike.Et: "Nii kaunis hommik," ütles Maarika naeratades ja pani seljakoti selga.En: "Such a lovely morning," said Maarika, smiling as she put on her backpack.Et: "Jah, ma ei jõua ära oodata, et näha neid jugasid ja soid!"En: "Yes, I can't wait to see those waterfalls and bogs!"Et: vastas Juhan, kes armastas loodust.En: replied Juhan, who loved nature.Et: Metsarajad olid kaetud pehmete lehtedega ja kõikjal laulisid linnud.En: The forest trails were covered with soft leaves and birds sang everywhere.Et: Maarika ja Juhan astusid rõõmsalt edasi, nautides värsket õhku ja vaikust.En: Maarika and Juhan walked cheerfully, enjoying the fresh air and silence.Et: Esimene peatus oli väikese jõe ääres, kus vesi vulises kivide vahel.En: The first stop was by a small river, where water gurgled between the stones.Et: Maarika kummardus, et vett puudutada.En: Maarika bent down to touch the water.Et: "See on nii külm ja puhas," ütles ta vaimustunult.En: "It's so cold and clean," she said enthusiastically.Et: Juhan noogutas, mõeldes juba edasi nende järgmisele sihtkohale – suur jugade kaskaad.En: Juhan nodded, already thinking ahead to their next destination – the big waterfall cascade.Et: Mõne aja pärast hakkas ta kaugemal kuulma vee kohinat.En: After a while, he began to hear the sound of water in the distance.Et: "Kuule, Maarika, kas sa kuulsid seda?En: "Hey, Maarika, did you hear that?Et: Me oleme lähedal," ütles Juhan.En: We are close," said Juhan.Et: Maarika naeratas ja nad kiirendasid sammu.En: Maarika smiled and they quickened their pace.Et: Peagi jõudsid nad suurejoalise juga juurde.En: Soon they reached the majestic waterfall.Et: Vesi langes võimsalt alla, tekitades peene veepilve, mis sädeles päikeses.En: Water fell powerfully down, creating a fine mist that sparkled in the sunlight.Et: "See on hingemattev," lausus Maarika, jälgides maagiat enda ees.En: "It's breathtaking," said Maarika, watching the magic in front of her.Et: Juhan istus maha ja naeris: "Puhkame veidi, et nautida seda hetke."En: Juhan sat down and laughed, "Let's rest a bit to enjoy this moment."Et: Peale ettevaatlikku puhkust suundusid nad edasi läbi metsa, kuni jõudsid avarale alale, kus algas iidne soo.En: After a careful rest, they headed further through the forest until they reached a vast area where an ancient bog began.Et: Vaikus ja rahu ümbritsesid neid.En: Silence and peace surrounded them.Et: "Mulle meeldib see koht," ütles Juhan mõtlikult.En: "I like this place," said Juhan thoughtfully.Et: "See on nii rahulik ja vanaaegne."En: "It's so peaceful and timeless."Et: Maarika nõustus ja nad jalutasid edasi, saades osa looduse imelisest ilu.En: Maarika agreed and they walked on, taking in the wondrous beauty of nature.Et: Päikese vajudes hakkas pimedus hiilima ja nad otsustasid tagasi pöörduda.En: As the sun set, darkness began to creep in, and they decided to head back.Et: "See oli suurepärane päev," ütles Maarika naeratades.En: "It was a wonderful day," said Maarika, smiling.Et: "Jah, tõesti.En: "Yes, indeed.Et: Me peame siia tagasi tulema," vastas Juhan, kui nad vaikuses pargi läbivad teed taga kõndisid.En: We must come back here," replied Juhan as they walked back through the park in silence.Et: Lõpuks jõudsid nad autosse ja sõitsid kodu poole, südames rõõm ja rahulolu.En: Finally, they reached the car and drove home, hearts filled with joy and contentment.Et: Lahemaa rahvuspargi lummav ilu oli jätnud neile kustumatu mulje ja nad teadsid, et tulevad veel tagasi.En: The enchanting beauty of Lahemaa National Park had left an indelible impression on them, and they knew they would return again. Vocabulary Words:beautiful: ilusmorning: hommikdecided: otsustasidperfect: ideaalnehike: matkbackpack: seljakottbogs: soidnature: loodustrails: metsarajadsoft: pehmetecheerfully: rõõmsaltsilence: vaikusgurgled: vulisesstones: kivideenthusiastically: vaimustunultcascade: kaskaadmajestic: suurejoalisemist: veepilvesparkled: sädelesbreathtaking: hingemattevancient: iidnepeace: rahuthoughtfully: mõtlikulttimeless: vanaegnewondrous: imelisestcreep: hiilimahearts: südamescontentment: rahuloluenchanting: lummavindelible: kustumatu
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    14 mins
  • Eco-Futurism Under Domes in Tallinn's Old Town
    Jun 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Eco-Futurism Under Domes in Tallinn's Old Town Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/eco-futurism-under-domes-in-tallinns-old-town Story Transcript:Et: Tallinna vanalinna tänavad on muutunud.En: The streets of Tallinn's old town have changed.Et: Käänulised munakiviteed on nüüd kaetud läbipaistvate kuplitega.En: The winding cobblestone paths are now covered with transparent domes.Et: Kuppelmajad on varustatud ökotehnoloogiaga, mis hoiab seesmises kliimat kontrolli all.En: The dome houses are equipped with eco-technology that keeps the internal climate under control.Et: Marten ja Liina jalutavad kuplite vahel.En: Marten and Liina walk between the domes.Et: Marten imetleb uut vaadet: "Vanalinn on nii teistsugune nüüd."En: Marten admires the new view: "The old town is so different now."Et: Liina naeratab: "Jah, aga mulle meeldib see.En: Liina smiles: "Yes, but I like it.Et: Siin on soe ja õhk on puhas."En: It's warm here and the air is clean."Et: Marten uurib lähedal asuvat kuplit.En: Marten examines a nearby dome.Et: See on täiuslik.En: It is perfect.Et: Klaas on kristallselge ja seest paistavad taimed ja väikesed aednikud, kes teevad tööd.En: The glass is crystal clear, and inside, plants and small gardeners at work can be seen.Et: "Näe, see on ökokuplipere," ütleb Marten.En: "Look, it's an eco-dome family," says Marten.Et: "Nad kasvatavad oma toitu siin sees," lisab Liina.En: "They grow their food in here," adds Liina.Et: "See on nii mõistlik."En: "It's so sensible."Et: Nad liiguvad edasi järgmise kupli juurde.En: They move on to the next dome.Et: Seal sees on väike kohvik.En: Inside, there is a small café.Et: Inimesed joovad kuumi jooke ja lobisevad rõõmsalt.En: People are drinking hot beverages and chatting happily.Et: "Kas võtame ka kohvi?"En: "Shall we have some coffee?"Et: küsib Marten.En: asks Marten.Et: "Jah, miks mitte," vastab Liina.En: "Yes, why not," answers Liina.Et: Nad astuvad sisse ja tellivad.En: They step inside and order.Et: Istudes vaatavad nad aknast välja.En: As they sit down, they look out of the window.Et: Kupli seinad lasevad läbi päikesevalgust, kuid kaitsevad külma eest.En: The dome's walls let in sunlight but keep out the cold.Et: Kohvikust väljudes märkavad nad suurt monitori kupli seinal.En: Upon leaving the café, they notice a large monitor on the dome wall.Et: Sellel on värsked uudised ja ilm.En: It displays fresh news and weather.Et: Prognoositakse lumesadu, aga kuplis sees on soe ja kuiv.En: Snowfall is forecasted, but inside the dome, it is warm and dry.Et: "Ma armastan seda uut tehnoloogiat," ütleb Marten.En: "I love this new technology," says Marten.Et: "See on palju parem kui vanasti, kui pidime lume ja vihmaga võitlema," vastab Liina.En: "It's much better than before when we had to battle snow and rain," replies Liina.Et: "Nüüd saame nautida iga päeva."En: "Now we can enjoy every day."Et: Õhtul jalutavad Marten ja Liina tagasi oma kupli poole.En: In the evening, Marten and Liina walk back to their dome.Et: Õhk on värske ja päikeseloojang teeb kõik punakaks.En: The air is fresh, and the sunset makes everything red.Et: "Näe, meie kuppel on juba näha," ütleb Marten.En: "Look, our dome is already in sight," says Marten.Et: Sisenedes oma kuplisse, tunnevad nad kohe soojust.En: Entering their dome, they immediately feel the warmth.Et: Liina asetab värsked õunad lauale.En: Liina places fresh apples on the table.Et: "Näe, ostsin turult.En: "Look, I bought these at the market.Et: Need on pärit siitsamast vanalinnast."En: They're from right here in the old town."Et: Marten naeratab: "Need maitsevad kindlasti suurepäraselt."En: Marten smiles: "They are sure to taste great."Et: Nad istuvad laua taha ja naudivad õhtusööki.En: They sit down at the table and enjoy dinner.Et: Väljas muutub lumetorm tugevamaks, kuid sees on mugav ja soe.En: Outside, the snowstorm grows stronger, but inside it is comfortable and warm.Et: Marten ja Liina vaatavad aknast välja, kuulates tormi müha.En: Marten and Liina look out the window, listening to the storm's roar.Et: "Meil on vedanud, et elame siin."En: "We're lucky to live here."Et: Marten noogutab.En: Marten nods.Et: "Siin on hea olla.En: "It's good to be here.Et: Oleme leidnud oma koha."En: We've found our place."Et: Ja nii nad jäävadki, rahul oma uue eluga, Tallinna vanalinna kuplite all, kus iga päev toob endaga uusi avastusi ja rahu.En: And so they remain, content with their new life under the domes of Tallinn's old town, where each day brings new discoveries and peace. Vocabulary Words:winding: käänulisedcobblestone: munakiviteetransparent: läbipaistevdome: kuppelequipped: varustatudinternal: seesmisesclimate: kliimacontrol: kontrolladmires: imetlebsensible: mõistlikbeverages: joogidhappily: rõõmsaltchatting: lobisemasunlight: päikesevalgusforecasted: prognoositaksefresh: värskemonitor: monitorwarm: ...
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    15 mins

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