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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Morning Magic: Exercise and Tai Chi at the Temple of Heaven
    Jun 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Morning Magic: Exercise and Tai Chi at the Temple of Heaven Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/morning-magic-exercise-and-tai-chi-at-the-temple-of-heaven Story Transcript:Zh: 天刚破晓,北京天坛公园里弥漫着清晨的清新气息。En: As the day broke, the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing was filled with the refreshing scent of the morning.Zh: 公园的树叶上还挂着晶莹的露珠。En: Crystal-clear dewdrops clung to the leaves of the park's trees.Zh: 一阵微风吹过,露珠轻轻滴落,给大地带来一丝凉意。En: A gentle breeze blew, causing the dewdrops to fall lightly, bringing a touch of coolness to the ground.Zh: 小明一大早就来到了天坛。En: Early in the morning, Xiao Ming arrived at the Temple of Heaven.Zh: 他喜欢在这里晨练。En: He enjoyed exercising here.Zh: 天坛的草地很大,空气很清新,小明觉得这里是最好的锻炼场所。En: With its vast lawns and fresh air, Xiao Ming felt it was the best place for exercise.Zh: 今天,小明约了他的好朋友阿芳一起晨练。En: Today, Xiao Ming had arranged to do his morning workout with his good friend Ah Fang.Zh: 阿芳也是个晨跑爱好者,他们常常一起运动。En: Ah Fang was also a morning running enthusiast, and they often exercised together.Zh: 她已经站在公园的入口处,等着小明。En: She was already standing at the entrance of the park, waiting for Xiao Ming.Zh: “小明,早上好!今天我们跑多少圈?”阿芳笑着问。En: “Good morning, Xiao Ming! How many laps are we running today?” Ah Fang asked with a smile.Zh: “早上好,阿芳!我们跑五圈吧。En: “Good morning, Ah Fang! Let’s run five laps.Zh: 听说王叔叔今天也会来,我们等下看见他打个招呼吧。”小明回答。En: I heard Uncle Wang will be here today as well, so let’s greet him when we see him,” Xiao Ming replied.Zh: 于是,他们开始在公园的大道上慢跑。En: Thus, they started jogging on the park’s main path.Zh: 天空渐渐亮了起来,金色的阳光洒在他们的脸上,温暖而舒适。En: The sky gradually brightened, and the golden sunlight shone on their faces, warm and comfortable.Zh: 跑了一圈后,他们在一个小亭子前停下休息。En: After completing one lap, they stopped to rest in front of a small pavilion.Zh: 突然,看见王叔叔在不远处的草坪上做太极。En: Suddenly, they saw Uncle Wang practicing Tai Chi on a nearby lawn.Zh: 王叔叔是个退休的老教师,身体非常健康,他常常在天坛练太极拳。En: Uncle Wang, a retired teacher, was very healthy and often practiced Tai Chi at the Temple of Heaven.Zh: “王叔叔,早上好!”小明和阿芳一起喊道。En: “Good morning, Uncle Wang!” Xiao Ming and Ah Fang called out together.Zh: 王叔叔笑着点点头,说:“早上好,小明,阿芳!今天锻炼得怎么样?”En: Uncle Wang nodded with a smile and said, “Good morning, Xiao Ming, Ah Fang! How’s your workout going today?”Zh: “我们刚跑了一圈,现在休息一下。”阿芳回答。En: “We’ve just run one lap and are taking a break now,” Ah Fang replied.Zh: “很好,坚持锻炼对身体有好处。En: “Great, keeping up with exercise is good for your health.Zh: 来,阿芳,小明,我教你们几个简单的太极动作吧。”王叔叔说。En: Come, Ah Fang, Xiao Ming, I’ll teach you a few simple Tai Chi moves,” Uncle Wang said.Zh: 于是,小明和阿芳跟随着王叔叔学习太极。En: So, Xiao Ming and Ah Fang followed Uncle Wang to learn Tai Chi.Zh: 王叔叔的动作柔和有力,宛如行云流水。En: Uncle Wang’s movements were smooth and powerful, as graceful as flowing water.Zh: 小明和阿芳试着模仿,En: Xiao Ming and Ah Fang tried to imitate him.Zh: 虽然动作不太标准,但他们非常努力。En: Although their movements were not very precise, they put in a lot of effort.Zh: 练了一会儿,小明和阿芳感觉全身变得轻松了许多。En: After practicing for a while, Xiao Ming and Ah Fang felt much more relaxed.Zh: 王叔叔夸奖他们学得很认真。En: Uncle Wang praised them for their serious learning.Zh: “小明,阿芳,坚持每天晨练,你们会越来越健康。”王叔叔说道。En: “Xiao Ming, Ah Fang, keep up with your daily morning exercise, and you'll become healthier and healthier,” Uncle Wang said.Zh: 天坛公园里的晨光越发美丽。En: The morning light in the Temple of Heaven Park became even more beautiful.Zh: 小明和阿芳不仅锻炼了身体,还学到了太极。En: Not only did Xiao Ming and Ah Fang get a good workout, but they also learned Tai Chi.Zh: 回家的路上,他们心情愉快,阳光洒在他们的脸上,仿佛预示着美好的一天。En: On their way home, they felt joyful, with the sunlight shining on their...
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    16 mins
  • Virtual Treasures: Adventures in Futuristic Forbidden City
    Jun 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Virtual Treasures: Adventures in Futuristic Forbidden City Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/virtual-treasures-adventures-in-futuristic-forbidden-city Story Transcript:Zh: 在遥远的未来,北京故宫变成了一个高科技乐园,每个人都可以通过脑波控制移动,一切都用虚拟现实技术体验。En: In the distant future, Beijing's Forbidden City has transformed into a high-tech amusement park where everyone can move using brainwave control, and everything is experienced through virtual reality technology.Zh: 小明和丽丽是一对好朋友。一天,他们决定去参观故宫。En: Xiao Ming and Lili are good friends. One day, they decided to visit the Forbidden City.Zh: 他们来到故宫大门前,只需要闭上眼睛和想到进入,门就自动打开了。他们第一站是太和殿。他们看到古代的皇帝坐在那里接受大臣的拜见,场景栩栩如生。En: When they arrived at the gates of the Forbidden City, they only needed to close their eyes and think about entering, and the door automatically opened. Their first stop was the Hall of Supreme Harmony. They saw an ancient emperor sitting there, receiving his ministers' homage, and the scene was vividly lifelike.Zh: 他们继续走,到了珍宝馆。那里有许多宝物。丽丽看中了一只金碗。她伸手一摸,金碗变得透明,甚至可以看到里面。En: They continued on to the Treasure Gallery, where many treasures were displayed. Lili was fascinated by a gold bowl. When she reached out and touched it, the bowl became transparent, and she could even see inside it.Zh: 小明想去御花园。他们集中注意力,瞬间就到了那里。御花园里的花草和树木是用虚拟现实技术做成的,非常美丽。鸟儿在空中飞来飞去,就像真的一样。En: Xiao Ming wanted to visit the Imperial Garden. They concentrated, and in an instant, they were there. The flowers, plants, and trees in the Imperial Garden were made using virtual reality technology and were very beautiful. Birds flew in the air as if they were real.Zh: 突然,大风吹来,整个御花园开始摇晃。系统出故障了!丽丽很害怕,开始哭泣。小明安慰她,说:“别怕,我们一定能出去。”En: Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the entire Imperial Garden started to shake. The system malfunctioned! Lili was very scared and began to cry. Xiao Ming comforted her, saying, 'Don't be afraid, we will surely get out.'Zh: 小明集中精力,呼叫了虚拟现实的管理员。不久,管理员出现了。她修复了系统,故宫恢复了平静。En: Xiao Ming focused his mind and called the virtual reality administrator. Soon, the administrator appeared and repaired the system, restoring calm to the Forbidden City.Zh: 丽丽笑了,擦了擦眼泪。小明对她说:“我们今天的经历很特别,是不是?”丽丽点点头,说:“是的,不管怎样,这里真的很神奇。”En: Lili smiled and wiped away her tears. Xiao Ming said to her, 'Today’s experience was quite special, wasn't it?’ Lili nodded and said, 'Yes, no matter what, this place is truly magical.'Zh: 故事结束了,他们的友谊变得更深了。他们明白了科技带来的乐趣,也学会了在困难时互相帮助。En: The story ended with their friendship growing even stronger. They realized the joys brought by technology and learned to help each other in times of difficulty.Zh: 北京故宫在虚拟现实的世界里,依然是一个充满奇迹的地方。En: In the virtual reality world, Beijing's Forbidden City remains a place full of wonders. Vocabulary Words:distant: 遥远的future: 未来transformed: 变成high-tech: 高科技amusement park: 乐园brainwave control: 脑波控制virtual reality: 虚拟现实gates: 大门automatically: 自动opened: 打开Homage: 拜见vividly: 栩栩如生lifelike: 栩栩如生Treasure Gallery: 珍宝馆treasures: 宝物fascinated: 看中transparent: 透明Imperial Garden: 御花园concentrated: 集中注意力plants: 花草system malfunctioned: 系统出故障scared: 害怕comforted: 安慰virtual reality administrator: 虚拟现实的管理员restoring: 恢复calm: 平静cried: 哭泣tears: 眼泪friendship: 友谊magical: 神奇
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    13 mins
  • Flying Taxis and Quick Thinking: An Adventure in Future Shanghai
    Jun 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Flying Taxis and Quick Thinking: An Adventure in Future Shanghai Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/flying-taxis-and-quick-thinking-an-adventure-in-future-shanghai Story Transcript:Zh: 在未来的上海,有一对年轻的朋友,明华和丽娜。En: In the future Shanghai, there are two young friends, Minghua and Lina.Zh: 他们住在这座科技发达的城市中。在这里,人们不用开车上班,而是乘坐飞行出租车。En: They live in this technologically advanced city, where people don't drive to work but take flying taxis.Zh: 这种飞行出租车像小型飞机,可以在城市的天空中飞翔。En: These flying taxis, resembling small airplanes, can soar through the city's skies.Zh: 明华和丽娜每天早上都要乘坐飞行出租车去公司。En: Every morning, Minghua and Lina take a flying taxi to their company.Zh: 公司在上海的金融区,离他们住的地方有点远。En: The company is located in Shanghai's financial district, a bit far from where they live.Zh: 早上的上海,总是充满繁忙和喧嚣。En: Morning in Shanghai is always busy and bustling.Zh: 飞行出租车让他们的生活变得方便了许多。En: The flying taxi has made their lives much more convenient.Zh: 一天早上,明华和丽娜像往常一样,走到飞行出租车站点。En: One morning, just like usual, Minghua and Lina walked to the flying taxi station.Zh: 他们登上了一辆银色的飞行出租车。En: They boarded a silver flying taxi.Zh: 出租车的驾驶员是一个机器人,它会带着他们安全到达公司。En: The taxi's driver was a robot, which would safely take them to their company.Zh: “今天有一个重要的会议,”明华对丽娜说,“我们必须准时到达。”En: Zh: En: "We have an important meeting today," Minghua said to Lina. "We must arrive on time."Zh: 丽娜点点头,她知道这次会议非常重要。En: Lina nodded; she knew how crucial this meeting was.Zh: 他们的公司要讨论一个新的项目,这个项目关系到公司的未来发展。En: Their company was going to discuss a new project, which was essential for the company's future development.Zh: 因此,他们不能迟到。En: Therefore, they couldn't be late.Zh: 飞行出租车在高空中飞行,下面是川流不息的车流和密密麻麻的高楼大厦。En: The flying taxi flew high above, below them were streams of traffic and densely packed skyscrapers.Zh: 突然,飞行出租车开始摇晃。En: Suddenly, the flying taxi began to shake.Zh: 丽娜惊慌地看向驾驶员机器人,但机器人只是冷静地宣布:“系统故障,需要紧急降落。”En: Lina looked at the robotic driver in panic, but the robot calmly announced, "System malfunction, emergency landing required."Zh: 飞行出租车开始下降,但它机械的声音让人安心。En: The flying taxi started to descend, but its mechanical voice was reassuring.Zh: 最终,他们在一个安全的地方降落了。En: Eventually, they landed safely in a green area surrounded by tall trees.Zh: 这里是一片绿地,周围有很多高大的树木。En: It looked like the edge of a park.Zh: 看起来好像是一个公园的边缘。虽然距离公司还有一段距离,但至少他们安全了。En: Although they were still some distance from the company, at least they were safe.Zh: “怎么办?我们这样会迟到的!”丽娜担心地看着明华。En: "What should we do? We'll be late like this!" Lina worriedly looked at Minghua.Zh: 明华想了想,说:“我们可以步行到最近的出租车站,再乘普通出租车去公司。En: Minghua thought for a moment and said, "We can walk to the nearest regular taxi stand and take a traditional taxi to the company.Zh: 虽然会慢一些,但这是最好的选择。”En: It might be slower, but it's our best option."Zh: 他们沿着公园的边缘快步走着,终于找到了一个普通出租车站。En: They walked briskly along the edge of the park and eventually found a regular taxi stand.Zh: 他们跳上一辆黄色的出租车,告诉司机他们的目的地。En: They hopped into a yellow taxi and told the driver their destination.Zh: 虽然飞行出租车出了一点意外,但他们还是及时赶到了公司。En: Even though the flying taxi had a small mishap, they still managed to arrive at the company on time.Zh: 会议刚刚开始,老板看到他们迟到,没有责备他们。En: The meeting had just started, and their boss, seeing they were late, did not blame them.Zh: 因为明华和丽娜迅速找到了解决办法,这显示了他们的机智和应变能力。En: Because Minghua and Lina quickly found a solution, it demonstrated their intelligence and adaptability.Zh: 会议进行得非常成功,这个新项目得到了大家的一致认可。En: The meeting was very successful, and everyone ...
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    18 mins

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