• 224. Behind the Scenes: Coaching Conversation
    Aug 19 2024

    In the social selling industry, consistency is often the deciding factor between success and struggle. Yet, many sellers find themselves caught in a cycle of reactive habits, only springing into action during a crisis.

    In a recent coaching session with some of her top six and seven-figure earners, Kristen unpacked these challenges and provided actionable insights to help sellers overcome the obstacles to consistency and build a thriving business.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • Kristen highlighted why many sellers struggle to stay consistent, noting the tendency to only take action during a crisis, which creates a cycle of unhealthy momentum.
    • She discussed how both activity and inactivity in this business accumulate over time, with delayed results that make it easy to fall into complacency.
    • The conversation also covered the importance of creating and maintaining momentum, especially during sprints, and how sometimes your team needs that extra push to keep moving forward.

    Consistency in social selling isn't just about reacting when problems show up—it's about creating and maintaining habits that drive ongoing success. Kristen’s coaching session showed that real success comes from being proactive, simplifying your approach, and keeping your team engaged. Ask yourself what success looks like for you right now and align your actions with that vision.

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the hub: http://kristenboss.com/thehub-pod

    If you are ready to learn lead generation and cold market strategies, get on The Social Selling Academy waitlist here: https://www.kristenboss.com/ssa-pod

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    26 mins
  • 223. Consumer Behavior- Starbucks + Disney
    Aug 5 2024

    It’s easy to think that if your sales are down, it must be because people aren’t spending money. But if you look around, the evidence tells a different story. From long lines at Starbucks to packed Disney parks, it’s clear that people are still opening their wallets. The key isn’t that they’re spending less, it’s that they’re spending differently. Consumers are focusing more on emotional fulfillment than ever before.

    In this episode, Kristen talks to listeners about the current state of consumer spending and behavior. She explores how people are spending money not out of necessity, but for emotional satisfaction. Kristen will guide you through understanding why consumers are prioritizing emotional fulfillment in their purchases and how you can use these insights to tailor your marketing strategies.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • People are looking for products and experiences that provide a dopamine boost. Their purchasing habits are driven by a quick emotional high.
    • Kristen challenges you to analyze your own spending habits over the past month. What did you buy that made you feel good? This self-reflection can provide insights into broader consumer behavior.
    • People aren’t just buying things out of necessity anymore. They’re splurging on stuff that makes them feel good.
    • Many people would rather find ways to earn more money than cut back on their spending.
    • To grab your potential customer’s attention, make sure your product or service hits them on an emotional level. Show how it can bring them joy or solve a problem.

    So, despite what you might hear, people are still spending money, but they’re doing it in a way that focuses on how it makes them feel. By understanding these emotional drivers and aligning your marketing strategies accordingly, you can better connect with your audience and see your sales reflect the true state of consumer spending.

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the hub: http://kristenboss.com/thehub-pod

    If you are ready to learn lead generation and cold market strategies, get on The Social Selling Academy waitlist here: https://www.kristenboss.com/ssa-pod

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    19 mins
  • 222. Mini Series: Paycheck Plateau #3
    Jul 29 2024

    The concept of trading time for money is familiar, but it's also limiting. There's only so much time in a day, and if your income is directly tied to your personal efforts, your earning potential is capped. To break through this barrier, you need to think beyond your own hours and start leveraging other resources.

    In today’s episode, Kristen provides practical guidance and the real truth on how to break through the third paycheck plateau. She focuses on increasing your impact in ways that aren’t directly tied to your personal time. One of the most effective strategies for doing this is building a team.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • Kristen discusses how scaling your efforts means increasing your impact in a leveraged and scalable way. This isn't just about working harder; it's about working smarter.
    • It's about more than just adding members. It's about expanding your impact by bringing in people who want to build their own businesses.
    • The truth is, you don't need to be an expert to help someone get their first customer. Leading by example is often enough.
    • Without investing effort into building a team, you’re not fully leveraging your business. By building a team, you’re creating a sustainable and scalable business model.

    You need to get people into your team. You need to leverage this business through building a team. This is the key to breaking through the paycheck plateau and scaling your business to the next level.

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the hub: http://kristenboss.com/thehub-pod

    If you are ready to learn lead generation and cold market strategies, get on The Social Selling Academy wait list here: https://www.kristenboss.com/ssa-pod

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    21 mins
  • 221. State of the Union
    Jul 24 2024

    There is a lot happening and shifting within the network marketing space right now. Big changes are leaving people questioning the future of network marketing and their own roles within it. Kristen is here to provide support and clarity about what’s going on in the industry, bringing you this special bonus episode.

    In this State of the Union replay, Kristen discusses the changes we’re seeing and offers encouragement and insight. Kristen continues to instill what is possible in this business model, reminding us all that there is still hope for the industry. It's normal to feel vulnerable, to have questions, and to feel a bit unsure of what’s coming next.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • This is hard, and we all feel it. Whenever we see a company change their model to an affiliate model, we ask, "What does this mean for my company?" It's important to remember that network marketing is not going anywhere.
    • Even as companies pivot, your most valuable assets remain intact: your email lists, your personal brand, and the skills you’ve acquired.
    • Tough seasons are part of any business journey. If you’re losing faith in the network marketing business, now is the time to rebuild your belief. Focus on what’s possible and where the industry is heading.

    Be the person who talks about the future and inspires others with a vision of where we’re going. It’s not about ignoring the challenges but about charging through the storm with determination and resilience. Network marketing offers countless opportunities, even in times of change.

    By focusing on your strengths and staying positive, you can navigate these shifts and come out stronger. Stay hopeful, stay confident, and remember, you have the tools needed to succeed.

    If you are ready to learn lead generation and cold market strategies, get on The Social Selling Academy wait list here: https://www.kristenboss.com/ssa-pod

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the Hub Waitlist today.

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    44 mins
  • 220. Mini Series: Paycheck Plateau #2
    Jul 22 2024

    As you grow your business, you'll hit stages where your paycheck seems to plateau. You’ve mastered connecting beyond your inner circle and building a solid warm market. But suddenly, things slow down. Engagement drops, and it feels like you’re spinning your wheels. This is a common frustration that many entrepreneurs face…

    In today’s episode, Kristen dives into what happens when your current audience is tapped out and engagement starts to dwindle. This plateau is a key signal that it’s time for a strategic pivot.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • Expanding your reach is crucial, and how many entrepreneurs freeze at this stage.
    • The challenges of engaging a cold market where trust is initially zero, and why warming them up takes time.
    • How social sellers can leverage paid traffic principles for organic success, focusing on content that stops the scroll.
    • Why transitioning to a cold market is essential for expanding your audience and boosting your income.

    This isn’t just about growing your audience—it’s about transforming your approach to engagement and trust-building. Embrace the challenge, master the long game, and keep refining your strategies. The effort you invest today will pay off tomorrow.

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the Hub Waitlist today.

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    27 mins
  • 219. Mini Series: Paycheck Plateau #1
    Jul 15 2024

    Are you feeling stuck in your network marketing business, watching your income become stagnant despite your hard work? Welcome to the paycheck plateau, a phase every network marketer will face at some point. If you haven't encountered it yet, it's only a matter of time.

    In today’s episode, Kristen talks about how to recognize the warning signs, addresses the first paycheck plateau, and shares strategies for getting back on track.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • The paycheck plateau occurs when your income from network marketing stagnates after an initial period of growth. This is a natural part of the business cycle.
    • Your content should go beyond asking for sales. Focus on how you can serve your audience and add value to their lives. Be deliberate with your content.
    • Expand your network by connecting with people outside your immediate circle.
    • Adapt your marketing strategies to the changing market dynamics. What worked initially may not work now.

    When you’ve exhausted your hot leads and find yourself struggling to maintain momentum, it’s time to shift your approach. Stop relying on the same customers and broaden your audience to expand your customer base. The solution is simple yet powerful: you need to network beyond your immediate comfort zone.

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the Hub Waitlist today.

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    23 mins
  • 218. Storms, Seasons, and Commitment
    Jul 8 2024

    It’s easy to be fully committed to your business when everything is going smoothly. But what about during the stormy seasons when sales don’t come as easily? How do you stay strong and put in the hard work even when it’s tough?

    The market has changed, and things are not the same as they used to be. Scarcity in the market creates new challenges. This is the time to dig deep and find your grit. Imagine if you could crush it during a hard market—what kind of skills could you develop, and who could you become?

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • When the market is tough, it pushes you to think creatively and strategically. You’re forced to hone your skills, sharpen your focus, and develop new strategies to overcome obstacles.
    • What if it’s not going to get easier? This new reality requires resilience and adaptability. Learn to work hard when it's hard.
    • If you’re in a storm, stop waiting for it to pass. Embrace the challenges, commit to your goals, and find ways to thrive.

    Remember: change is inevitable in business and it’s not always going to be easy. So, if you’re feeling the weight of these changing times, use it as motivation to redefine your approach and embrace a new normal that sets you up for sustained growth and achievement.

    Discover transformative strategies for network marketers in our exclusive 90-day membership and online course. Join the waitlist now to secure your spot and learn proven methods to acquire new customers and achieve consistent income growth. Join the Hub Waitlist today.

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

    Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/Kristenboss.com/question

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    19 mins
  • 217. The Danger Zone
    Jun 24 2024

    Have you ever felt like your business is on cruise control, where the excitement and motivation that once drove you have faded? This stage is what’s known as the "danger zone," and it’s a place many of us might find ourselves in without even realizing it.

    The concept hit home for Kristen during a conversation with her fitness coach about her current state in her fitness journey. What became strikingly clear is that this danger zone is not just limited to fitness—it happens in business too.

    Let’s look at a few highlights:

    • The danger zone is a point in your journey where you're no longer driven by pain but haven't yet established a new goal to chase. It’s human nature to avoid pain more than to chase desires
    • Your business begins as a solution to this pain, but what happens when the pain is alleviated? Without a new goal, you risk entering the danger zone.
    • Without the drive to move forward, complacency sets in. You might think there’s an endpoint where you’ve completed your journey, but the truth is, the work never truly ends.
    • Understand that growth often comes with discomfort. Be willing to put yourself in situations that challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone.
    • Every entrepreneur reaches a point where the journey feels mundane and less exciting. It's normal, but it’s also a signal that you need to push yourself further.

    The danger zone is a reality for many business owners. It’s where you might feel tempted to relax and coast, but it’s also where you risk stagnation. Kristen encourages you to move out of the danger zone, find the motivation that will drive you to the next level, and achieve your goals. Don’t let complacency take hold.

    Join the Content to Conversations 7 Day Challenge for Social Sellers now and learn how to post to your followers to create awareness, curiosity, and desire---which will lead to more conversations. Join today and start immediately. See you there!

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    13 mins