
  • Paul Roos // Building Strong & Soft Men
    Jun 18 2024

    Today we welcome the legendary Paul Roos.

    If you're a fan of AFL, you probably know Paul as a legend of the game, both as a player and a coach. He played for Fitzroy and the Sydney Swans, earning countless honors, including a spot in the Australian Football Hall of Fame.

    After his playing days, he took on the role of coach and led the Sydney Swans to a historic premiership win in 2005. His innovative approach and focus on team dynamics have made a huge impact on the sport.

    Beyond his impressive football career, Paul is a dedicated advocate for culture, leadership, men's mental health and well-being. He believes strongly in the power of mindfulness and meditation and has incorporated these practices into his life and work. As a father of two sons, he’s passionate about raising emotionally intelligent and resilient young men who both soft & strong at the same time. We jump into this deeply in that incredible and open conversation.

    To be the first to check out the new leadership program you can send me email to Dylan at performance@dylanrooscoaching.com


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    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Maritza Barone // What Is The Flow State & How To Get More Of It In Your Life!
    Jun 12 2024

    The Flow State is such a blissful feeling, you know that incredible state when you are in creation mode and things just seem to happen naturally without pushing! So what is it and how can we get more of it in our lives??

    These are just SOME the flow state benefits:

    • Feeling in tune with and in control of your emotions (YES PLEASE)

    • Increased satisfaction because what you produce during flow state tends to be its own reward (YES YES YES)

    • Increased engagement in your work (Nice)

    • Feelings of increased creativity because you’re less self-conscious during flow state (Love it)

    • Increased focus in what you’re doing (Fabulous)

    • Confidence that what you’re working on is achievable (Thank you very much) *(taken from here)

    How do YOU get into flow?

    Press play to explore this with me.


    To find out more about our upcoming LIVE PODCAST EVENT with David The Medium click here:



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    12 m
  • Taryn Williams // The Model Magnate, Founder Wink Models, The Right Fit & #gifted
    Jun 4 2024

    In this episode, Taryn Williams, a true powerhouse & disruptor at the intersection of the talent, media, and tech industries joins me. This is a great conversation that allows us to see all sides of Taryn's mind & heart.

    With over 20 years of experience, Taryn has cemented her status as one of Australia's most celebrated entrepreneurs. She is the founder of WINK Models, and disrupted the modeling industry at just 21, building it into one of the country's most successful commercial agencies.

    She is also the founder of the well known talent platform, theright.fit, which connects talent with brands as well as several other successful businesses.

    Her latest venture, #Gifted, is revolutionizing influencer marketing with its Shopify plug-in, already embraced by major brands.

    In today's episode, we explore Taryn's inspiring journey, discovering the mindset required to thrive as an entrepreneur, as well as the personal sacrifices she had to make along the way.

    And in true Things You Can’ Un-Hear style, we get personal with Taryn as we dive into some conscious questions that allow us to see & understand her on a deeper level.

    This episode is for you if you're curious about the secrets behind building successful business, why it is important to become a master of your niche, how to prepare for the challenges that arise when you decide to build a business, and why it is important to surround yourself a network that supports you professionally & emotionally and so much more.

    Find out more about Taryn Williams



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    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Caroline Brunne // Surviving & Thriving Through Abuse
    May 21 2024

    Today I have Caroline Brunne join us on the show. She is a truly courageous and remarkable human being, standing up for survivors of sexual abuse with integrity and grace.

    Caroline and I met several years ago when we worked together for Project Gen Z, empowering young women to step into their power. We also recently travelled to Cambodia together with a group of business leaders to work & teach the children at Sunrise Cambodia entrepreneurial skills, which was a completely life changing trip and I got to see Caroline in a whole new light.

    But, today she shares her experiences with us as a survivor of sexual abuse & incest in her home and how she kept quiet for 3 decades so her families world wouldn’t crumble, but how on the inside she was crumbling herself…

    Her bravery to come out of the shadows is a story that must be shared.

    Take a listen to Caroline Brunne, and if you or someone you know needs support get in contact with Life Line 13 11 14.

    Connect with Caroline here: Home - Caroline Brunne


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    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Dr John Gray // Biohacking Our Relationships for Happier & Long Lasting Partnerships
    May 7 2024

    Today we welcome back Dr John Gray the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. A staple for so many to strength their relationships and understand the opposite sex. We had John on the podcast in 2023 and his episode has been one of the most downloaded on this show, of all time. Proves how much we all want better relationships and to understand our partners more!

    ‌Today’s episode he really gives a birds eye view into the needs of men and women, and allows us to see how we can use our own behaviours to influence the behaviours in our partners. Powerful stuff.

    ‌John puts a lot of this down to balancing our hormones, specifically for men it is testosterone and for women it is estrogen. When we have peaks in these hormones, our emotions reflect this and our behaviours change.

    ‌In this episode we explore this in depth, plus other powerful biohacks we can make in our relationships to help us with long lasting and satisfying partnerships.

    ‌We also learn a lot about Johns youth, his love for spiritual connection and his especially the 9 years he spent as a celibate monk (which I find fascinating to think he has gone on to become one of the world’s most profound relationship experts), plus how uses his enlightenment into his relationships and life.

    ‌Don’t miss this one!

    ‌Also – to help the show continue to grow, making our 5th year bigger, bolder to get more profound guests on the show for YOU, please leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


    To connect with us at Guide Your Light Network, visit Home | Guide Your Light Network | Podcasts With Purpose or email info@guideyourlightnetwork.com




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    1 h y 19 m
  • Bessie Kay // A Creative For The World. The Highs & Lows of the Media Industry
    Apr 23 2024

    Today my good friend Bessie Kay, a talented producer, presenter & media professional joins us for a fascinating conversation to explore the highs and lows of the media world & the life lessons that have come from working in such a competitive world for so long.

    As well as being a great friend, Bessie is also my former business partner and work colleague.. and like myself has worked in the entertainment and media industry for a long long time. An industry that from the outside looks shiny and exciting… but one that from the inside can really test people’s resilience and self-belief.

    Today is a look into her experience in the industry that broke her and… how she put herself back together.

    Why she now struggles to watch & create TV, after being involved in it for more than 20 years.

    Why she believes the people that surround you are critical to your growth…and

    And why she never engages in drama or gossip plus much more.

    As you will hear, Bessie has a powerful way with words that really help you to reflect on life’s purpose and meaning…so maybe grab a cuppa & a pen and paper – because there are some profound statements in this chat that you can certainly take away for yourself.

    Connect with Bessie



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    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Nina Karnikowski // Why Traveling to 80+ Countries Makes You See The World Differently
    Apr 9 2024

    Be prepared to have that travel spark lit within you from this conversation!

    Nina Karnikowski is an author and travel writer, and the author of several books including her memoir, the Mindful traveller. Over her career she has travelled to over 80 countries and found the most richness in niche & remote locations.

    These days she writes about travel that conserves, educates and uplifts – which she calles conscious travelling. Nina’s travel awakening happened while on an assignment she took to the Canadian Arctic in late 2019, which she shares with us today.

    In this chat

    • You will also hear how Nina’s love for untravelled & niche destinations helped her to step out of her comfort zone.
    • How she communicates with communities beyond the spoken word
    • What she learns from these communities and how she brings these lessons into her life…
    • And the 6 month adventure she is about to embark on..

    I also loved her biggest Things You Can’t Un-Hear moment which she shares at the end of this interview, so make sure you stay tuned til the end.


    To support the show and to get it out to as many people as possible , it would mean a lot if you shared a review on Apple Podcasts or gave us a rating on the listening app you are tuning in from today.

    Also – don’t forget to share your biggest takeaways with me on social media @thingsyoucantunhear


    To connect with us at Guide Your Light Network, visit Home | Guide Your Light Network | Podcasts With Purpose or email info@guideyourlightnetwork.com




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    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Richard Thompson // Going “All In” On Life. From Ultra Marathons to Law and Everything In Between
    Mar 26 2024

    Today on Things You Can’t Un-Hear I invite my new friend Richard Thompson to the show. He is a two time ultra-man triathlon world champion, a seasoned lawyer heading his brand new firm Thompson Legal, the Host of the Success X Happiness Podcast and doting father to his growing sons.

    Richard is someone who doesn’t do things in halves, I have come to learn. When he sets his mind to any achievement, he backs himself and puts in 10/10 effort.

    ‌I suppose you need that quality when you are doing an endurance sport for over 20 hours straight! This is really clear into what he has done in his sporting career, but has also transferred and integrated this into his business, career and lifestyle.

    In this chat we hear:

    Richards journey and how he prepares his mind for a competition.

    Why putting a 10/10 effort actually isn’t hard for him!

    How we too, can utilitse our multifaceted skills across industries.

    How we can prepare and set big goals, and then surrender to the outcome and..

    Learn his methodology in to achieving what success looks like for you.

    Richard is heart led man with big goals and a grand impact he wants to bring to the world.

    Connect with Richard here:


    Success x Happiness | sxhpod

    Instagram (@richardxthompson)


    To connect with us at Guide Your Light Network, visit Home | Guide Your Light Network | Podcasts With Purpose or email info@guideyourlightnetwork.com




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    Más Menos
    57 m