The Sprinkler Nerd Show  Por  arte de portada

The Sprinkler Nerd Show

De: Andy Humphrey
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  • If you are a Landscape Entrepreneur this show is for you. Andy, a former contestant on the ABC hit television series Shark Tank, irrigation technology expert, and multimillion-dollar eCommerce entrepreneur brings his curiosity & creativity to tease out the secrets of successful landscape influencers and business owners. Discover how to get a leg up on the competition, be the smartest person at the design table, and advance your career in the irrigation and landscape industry at any level. All stones will be unturned as Andy digs into the nerdy details of business, technology, and personal growth here on the Sprinkler Nerd show. To join the community of Sprinkler Nerds transforming the Green Industry visit
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  • #170 - Turn Water into Money (replay)
    May 24 2024
    Andy Humphrey Microphone, checka, a 12 checka. Do I gotta check? I gotta check. Check. Looking good out here, guys. Another's day, Andy on the water. I was just gonna record a little intro today. Andy so let me let me back up. I am taking my sailboat, which is a 1961 Alberg 35 happens to be hull number 2. So 63 three years old and I keep her in Northport, and then I bring her down to the Grand Travers Yacht Club at the bottom of West Grand Travers Bay in Traverse City. So that's what I'm doing today. I'm under power, but also have the genoa up because I'm kinda have the wind on my quarter and maintaining about 6 knots with the iron jib, AKA, the engine. This engine is an atomic 4 original gasoline engine, which you don't see very often on sailboats, have converted to diesel. So that might be TMI, but, that's where I am at the moment. And what I wanted to do today was just probably well, I am going to replay an episode, which I don't do very often. But I had a moment to kinda go through the archives and, stumbled across or the one that caught my attention was a conversation I had with Paul Bassett about thinking of water in terms of dollars. And sometimes gallons don't mean that much to end users or sometimes that it doesn't mean that much to most of us, but when you turn it into dollars, I think it can be more substantial. And Andy now that I've said that out loud, I think it can go both ways. If somebody's water bill is just kinda throwing this out there as an idea, it's less than a $100 a month, that might not be enough to cause change in behavior. But perhaps if they knew that they used, just again, picking a number, a 100,000 gallons, that might seem like a lot of water. So I think it might be I think the way we look at water is trying to find the greater, the greatest, impact or the greatest number that stand out. So it's either going to be gallons, like a 100,000 gallons, or maybe it's going to be dollars, like somebody spending $3000 month. And it just doesn't it's it's not really out there today. You can run your own math, but name me a controller that reports gallons in terms of dollars. You know, that that really should be sent to clients as a a report either daily, weekly, monthly, but at least it should be displaying inside the control platform Andy even perhaps at the controller, what is your consumption in dollars and cents. So that's, I'm gonna play an episode from last year, replanned episode from last year with a conversation with my good friend, Paul Bassett, about thinking of water in terms of dollars. Hope you guys enjoy. Have an awesome weekend, and we'll see you next week on another episode. Paul Bassett Hey, Drew. Andy Humphrey Paul, good morning. Paul Bassett Good morning to you, buddy. Andy Humphrey How's your day going? Paul Bassett It's going great today. Thanks. Andy Humphrey Okay. Paul Bassett Friday. Andy Humphrey Heck yeah. I was thinking about you this morning because of the concept of turning water into dollars that I was thinking about Andy thought we could just brain share about that concept. Paul Bassett I like that. Andy Humphrey So yesterday, I moderated a webinar with Ben Coffee at WeatherTrack in Max Moreno, who's the VP of Sales for harvest landscape Andy Max uses water budgets as a part of his daily business practice. And the more I started thinking about water budgets, It's really a concept of a budget Andy a budget entails finances and money. And what I think is so fascinating is that we all, you know, in this industry, when I say we, I I'm generalizing here. Most people talk about run time, number 1, you know, how long should I run my sprinklers in the form of time? And then kind of at the next level, people talk about how much water am I gonna use? What's the gallons? What's the volume? Either gallons per minute, gallons per day, per cycle per year, per month, But then what we really don't talk much about is what does the dollars mean? How how can we convert that to dollars and cents and why do we not use that as a discussion point more often. Paul Bassett You're right. I mean, it's something that I think should be discussed with the end user client because in in almost any other utility consumption, it is discussed in dollars and cost. I don't know why the water is slower to transition to that, so I think it's a good place to be for us, Sandy, because it will allow us to kind of be a differentiator or or what we teach others to allow them to be a differentiator. Andy Humphrey If you are an irrigation professional, old or new, who designs, installs, or maintains high end residential, commercial, or municipal properties. Andy you wanna use technology to improve your business to get a leg up on your competition, even if you're an old school irrigator from days of hydraulic systems, this show is for you. I I think that If we're only now starting to talk about the dollars, I feel like what we need to do is put the dollars out there first. So with the, let's say...
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    17 m
  • #169 - Understanding Google's Algorithm and SEO Optimization with Spencer Haws
    May 15 2024
    In this episode, Andy Humphrey plays a recorded live event with Spencer Haws from the Seller's Summit conference, the importance of website ranking, and managing multiple businesses. Spencer delves into Google's algorithm changes, AI's role in search, and diversifying platform presence. He discusses the significance of internal link structure, creating a fast-loading website, and standardizing publishing processes. He also explores content strategies, optimizing content, and tactics to boost revenue. CHAPTERS: (0:00) Introduction and discussion about Seller's Summit conference (5:06) Importance of having a website and ranking on Google (10:18) Discussion on managing multiple businesses and focusing on (17:42) Understanding Google's algorithm changes and the role of AI in search (19:31) Diversifying platform presence and cleaning up old content for better SEO (23:16) Restructuring your site and the importance of internal link structure (25:17) Creating a professional and fast-loading website and standardizing publishing processes (30:31) Content strategy: what to publish, using Google search console for keyword insights (35:00) Updating content regularly for SEO and process of optimizing content (37:18) Optimizing your site to boost revenue and tactics for increasing revenue KEY POINTS: Spencer Haas shared his experience of scaling website traffic by publishing a significant amount of content, revealing that he increased his output to over 1000 articles in a year which led to a traffic boost from 100-200k views a month to 700-800k.He emphasized the importance of updating old content and optimizing new content with a focus on internal linking and keyword targeting to improve SEO and Google rankings.Spencer's approach to content resulted in substantial revenue growth, where display ad revenue alone began to cover the entire content budget, turning other income streams like product sales and affiliate marketing into pure profit. TRANSCRIPT Andy Humphrey: Hey, my friends. Welcome back to the Sprink Leonard Show. I'm your host, Andy Humphrey. This is episode 169 coming to you from the 10th floor of the Westin Hotel in Fort Lauderdale FL FLL. I'm not really sure what the second l stands for, with the airport code, FL4 Lawter Layle, Anyway, it makes me every time I I see the airport code code FL, it makes me wonder what it is or why. Andy Humphrey: I should just Google it. What's the second l? Okay. I am recording this episode here at the hotel because I'm at a conference called Seller's Summit think I've actually recorded 1 or 2 other episodes here at the conference because I come every year. It's super fun. Andy Humphrey: And if you are looking to, start your own, let's say, blog or physical product, or other kind of digital commerce style business, then, you might wanna check it out. Come down next year. Seller's summit. Dotcom Andy, learn. It's a fantastic conference for learning, meeting other new and successful digital marketers, which are often hard hard to, hard to come by. Andy Humphrey: And it's pretty fun to get a room full of other other nerds, not just sprinkler nerds, but but nerds in other, categories, other product categories, other content categories, and it's fun to get together and see what happens when all of the brains start firing at once. So I'm here this week. I I had the opportunity earlier in the week. I flew to Atlanta, Georgia on Monday to visit with the site 1 ecommerce team a super great team. And, if any of you guys that I met this week are listening to this, I really think, you know, that, you will be successful delivering the future to the market. Andy Humphrey: And I really do think that is the role of the site 1 e commerce team on the street level, the CX specialists is to deliver the future, to customers as it relates to commerce, how to order efficiently, etcetera. So congrats, say, one for building a fantastic team, and thank you for having me come speak at the event. It was really good. Andy I can't wait to see what what, what comes what happens this year from the team. And then, right after that flew down here to Fort Lauderdale, for the conference. Andy Humphrey: And then just, just today, actually, met up with my, friend, more more new friend, but, we've known each other. Justin Richards. He's AKA, the sprinkler dude, So we had the nerd and the dude Andy, had a great, great lunch at this, like, apparently a famous Wings Plus, Restaurant Andy Coral Springs, and just talked about some technology tips tool tricks, just fun stuff. And Justin's got a lot of great energy. Keep it up, Justin. Andy Humphrey: Great to to spend some time with you in person Andy look forward to to learning more together in the future, maybe collaborating on some things. And, we'll see where it goes. What I wanted to share with you on this episode is a short well, it's not short. It's probably 45 minutes of something that I recorded. Here at the conference, a speaker, his ...
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    41 m
  • #168 - Houston We Have A Pressure Problem
    May 10 2024
    Andy Humphrey: Hey, what's up, my friends? Welcome back to another episode of the Sprinkler Nerd Show. I'm your host, Andy Humphrey. Today, I'm going to share with you—how do I describe this? Andy Humphrey: A question that came into Sprinkler Supply Store for me that turns out to be, I think, some really relevant content to discuss with you guys. And I think probably most of you could relate to this question that the homeowner has. And, I wanted to tie this together in a couple of ways. Number 1, we're having a lot of success, and we have had a lot of success with software on our e-commerce site called LeadFerno. L-E-A-D F-E-R-N-O, LeadFerno, and LeadFerno is a texting tool that acts like web chat. Andy Humphrey: And so what happens is there's a little pop-up, which obviously can be annoying at times, that, on the website, to reach us, to reach customer service, but instead of chatting there, it redirects through the phone so you can use your phone and the text message feature or messenger to communicate with us. And personally, I wish more sites used this because I would say half the time when I'm on some other website using the chat feature, you know, I'm waiting for someone, let's say, for the chat to get back to me. So I have another tab open, and I don't have my volume up. And then I get distracted, and then 30 minutes go by. Andy Humphrey: And I think, oh, shoot. I had a live chat going. I forgot about it. I go back to the tab. And then the chat has ended because I didn't respond, and it just seems like web chat is good if the other person is right there and they're chatting with you quickly. But that's not always the case. Andy Humphrey: Sometimes the chat agents have to go and look something up or tell you to hold, and sometimes you have to leave your desk. You just can't sit there on chat. And so what we have found is that by using the phone as the texting tool, which it's very good at, then people can text wherever they are. You know what? If you gotta get up and get in your car and drive somewhere else, we can still text with you because you have your text device in your pocket instead of having to sit at your computer. Andy Humphrey: It's been a great way for people to send us pictures. "Hey, I need a replacement diaphragm for this valve. I don't know what valve this is. Okay, great. Send us a picture." And so LeadFerno has been an amazing tool for communicating with our customers because it doesn't require them to be locked to their computer screen. They can text through their phone. They can also save the number and text us any time. Andy Humphrey: And if you'd like to try this, go to It'll pop right up, send us a message, and that will come into our text service, which you can either manage through a web browser, or you can put the app right on your phone. Then you can text back and forth with your customer. And I think that there are probably some parallels that if you have, you could be a solo entrepreneur in the irrigation industry, and maybe that would work. But there might be some parallels for capturing leads through the website and getting back to people quickly, via LeadFerno. So check it out and, you know, give it a try. Andy Humphrey: This is not sponsored by LeadFerno. I just thought I would share because the topic for today, which is the question that this homeowner from Houston had—the inquiry came in through LeadFerno. So that's how we actually captured this. And I just thought that it would be a pretty fun way for me, specifically not to have to dream up new content to share with you. So this is a real customer inquiry that I'm going to read to you right now. Andy Humphrey: Actually, what I'm going to do is have an AI voice read this out loud so that it doesn't sound like me, and then we can talk about the response. So I'm going to roll the intro here, and then we'll get right into this question coming in from Roger in Houston. If you're old or new, who designs, installs, or maintains high-end residential, commercial, or municipal properties, and you want to use technology to improve your business to get a leg up on your competition, even if you're an old school irrigator from the days of high-olive systems, this show is for you. Roger: Hey, Andy. This is Roger from Houston. Thanks for maintaining such a helpful website for homeowners with sprinkler systems. For 26 years, we've enjoyed excellent water pressure due to our location downhill from the city's water supply. Unfortunately, this year, the pressure decreased unexpectedly, before being restored to around 80 PSI. Roger: This was sufficient to operate our sprinkler systems effectively. However, the city had to reduce the water flow to 60 PSI at the request of a few residents who are experiencing excessive pressure. This adjustment has rendered our sprinkler system, as well as my neighbors', nearly useless. This situation was confirmed by two independent sprinkler experts. Roger: From what...
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    17 m

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