
  • Halloween Special 2023
    Oct 25 2023

    Welcome to our October special. Jane has been busy, so it is just me Emily. This special podcast is a collection of short stories for you. Thank you for sending in your stories. So sti back and enjoy the listen. If you would like to find out more about The Spirit Gudiers you can find our podcast Facebook page or email us on thespiritguiders@aol.com

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    43 m
  • The June Podcast. The Past and The Future.
    May 31 2023

    This is the last for a while. We aim to come back later in the year and do specials, but Jane and I are currently busy with ongoing projects.
    The Facebook page and group page are still up and running, and you can listen back to past episodes of course at any time.
    Do keep in touch and you can do that through Facebook or via email we look forward to hearing from you.

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    27 m
  • Dowsing with Shirley Manning
    May 3 2023

    | May - Dowsing This month we are looking at dowsing, and you too can have a go too. All that you will need is something with a weight on the end of a chain or string. To guide us though we have the lovely lady Shirley Manning, and we followed her instructions. Join us to find surprising results.

    Jane at Mystique Wellbeing in Shrewsbury does sell a number of different types of cards, if you want to discuss or look at sets why not pop into her shop or contact Mystique Wellbeing? https://www.facebook.com/people/Mystique/100059696545215/

    Jane and Emily are both working psychics/mediums; yes, you can book a reading with them. Emily also does public demonstrations with her mediumship and psychic art or mediumship with art.

    If you would like a topic for them to discuss or would like more information then contact them via Facebook or email at thespiritguiders@aol.com
    A Facebook and a group page has now been set up making it easier to find The Spirit Guiders https://www.facebook.com/groups/thespiritguiderspodcastgroup

    Find out about upcoming events that we do either independently or together through our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TheSpiritGuidersPodcast/

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    41 m
  • Card Reading and Cards
    Apr 5 2023

    In this episode Jane and Emily talk about cards and card reading, the many types and styles of cards and the varied meaning of the different cards. We talk about angel cards, and oracle cards, and the difference between them as well as talking about tarot cards. Tarot cards are different from the previous types of cards and are much more complex. The other type of card used for readings is playing cards, which are used much like that of the tarot set. Emily has also created her own set of cards called Perceptionary Cards, these are not a tarot set but much more left up to the user to interpret what they see and feel in the card.

    Jane at Mystique Wellbeing in Shrewsbury does sell a number of different types of cards, if you want to discuss or look at sets why not pop into her shop or contact Mystique Wellbeing? https://www.facebook.com/people/Mystique/100059696545215/

    For a set of Perceptionary Cards go along to www.emilyjbaker.co.uk/shop to get your set there.

    Jane and Emily are both working psychics/mediums; yes, you can book a reading with them. Emily also does public demonstrations with her mediumship and psychic art or mediumship with art.

    If you would like a topic for them to discuss or would like more information then contact them via Facebook or email at thespiritguiders@aol.com
    A Facebook and a group page has now been set up making it easier to find The Spirit Guiders https://www.facebook.com/TheSpiritGuidersPodcast

    Find out about upcoming events that we do either independently or together through our Facebook page.

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    42 m
  • Readings, what are they?
    Mar 1 2023

    In this episode, the Spirit Guiders Emily and Jane talk about readings. How they work, what can influence them and the different types of readings, you can have. Jane and Emily are both working psychics/mediums and yes you can book a reading with them. Emily does public demonstrations as well with her mediumship and psychic art or mediumship with art.

    If you would like a topic for them to discuss or would like more information then contact them via Facebook or email at thespiritguiders@aol.com
    A Facebook page has now been set up making it easier to find The Spirit Guiders https://www.facebook.com/TheSpiritGuidersPodcast

    Find out upcoming events that we are doing either independently or together through our Facebook page.

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    46 m
  • Paranormal Evenings
    Feb 1 2023

    In this episode, Emily and Jane look back at last year and forward to some future events they have planned. What kind of items do they use in their work as the Spirit Guiders and how it works for them when it comes to paranormal evenings. They discuss their backgrounds and how it has affected what they do now.
    If you would like a topic for them to discuss then please do contact them via Facebook or email at thespiritguiders@aol.com
    A Facebook page has now been set up making it easier to find The Spirit Guiders https://www.facebook.com/TheSpiritGuidersPodcast Find out upcoming events that we are doing either independently or together.
    Jane and Emily are happy to come to your area if you are wanting a paranormal event/investigation again just contact them through the above details.
    Emily will be in Ireland in April if you would like her to come to do a reading please do contact her.
    Look out for us on Facebook as you can also catch up with old episodes and photos too who the guests are as well as events.

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    53 m
  • Spirit Guiders New Year 2023
    Jan 4 2023

    Welcome to 2023. We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. What a year 2022 has been and we hope that things will be better and warmer too for us all. In this episode, you will discover that at long last we have set up a Facebook page here is the link https://www.facebook.com/TheSpiritGuidersPodcast.
    Both of us have alot going this year and so we have decided that instead of having two podcasts coming out a month we are reducing it to only one. This means that there will be more of but a bit longer time on the podcast and much more focused. The podcast will be out on the first Wednesday of the month, making it easy to remember.
    We would also love to hear from you and come and meet us at events that we have got going on. Both of us are going to be doing a paranormal evening in Wellington, Telford on the 16th January and another one in Febuary. Here is a link to Facebook which gives you much more information https://fb.me/e/28PcCVDLH or just contact us via email thespiritguiders@aol.com
    Thank you once more for listening to us and supporting us we really do appreciate it and again we would love to hear from you what topics would you like us to cover? Do you have a a ghost story that you would like us to cover? Maybe we can do a live from somewhere? Let us know!

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Christmas Spirit Guiders
    Dec 21 2022
    In there Christmas episode Emily and Jane talk Christmas and the spirit world.
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    33 m