
  • Hop Off The Struggle Bus
    Dec 5 2023

    As 2023 draws to a close, are you determined that this year was the last year you struggled? The last year you dieted .... on and off .... all year?
    If so, do yourself a massive favour and listen to this episode where I introduce you to The Other Way to do it. 
    Ready to hop of the struggle bus? Then tune in :) 

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • The Art Of Holding It Loosely
    Nov 28 2023

    One of the things that makes losing weight so flipping hard is the harshness of it all.  All the rigid rules. And what those rules do our heads!
    In this episode, I introduce you to one of the things that the majority of my most successful clients learnt on there Other Way jorney. The thing that made it easier for them; The magical art of holding it loosely. 
    Tune in to understand more ...

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • When They Don't Want You To Lose Weight
    Nov 19 2023

    This is such a common conundrum. You're losing weight, but your partner or friend is making it blinking obvious they don't like it. 
    So what do you do?
    In this episode we explore your options ...

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • When The Task Ahead Feels Too Big
    Sep 21 2023

    This one is inspired from one of the lovely members in my free Facebook group who asked my thoughts on getting into the right mindset when in her words, "deep down you know you “should” be taking care of yourself by eating better, but you’re so overwhelmed with the job ahead you can’t get into the right frame of mind". 

    Some people might think this is all about motivation, but its actually something quite different. 

    Because you don’t need to go looking for motivation externally. If you’re wanting to lose weight, change your eating habits, feel healthier - whatever it is for you,  that’s your motivation right there. No need to go looking for it. 

    There's something far more powerful  that will help you take that first step, a simple mindset shift, and I share exactly what that is in this episode. Enjoy, Sara. 

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • "You Need A Bigger Why" Is A Big Fat Lie
    Sep 5 2023

    Have you been on the weight loss roundabout for a while?

    Have you ever been told (or told yourself) that you need more motivation? That you need to find a bigger why?

    Well I'm here to tell you that buying into the idea that you need a bigger why might be the very thing that's been holding you back from losing weight and keeping it off

    There's something much more useful to do instead. 
    It'll increase your motivation 10 fold, and in this week's episode I give you the exact 5 steps to take ...

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Making Weigh-Ins Work For You
    Aug 25 2023

    Have you ever taken your bra off? Taken hair bobbles out?  Or the old favourite, not eaten all day just in preparation for the dreaded weigh-in?

    In over 17 years in the diet industry, I saw all sorts of smoke and mirror trickery in an attempt to manipulate the results on the sad step.

    On a more serious note, many of us have been conditioned to use the number on the scale to mesure a lot more than just what we weigh. Sadly, I'm talking about our self worth.

    So does weighing ourselves do more harm than good? Or, can we use the scales in a really positive way and make them work in our favour rather than weighing in being yet another rod to beat ourselves up with?

    Tune in to this episode to find out and for my top tips

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • The Calorie Conundrum
    Aug 18 2023

    How many times have you told yourself you'll lose weight first, and then you'll sort out your eating?
    Me? it was several times a year .... every year!

    And how about that niggling doubt that you can't calorie count and heal your relationship with food? Or visa versa?

    In this episode we’re diving headfirst into a topic that’s been sparking debates for years. The calorie conundrum; Is calorie counting harmful and does it trigger disordered eating behaviours?

    I’ll be challenging the misconceptions about calorie counting and calorie deficits, and I give you a really great weight loss strategy, that no one else, that I  know of anyway, is talking about. 

    As mentioned in the episode, you can find The Slim, Happy AND Eating club HERE


    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Sticking To It
    Aug 14 2023

    You know how it goes … 

    Monday morning was full of hope, good intentions, oat milk smoothies and quinoa salad all prepped for lunch

    But Tuesday was Brenda at work's birthday, which meant cake!

    And Wednesday was a pig of a day, so you actually deserved wine. No, you actually did

    So by Thursday you’re already writing off the week and planning what take away you’re having that evening. Doh!

    Do you ever wonder what's the difference between a quick fix diet and a real and lasting weight loss SOLUTION that you can actually stick to?

    Do you often wonder whether there’s some magical secret sauce that all the people that can just eat normally and live naturally slim have that you just dont know?

    In this episode I'm going to spill the beans on what makes is SOOO much easier to stick to a diet.

    Oh, and as mentioned in the episode, you can find The Slim, Happy AND Eating club HERE

    Make sure you join The Slim, Happy AND Eating Club, for stop start dieters who are ready to drop the weight struggle for good

    Más Menos
    14 m