
  • 365: C&O But Slow - Part 3
    Jun 6 2024

    After leaving you all with a bit of a cliffhanger, the decision is made – my (formerly) slow and chill C&O ride now gets another 18 miles of riding to some sweet sweet roofed lodging at my cabin. But that means I cross into West Virginia where I encounter something I’ve never dealt with before. Explicit tag earned for this episode…

    Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8
    • The march to the ten year anniversary of the show commences… Live show to celebrate things June 8th, at 8pm ET. It will be podcasted the following week but always down for some live banter. It'll be on the YouTube channeland here at pedalshift.net/live.
    • ALSO, if you aren’t subscribed to and listening to the fantastic Lael Wilcox’s podcast, I can’t recommend it enough. She’s trying to break the world record for cycling the world and is audio journaling it every day. She’s recently completed her eastern US leg and by the time you hear this will be in Europe working her way east. It’s so good - laelwilcox.net for the details. She is a legend and this is elite level stuff!
    C&O But Slow - Part 3


    - Riding to the cabin due to favorable weather conditions

    Travel Plans and Preparations

    - Description of the route and challenges ahead

    - Discussion on safety measures and time management

    - Strategy for avoiding bad weather and deciding to ride immediately

    On the Road Experiences

    - Reflections on the ride: pain, headwinds, and dealing with a truck that rolls coal

    - Encounter with challenging road conditions and gearing issues

    - Insights on energy management and navigating difficult climbs

    Scenic and Safe Routes

    - Decision-making on route choices to avoid hazards

    - Progress update and estimated distance to the destination

    Final Leg of the Journey

    - Description of the last few miles and expected challenges

    - Nearing the end: checking distance and anticipating weather

    Arrival and Reflections

    - Arrival at the cabin and initial feelings

    - Immediate plans and reflections on the day's ride

    Zero Day

    - Announcement of a zero day due to bad weather

    - Observations on the weather conditions and impact on the trail

    Closing Thoughts

    - Strategy for the upcoming ride to the train station

    - Gratitude for making the right decision and empathy for those still on the trail

    • Miles biked 18

    • F bombs tossed 1

    • Zero days 1

    • Heavy rain storms dodged 2

    • Flats 0

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Best of Pedalshift 262: Guide to the C&O - The Basics
    May 30 2024

    I’ve taken listeners on a bunch of rides on the C&O (including the current one!), so it's worth revisiting my guide to riding it. In the first of two parts, it’s an audio guide to cycling the C&O Canal towpath whether you’re a first timer of a full on expert. Originally podcast November 11, 2021.

    Best of Pedalshift 262: Guide to the C&O - The Basics
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • 364: C&O But Slow - Part 2
    May 23 2024

    After a surprisingly fast start for a planned slow tour, it was time to head down trail. But the muddy trail conditions of the night before don’t improve with more rain, and the forecast looks pretty wet and plans… well, they’re meant to change on a big bike trip!

    Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8
    • The march to the ten year anniversary of the show commences… Live show to celebrate things June 8th, at 8pm ET. It will be podcasted the following week but always down for some live banter. It'll be on the YouTube channeland here at pedalshift.net/live.
    C&O But Slow - Part 2

    Morning Setup and Reflections

    - Description of the camping spot and the decision-making process regarding legal camping sites.

    - Reflections on being overextended the previous night and the challenges of finding a good campsite.

    Weather and Trail Conditions

    - Noting the weather holding off the rain for a few more hours.

    - Observations about the better trail surface and concerns about muddy sections post-Paw Paw Tunnel.

    Camp Setup and Gear Adjustments

    - Detailed account of morning activities, including packing and adjusting gear.

    - Challenges with the fork bag and adjustments made to the tent setup.

    Journey Begins

    - Initial miles covered with observations of the surroundings and the condition of the trail.

    - Encounters with traffic and reflections on the proximity of roads to the trail.

    Trail Experiences

    - Encounters with other cyclists, particularly a group of LE officers, and reflections on group riding dynamics.

    - Decision to avoid a large group of cyclists to maintain a personal pace and experience.

    Weather Check and Gear Adjustments

    - Checking weather forecasts and preparing for rain by adjusting clothing and gear.

    - Clearing fenders from mud and dealing with bike maintenance issues on the trail.

    Scenic Observations

    - Descriptions of the flora and fauna observed along the trail.

    - Reflection on missing the red bud season but enjoying the current wildflower bloom.

    Paw Paw Tunnel Experience

    - Detailed ride through of the Paw Paw Tunnel, including conditions and the tunnel's history.

    - Observations on the descaling and maintenance efforts.

    Trail Challenges and Maintenance

    - Continued struggles with mud and fender issues.

    - Descriptions of efforts to keep the bike in good condition amid challenging trail conditions.

    Decision Points

    - Considering various options for the day's ride and the impact of weather on the plans.

    - Reflections on potential stops and the possibility of a zero-mile day due to expected rain.


    - Arrival in Hancock and decision-making process about accommodations and next steps.

    - Consideration of resupply options and potential camping sites.

    Concluding Thoughts

    - Reflection on the day's challenges and successes.

    - Cliffhanger about the decision on where to stay for the night and future plans for the ride.

    • Miles biked 42
    • Trail surfaces 3
    • Liters of water purified 2.5
    • Decisions to be made on where to spend the night 1
    • Flats 0
    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • 363: C&O But Slow - Part 1
    May 16 2024

    Starting with a semi-eventful train to Cumberland, the tour kicks off at an unexpected pace. But with rain already soaking the trail, and more on the way would the C&O reject my desire for a chill and relaxing start to my trip?

    Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8
    • The march to the ten year anniversary of the show commences… Live show to celebrate things June 8th, at 8pm ET. It will be podcasted the following week but always down for some live banter. It'll be on the YouTube channeland here at pedalshift.net/live.
    C&O But Slow - Part 1
    • Introduction

      • Preparing for a bike ride to Union Station
      • Discussing train schedule and potential delays
    • Trip Plans

      • Aiming to reach Potomac Forks
      • Concerns about sunlight and trail conditions
      • Personal health and readiness
    • Bike Setup

      • New gear setup with fork bags
      • Adjustments made for comfort and efficiency
      • Forecast: hot and sticky with potential rain
    • Union Station Departure

      • Chaos with Amtrak procedures and bag tags
      • Interaction with train attendants and passengers
      • Departure and initial impressions
    • Arrival in Cumberland

      • Commentary on Amtrak's inconsistent procedures
      • Starting the ride on the C&O towpath
    • Trail Conditions

      • Night riding experiences and wildlife encounters
      • Challenges with muddy trail sections
      • Strategies for night riding and trail navigation
    • Camp Setup

      • Passing multiple campsites
      • Decision to push on to Potomac Forks
      • Filtering water and setting up camp in low light
    • Day Zero Reflections

      • Impact of coffee on performance
      • Enjoyment of night riding despite challenges
      • Final campsite setup and reflections on the day
    • Closing Remarks

      • Observations on trail and ride experiences
      • Preparations for the next day’s ride
    • Miles biked 18
    • Frogs a babillion
    • Stops to pull mud out of fenders 2
    • Proper bike tags requested by Amtrak personnel 1
    • Bike tags properly procured 0
    • Dark chocolate bars eaten 1
    • Flats 0
    Más Menos
    43 m
  • 362: C&O But Slow Preview
    May 9 2024

    Finding my way back onto the C&O is hardly a surprise, but this spring’s ride is taking a page from my 2024 goals… try to take some of these tours a little more slowly. On this preview episode, we cover how I think it’ll go down.

    C&O But Slow Preview Celebrate 10 Years of Pedalshift Live 6/8
    • The march to the ten year anniversary of the show commences… Live show to celebrate things June 8th, time TBA, but mark it down now. It will be podcasted the following week but always down for some live banter.
    The basics
    • Full size bike
    • New config (more on that in a moment)
    • Cumberland with Amtrak from DC and then… ?
    • Going with a stove this time
    • All camping
    • Forecast looks like rain
    • I’m getting over a cold, so not sure how that will impact things
    New config?
    • The front rack from last season is fine but I want to try something new
    • Found I couldn’t get the bike in the Dogsbody bag last year and I didn’t want to keep having to install/unintall. Might end up on my ebike?
    • Solution: Fork bags + Hanging sleep kit from bars
    • 7L each side
    • Very narrow - a little too narrow?
    • Allows me to be a bit more nimble
    • First night will be close to a new moon unfortunately
    • Would love to do 20 miles even though it’s night riding
    • Don’t have specific plans for any particular campsites
    • The end of the tour is up in the air… I have two options (Martinsburg and Harpers Ferry) so if I’m really enjoying the riding, I can make the miles. But if I’m enjoying the vibes (or other things) I can make this a shorter trip with some road riding on the final day
    • Will likely carry more food than I have on past trips
    • BUT going to do backpacking meals. Keeping it simple and light
    • NPS no longer treats the wells, so I have a new gravity fed water filter. Trying not to carry as much as I have in the past
    • Stove needed for meals, so I can at also enjoy coffee
    • Weather
    • Looks wet but not hot. Will be prepared
    • This might be the thing that impacts choosing a short or long ride… trail conditions, preferring to stay in the tent for a morning rain, etc. etc.
    Other stuff
    • Paw Paw tunnel is reopened!
    • Not intending on climbing up to stay at my cabin (although it’s a backup option)
    • Name of the game is slow and steady and enjoying the ride rather than just banging out miles. Would have preferred a little more riding time on Saturday to spread it out a bit more
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Best of Pedalshift 106: Beginners Series (2018)
    May 2 2024

    Are you brand new to bicycle touring or like seeing things through the eyes of a first-timer? You’re in luck! On this episode, we revisit the 2018 Pedalshift bicycle touring beginners series, following James from NYC on his journey to his first bicycle tour. Originally podcast February 8, 2018.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 361: The Science of Cycling
    Apr 25 2024

    Ever wonder why it's harder to cycle up a hill? Or why it's easier to ride on smooth asphalt with skinny tires instead of wide tires on gravel? Turns out, there's an answer: SCIENCE! On this edition, we delve into the (very) basics on what works against us while riding, and how we convert food into motion!

    The Science of Cycling Programming notes
    • Best of next week
    • Spring tour preview the week after, followed by the tour journal!
    • The march to the ten year anniversary of the show commences… Live show to celebrate things June 8th, time TBA, but mark it down now. It will be podcasted the following week but always down for some live banter.
    The Physics of Cycling

    1. Rolling Resistance

    • Definition: Explain rolling resistance as the force that opposes the motion when an object (like a bicycle tire) rolls on a surface.
    • Factors Affecting Rolling Resistance:
      • Tire Type and Pressure: Soft tires or low pressure increases resistance.
      • Surface Type: Rough surfaces like gravel increase resistance compared to smooth surfaces like pavement.
    • Real-World Example: Compare how it feels to ride a bike on a sandy beach versus a smooth bike path.

    2. Air Resistance (Drag)

    • Definition: Air resistance is the force air exerts against a moving object.
    • Factors Affecting Air Resistance:
      • Speed: The faster you go, the more air resistance you face.
      • Rider’s Position and Shape: Explain how being more streamlined (like bending low on the bike) reduces air resistance.
    • Practical Tip: Demonstrate with hands outstretched vs. hands close to the body while riding to feel the difference.

    3. Energy and Power

    • Energy Definition: The ability to do work, like pedaling a bike.
    • Power Definition: How quickly you can use energy (pedal) to move.
    • Conversion of Energy: Discuss how food energy converts into mechanical energy to pedal.
    • Measurement: Mention that power can be measured in watts, like how bright a light bulb is.

    4. Gravity and Hills

    • Gravity’s Effect on Cycling:
      • Uphill: Gravity makes it harder to pedal uphill because you are working against it.
      • Downhill: Gravity helps you go faster downhill.
    • Energy Use: Explain how more energy is needed to pedal uphill and less energy is used when coasting downhill.
    • Practical Tips:
      • Gear Usage: Using lower gears on uphill and higher gears on flat or downhill.
    The Biomechanics of Riding

    1. Human-Bike Interaction

    • Pedaling Efficiency:
      • Definition: How effectively a rider can convert their energy into motion.
      • Factors Affecting Efficiency: Foot position on the pedals, the smoothness of pedaling, and maintaining a steady rhythm.
    • Ergonomics of Bicycle Frames and Riding Positions:
      • Frame Size and Shape: Importance of having a bike frame that fits the rider’s body to avoid discomfort.
      • Riding Position: Discuss how different riding positions (upright vs. leaned forward) affect comfort and speed.
    • Practical Tip: How to adjust a bike to fit (seat height, handlebar position).

    2. Muscle Work and Efficiency

    • Muscle Groups Involved in Cycling:
      • Main Muscles: Legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves), but also mention the core and arms for balance and control.
    • Efficiency in Muscle Use:
      • Warm-Up: Importance of warming up muscles to prevent injuries and improve performance.
      • Stamina and Strength: How regular riding improves muscle strength and cardiovascular health.
    • Bicycle fitting can improve efficiencies

    3. The Role of Gearing

    • What is Gearing?:
      • Definition: Gearing is a way to adjust how hard or easy it is to pedal.
      • How Gears Work: Explain the basics of chainrings and cogs and how changing gears changes the resistance felt when pedaling.
    • Choosing the Right Gear:
      • Uphill and Downhill Riding: Using lower gears for uphill to make pedaling easier, and higher gears for downhill or flat surfaces to go faster.
      • Cadence: Keeping a steady pedaling speed (cadence) to maintain efficiency.
    • Practical Tip: Encourage trying different gears during a ride to find what feels best for different terrains.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • 360: Mindfulness and Bicycle Travel
    Apr 18 2024

    When we talk about mindfulness in bicycle travel, we mean paying close attention to our experiences and feelings while we are biking. Sometimes this is a natural thing to do and doesn't require any added thought, and sometimes it's helpful to be intentional about it because it can often enhance your travel. On this edition, we talk about how bicycling can be a mindfulness practice.

    Mindfulness and Bicycle Travel

    1. Introduction to Mindfulness in Bicycle Travel

    • Definition of mindfulness in the context of biking
    • Importance of being present and enjoying each moment of the ride
    • Concepts of self-awareness and non-judgmental observation
    • Benefits of mindfulness for enhancing the enjoyment of bike trips

    2. Mindful Preparation and Planning

    • The role of careful planning and setting intentions for bike trips
    • Choosing routes and destinations mindfully
    • How mindful planning enhances connection to the adventure

    3. Experiencing Joy While Riding

    • The practice of being present during bike rides
    • Techniques for staying mindful, like deep breathing and sensory attention
    • Examples of joyful moments experienced by other cyclists

    4. Mindful Encounters with Nature and Culture

    • Opportunities for connecting with nature and local communities during rides
    • Importance of openness and curiosity in these encounters

    5. Overcoming Challenges with Mindfulness

    • Facing physical and environmental challenges during bike trips
    • Using mindfulness to manage difficult situations calmly
    • Stories of cyclists who overcame obstacles through mindfulness

    6. Featured Stories

    • Story 1: The Hill and the Hawk
    • Story 2: Raindrops and Revelations
    • Story 3: The Sunset Cycle
    Más Menos
    29 m