
  • Integrating Holistic Wellness Strategies for Menopause
    Jun 18 2024

    Ever wondered how to seamlessly integrate holistic wellness practices with traditional Western medicine? Join us for an eye-opening conversation with Emily Peterson, MiDOViA's Chief Wellness Officer, as she shares her profound insights on personalized health journeys. Learn how to listen to your body’s intuitive signals through simple yet powerful practices like pausing, breathing, and quieting the mind. Emily’s expertise shines as she addresses the unique challenges women face during midlife, particularly the critical need for self-care during menopause. Discover how prioritizing your well-being can empower you to better support your loved ones and navigate this transformative life stage with grace.

    Unlock the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils for managing menopause symptoms such as stress and insomnia. Emily discusses the importance of choosing high-grade essential oils and explains various applications like diffusers, room sprays, and direct skin application. We cover safety precautions, proper storage, and the role of carrier oils like jojoba and rosehip seed in enhancing the efficacy of essential oils. With personal anecdotes and rapid-fire questions, we explore the liberating journey of menopause, likened to a butterfly's transformation. This episode is a treasure trove of holistic health practices, offering both practical advice and inspirational reflections to enhance your midlife experience.

    Emily is the Chief Wellness Officer at MiDOViA. She has been actively working in the holistic healing arts for over 20 years. Emily is an ever evolving student and practitioner of all things wellness. She has a background and passion in holistic bodywork, breath work, meditation, aromatherapy, sound healing, functional fitness, pilates and yoga.

    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source

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    33 m
  • Episode 018: Rediscovering Well-Being with Sharman Ghio
    Jun 11 2024

    Imagine trekking 450 miles to rediscover your sense of self. Join us on The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast as we chat with Sharman Ghio, a courageous well-being strategist who shares her incredible journey through the trials of the pandemic, empty nesting, her husband's chronic injury, and the heartbreaking loss of a beloved pet. Sharman’s story is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, where she found healing amidst life's chaos.

    What if you could transform your life by focusing on well-being rather than just wellness? Sharman and I dive into the distinctions between these two concepts, exploring how well-being offers a holistic approach to a fulfilling life. We break down the five pillars of a well-being strategy—mind, body, spirit, financial health, community belonging, and social relationships—and share practical advice on how to proactively manage these areas. Through personal stories and actionable tips, we reveal how you can align your life with your values and energy to achieve true well-being.

    Feeling exhausted from balancing multiple roles? Discover the "Totally Wise" philosophy, where Sharman and I discuss the importance of self-care and listening to our inner wisdom as we age. From scheduling necessary rest days to making thoughtful decisions, we emphasize the value of adapting routines to avoid burnout. Tune in to learn how prioritizing yourself can lead to personal growth and fulfillment, and get inspired by Sharman's wisdom and insights on maintaining well-being even amidst life’s toughest challenges.

    Sharman Ghio has had a storied life, including a diverse and non-traditional path as an artist, entrepreneur, yogi, and marketing leader in the technology industry.

    A Well-being Strategist, Sharman guides companies and individuals to define their vision and values and ensure alignment with growth objectives and goals. Through her Totally Wise framework, her mission is to unlock inner wisdom so that we can live in our full potential and power.

    Sharman’s home base is in Seattle; however, she travels frequently while writing, hiking, exploring and practicing yoga. She can be hired for consulting, workshops, and retreats.



    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source

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    30 m
  • Episode 017: Unlocking Gut Health During Menopause with Dr. Jessica Drummond
    May 30 2024

    Unlock the secrets to thriving during menopause with insights from Dr. Jessica Drummond, founder and CEO of the Integrative Women's Health Institute. Ever wondered how hormonal changes impact your gut health? Dr. Drummond sheds light on the estrobolome, a critical component of the gut microbiome that interacts directly with estrogen levels. Understand how these shifts can affect your digestive and immune functions, and learn strategies to maintain a healthy gut during this transformative phase.

    Discover the power of prebiotics and the importance of dietary choices in supporting your gut microbiome. From seeds and nuts to a rainbow of vegetables, we delve into the foods that nourish beneficial bacteria. Uncover the benefits of intuitive eating and explore treatments for harmful microbiomes, including antimicrobial herbs and the local antibiotic rifaximin. Plus, hear anecdotal evidence on the positive impact of locally sourced fermented foods like sauerkraut.

    Managing gut health during menopause comes with its own set of challenges, especially for those with conditions like endometriosis or a history of abdominal surgeries. We discuss structural changes and their effects on intestinal motility, and explore treatment options such as visceral physical therapy, antibiotics, and herbal remedies. Finally, we address the critical link between sleep and gut health, offering practical tips to improve sleep patterns and manage cortisol spikes. Join us as we aim to change the menopause narrative, empowering women with knowledge and breaking the stigma around this natural stage of life.

    Dr. Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, NBC-HWC is the founder and CEO of The Integrative Women’s Health Institute and the best selling author of Outsmart Endometriosis. Dr. Drummond has 22 years of clinical experience as a licensed physical therapist, licensed clinical nutritionist, and board certified health coach working with women with pelvic pain, including endometriosis, vulvodynia, and bladder pain syndrome. She brings a unique, conservative and integrative approach to supporting women to overcome hormonal imbalances, and chronic pain conditions. She is a sought after international speaker on topics such as integrative pelvic pain management, natural fertility options, optimal hormone health, menopause, and female athlete nutrition. Her clinical and coaching programs and educational programs reach thousands of clients and professional students in over 60 countries. Dr. Drummond has a BA in Biology from The University of Virginia, a Master's in Physical Therapy from Emory University, and a Doctorate in Clinical Nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health.








    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source

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    41 m
  • Episode 016: Navigating Menopause: Holistic Health, Empowerment, and Celebrating Midlife Transitions
    May 24 2024

    Embark on a transformative journey through the intricacies of menopause with us and our esteemed guest, Susan May, a menopause and midlife transition coach. We're tearing down the myths and embracing a holistic view of this life phase, one that goes beyond hot flashes and mood swings. Susan's expertise offers a beacon of guidance on how to align nutrition, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), mindset, and lifestyle tweaks to not just survive, but thrive during menopause.

    Self-care takes center stage in our dialogue as we stress its crucial role in menopause management. Forget about the idea that taking time for yourself is indulgent—this episode champions the art of pausing, breathing, and setting boundaries as acts of power and self-preservation. We share stories of the small yet significant victories that come from embracing a balanced mindset, from choosing water over coffee to celebrating the functionality of our bodies instead of fixating on their form.

    In closing, we delve into the insights from Lisa Mosconi's "Menopause Brain," accompanied by the refreshing perspective of Sue from midlifeevolved.com, who's breathing new life into menopause experiences with her unique menopause parties. Offering not just advice but a new lens through which to view the control we have in life, this episode is a heartfelt expression of gratitude and a reminder to find joy in every step of your menopause journey. Join us for a conversation that's about much more than symptoms—it's about shaping a life filled with purpose and pleasure during midlife and beyond.

    Susan May is a Menopause and Midlife Transition Coach. She specializes in coaching Gen X women who want to understand what is happening during this challenging life phase (peri-post menopause). She uses her expertise in nutrition, HRT, mindset, and lifestyle to support women in feeling their best so they can thrive in their personal and professional lives. Sue has additional experience supporting women trying to conceive and juggling fertility treatments while working full-time.

    : www.midlifeevolved.com


    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source for evidence-based, science-backed information related to menopause.

    MiDOViA is dedicated to changing the narrative about menopause by educating, raising awareness and supporting women in this stage of life, both at home and in the workplace. Visit midovia.com to learn more.

    The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Episode 015: Mastering Stress and Cultivating Resilience in Leadership and Life
    May 15 2024

    Have you ever felt like you're constantly on the brink of burnout, juggling the demands of midlife with the pressures of leadership? Lisa Burchartz, a somatic practitioner and executive coach, joins us to share her transformative journey from corporate HR to guiding women through the storms of stress and into the calm of value alignment. With her expertise, we unearth the powerful impact of creating a sisterhood through the Empowered Women's Circle, where personal development and support go hand in hand. Lisa's story and strategies illuminate the path to thriving in the face of life's challenges and embracing the physiological dance of our stress responses.

    This conversation takes a deep look at how our nervous systems, often stuck in overdrive by our 24/7 connected world, are calling for a reset through movement, breath, and body awareness. Whether it's walking, dancing, or simply tuning into the sensations of our environment, Lisa brings to light the tools we can all use to discharge stress and regain balance. We also learn from the wisdom of a drama teacher who, through awareness and grounding techniques, equips students to manage performance anxiety. This episode is rich with insights on how to master our stress responses, not just as adults but for our children too, and how nurturing these skills leads to a more balanced, resilient life for anyone ready to lead with poise and power.

    Lisa Burchartz is a somatic practitioner, executive coach, and former corporate HR business partner, with over 25 years of expertise advising the C-suite. Having traversed her own path through burnout and stress-induced illness, Lisa is deeply committed to empowering high-performing mid-life women to transcend the enduring effects of stress and thrive. She champions evidence-based practices and integrative coaching to equip individuals with the tools to optimize their nervous system as a leadership asset and fortify themselves from within. As the co-facilitator of The Empowered Women's Circle, Lisa is unwaveringly devoted to cultivating community, support, and personal growth for women across diverse backgrounds. Join Lisa as she shares her insights and hard won wisdom on transforming stress and nurturing resilience.

    WEBSITE: www.lisaburchartz.com


    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source for evidence-based, science-backed information related to menopause.

    MiDOViA is dedicated to changing the narrative about menopause by educating, raising awareness and supporting women in this stage of life, both at home and in the workplace. Visit midovia.com to learn more.

    The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Episode 014: Navigating Menopause: Achieving Restful Sleep with Sleep Coach Lauren Duffel
    May 7 2024

    Struggling with sleep during menopause can feel like navigating a ship through a stormy night, but fear not, because Lauren Duffel, a certified sleep coach and holistic nutritionist, is here to guide us to calmer waters. Her personal skirmish with insomnia isn't just a tale of triumph; it's a beacon of hope for those of us tossing and turning our way through midlife. Throughout our conversation, we uncover the sleep disturbances that plague so many women and the profound effects these can have on our daily lives. With Lauren's holistic and science-backed strategies in hand, we're ready to embrace a new chapter of restful slumber and vitality.

    Have you ever considered the symphony of hormones that serenade you to sleep? The decline of estrogen and progesterone during menopause doesn't just cue the hot flashes and mood swings; it also orchestrates a shift in our sleep patterns. Our enlightening chat with Lauren Duffel takes you through the nuances of hormonal tides and their impact on our nights. We lay out a blueprint of daily habits, from syncing with the sun's rhythm to understanding the sleep-inducing power duo—serotonin and melatonin. By the end of our discussion, you'll be equipped with actionable steps to cultivate a sleep-friendly lifestyle and, with it, a more harmonious menopause experience.

    As we nestle into the cozier details of our sleep environments and dietary choices, Lauren shares her insights on regulating body temperature and blood sugar for a night of deeper rest. We explore the transformative effects of diet on sleep quality, discussing the benefits of protein, healthy fats, and fibrous carbs while cautioning against late-night sugar spikes. Lauren also sheds light on her own serene sanctuary, filled with herbal teas and lush greenery, offering personal anecdotes that inspire us to create our own sleep-inducing havens. By the end of our journey with Lauren, we're left with a profound piece of wisdom: In the quest for quality sleep and a joyful passage through menopause, the most precious thing we can offer ourselves is the gift of presence.

    Lauren Duffel is a certified sleep coach and holistic nutritionist. Her experience comes from working in the Top Naturopathic Clinic in Ottawa, ontario. As a nutritionist and sleep expert, she has been guiding her clients through insomnia since 2018.

    Additionally, Lauren has a commerce degree with honors in food administration and a yoga teacher certification which guides the stress reduction techniques she offers. Her passion for better slumber came from her own five-year experience with insomnia, where she tried everything under the sun to overcome it. Since then, she has been enthusiastically helping others create better sleep using education, stress reduction and lifestyle coaching. Her approach is holistic meaning balancing the body and mind yet completely based in the science of behavioral sleep science.

    WEBSITE: https://www.coachingforinsomniacs.com


    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source for evidence-based, science-backed information related to menopause.

    MiDOViA is dedicated to changing the narrative about menopause by educating, raising awareness and supporting women in this stage of life, both at home and in the workplace. Visit midovia.com to learn more.

    The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, di

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Episode 013: Navigating Menopause: A Deep Dive into Oral Health with Dr. Jim Haberman
    Apr 29 2024

    Discover the often-overlooked connection between menopause and oral health as we chat with Dr. Jim Haberman, a dentist with a wealth of experience in treating menopausal women. Uncover why your mouth might just be the unsung victim of hormonal havoc, and how exactly it's affected, from dryness to bone density woes. Dr. Jim not only brings clarity to these changes but also arms us with practical tips on combatting them, like hydrating strategies for a parched mouth and the role of a nutrient-rich diet in preserving that precious jawbone.

    As we chew over the topic with Dr. Jim, we tackle the critical link between comprehensive well-being and our pearly whites. We reveal how hormonal shifts can disrupt the mouth's microbiome, potentially increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Dr. Jim's advice is adamant: maintaining good oral hygiene and scheduling regular dental visits are non-negotiables, especially as estrogen levels dip. He guides us through maintaining a robust dental regimen that's vital for navigating this natural life transition with a healthy smile.

    In our final thoughts, we look at the broader implications of menopause on women's lives. Confronting societal taboos, we advocate for a shift in the conversation towards openness and support. Dr. Jim shares his personal insights, leaving us with advice on finding joy amidst the journey. And if you're seeking further guidance, midovia.com offers a wealth of resources for those surfing the menopausal wave. Join us as we chuckle, learn, and transform the narrative on menopause, one smile at a time.

    Dr. Haberman (or Dr. Jim as he likes to be called) has been delivering the highest quality dentistry in the Greater Seattle area for over 20 years. Dr. Haberman is a Seattle native and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of WA School of Dentistry.

    Dr. Haberman has worked extensively with a broad age of patients, including women of menopausal age. He is passionate about educating his patients and the community about the importance of proactive oral care, including the menopausal stage to prevent and manage common issues such as gum disease and dry mouth.

    For 11 consecutive years, Dr. Haberman has been honored with a coveted spot on Seattle Met's esteemed List of Top Dentists, alongside receiving the noteworthy Edmonds WA Best Dentist award.

    He is an active member of many prominent dental organizations, including: the American Dental Association, Washington State Dental Association, Snohomish County Dental Society and American Academy of Facial Esthetics

    : www.jamesdhaberman.com


    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source for evidence-based, science-backed information related to menopause.

    MiDOViA is dedicated to changing the narrative about menopause by educating, raising awareness and supporting women in this stage of life, both at home and in the workplace. Visit midovia.com to learn more.

    The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Episode 012: Transforming Nutrition and Exercise for Menopause Wellness
    Apr 28 2024

    Are hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain sounding all too familiar? Let's talk menopause with Stasi from Gennev, our guest who brings a wealth of knowledge as a registered dietitian and exercise physiologist. Together, we unpack the profound impact of nutrition and lifestyle adjustments during this pivotal life stage. Stasi not only shares her professional insights but also infuses our conversation with her vibrant personal journey, illuminating how outdoor adventures and culinary explorations contribute to a holistic approach to wellness. We navigate the science and the soul of transforming our diets to manage menopause symptoms, and how Gennev's virtual clinic plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive support.

    Navigating the menopause maze can be tricky, especially when it comes to weight management. It's not just about the numbers on the scale; it's about understanding and respecting our body's evolution. Stasi breaks down how to approach changes in body composition with thoughtful nutrition choices and the right exercise, emphasizing metabolic health. We tackle the benefits of resistance training, and the significance of protein and fiber, all while fostering a nurturing relationship with food and movement. Weight management is redefined in our chat, as we focus on celebrating our bodies and finding what it means to feel good in our skin during menopause and beyond.

    Lastly, we delve into the art of self-care, revealing that it’s not about grand gestures but the small, consistent acts that refuel us. Stasi provides actionable self-care tips, from the crucial roles of vitamin D and omega-3 supplements, to the power of a food-first methodology for bolstering bone health. We shine a light on MiDOViA's mission to elevate menopause awareness and support, striving to empower the 50 million women navigating this journey in the US. As we wrap up, we leave you inspired to shift the narrative around menopause, fostering joy and confidence as we forge this path together.

    Stasi Kasianchuk has 10+ years of experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Exercise Physiologist and holds a B.S. in Science from Ithaca College and a Master’s in Science degree from Oregon State University. As a RDN, Exercise Physiologist, and Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics Stasi has worked in academia, college athletics, precision health, & in her current job Stasi is the Director of Lifestyle Care at Gennev where she brings a unique approach to applying lifestyle change to female hormonal changes and health.

    Stasi also sees patients through her private telehealth practice, Enrich Health Consulting, teaches one course per term in her adjunct role in Oregon State University's College of Health, and is a part of the Novo Collective a local group of clinicians who empower women navigating their menopause journey.


    Website: https://www.midovia.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymidovia
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/midovia
    Email Us: info@midovia.com

    Welcome to The MiDOViA Menopause Podcast! Your trusted source for evidence-based, science-backed information related to menopause.

    MiDOViA is dedicated to changing the narrative about menopause by educating, raising awareness & supporting women in this stage of life, both at home and in the workplace. Visit midovia.com to learn more.

    The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images & other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Más Menos
    48 m