
  • You Have Infinite Power
    Mar 12 2019

    Welcome to the first ever YOU Have Infinite Power Podcast.  In this inaugural episode, co-authors of the best selling book, YOU Have Infinite Power; Master Chris Berlow and Master Paul Melella Jr. talk about what to expect in the upcoming episodes.  They dig deep into the concept of multi-dimensional success; which translates to success in multiple areas of life, not just work, not just health, not just relationships. 

    If you are driving a car, what would happen if you have three flat tires and one filled with air.  You would be stuck, right?  Wouldn’t be efficient, right?  Well, that is exactly what multi-dimensional success is.  All your tires are filled with air in your vehicle of life!  This is the essence of this podcast and we will rotate from different areas by interviewing people who are doing it better, doing it right and living a well balanced and fulfilling life!

    In this very first episode, you will learn… 

    • Who is this podcast for?
    • Why are we doing the podcast?
    • What do we want the listeners to get out of the podcast?
    • Our promises to you, the listeners.
    • Why you should stay tuned and listen to the episodes
    • It will be fun, entertaining and educational!

    Stay tuned for more exciting episodes on Empowered Mastery’s “YOU Have Infinite Power Podcast”  

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • How ultra-successful entrepreneurs live passionate and productive lives
    Apr 2 2019

    This week we are talking to Luis Corrales.  Luis is a Financial Services Professional and partners in the firm, Copecorrales Financial Group.  Luis is an elite level producer in the financial services and achieved success at a very young age.  For those who are in the financial services industry, Luis has reached the prestigious Presidents Council Award which puts him in the top 1% of his industry.  For everyone else, Luis has changed countless lives and was compensated very nicely due to the impact he has made.  No, it didn’t happen over night and it didn’t come easy.  He worked extremely hard to get to the level he is at and he shares his story on how he got to where he is.  Luis attributes his success to having a coach despite being a high performer and on top of his game.  Here are eight tips that Luis discusses in the podcast. 


    Tip # 1:  When planning the day, keep to the basics and stick with what works

    Tip # 2:  Time blocking is essential to get the most out of your day

    Tip # 3:  Identify the areas of life important, time block time the areas other than business

    Tip # 4:  To stay positive in adversity to surround self with people that care and want to succeed.  encourage to keep moving forward

    Tip # 5:  When you are scared, it means you are stretching; the only way to grow

    Tip: #6:  Do not afraid to fail, it is a part of the growing process

    Tip # 7:  In adversity, always think abundance.  The more you have, the more you have to share

    Tip # 8:  Surround yourself with like minded individuals to challenge and support you.  Learn to delegate and be find a team that aligns with your vision


    For those interested in contacting Luis for financial advice or professional advice, please go to his website at www.copecorrales.com.  You could reach him at 202-580-2068 and email at lcorrales@copecorrales.com.  CopeCorrales Group offers comprehensive financial planning through a science and results based methodology providing their clients with a clear and concise road map to achieve substantial success.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • From overweight teenager to successful entrepreneur
    Apr 6 2019

    This week we interview John Moljo, a high performer who owns Team Moljo Strength and Conditioning in Shrub Oak, NY, and co-founder of LAB Fitness Consultants; a personal training coaching business.  He has a true cinderella story where he started from an overweight teenager to a successful entrepreneur in the highly competitive health and fitness industry.  His story is all about drive, dedication, perseverance and a commitment to making a difference. In this interview, John shares how he created an incredible community and culture, explains how duplicatable systems are the backbone of operating any business, and how he attracted an incredible team that shares his vision.  Everyone who enters his center has an experience that keeps them motivated to train daily and inspired to live a healthy lifestyle.


    John shares his values that drives himself and his team to be high performers. 








    John could be reached at jmoljo@teammoljo.com and or visit his website at  www.teammoljo.com and welcomes anyone to reach him to learn more Team Moljo and LAB Fitness Consultants.

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    1 h y 5 m
  • The Path To Grandmaster
    May 6 2019

    On April 18th, 2019, Chris Berlow and Paul Melella achieved the rank of 7th Degree Black belt in Taekwondo and earned the title of Grandmaster after 37 years of Taekwondo training.  Both Paul and Chris were hesitant in accepting the title of Grandmaster until their good friend Master Paul Edwards shared his powerful insights where the two of them accepted the honor.  In this powerful yet entertaining podcast, Chris and Paul discuss and share the journey to become Grandmaster, what it means to them, the challenges they needed to overcome and the lessons they learned along the way.  This is a podcast not to miss so grab yourself a pen and paper because you’re gonna want to take some notes 

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Ten Principles of Living a "Nyce" Life
    May 10 2019

    In this podcast we host the very inspiring Joe Parrello aka Joe Nyce.  Joe is a police officer, business owner/entrepreneur, sought after motivational speaker, fitness leader, philanthropist and an incredible human being.  He has achieved multi-dimensional success by excelling in all aspects of his life.  This particular podcast should be called “The Nyce Show” because Joe was on fire and shares a wealth of information to our listeners!   Both Paul and Chris were speechless due to Joe’s compelling stories and passion during the interview.  Listen for the central theme that drives Joe everyday to do be a high performer and does what he does.  It’s amazing!

    In the podcast, Joe shares his powerful story, what drives him everyday and the impressive, “Ten Principles of Living a Nyce Life”.

    1. Family First
    2. Be Grateful
    3. Dream Big
    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Success Tips From an Elite Endurance Athlete
    May 17 2019

    This week we spent some time with an incredible individual, Dr. Tony Tanzi.  Dr. Tanzi does not only own a successful Physical Therapy practice but is also an ultra endurance athlete with six ironman, two marathons, nine half ironman’s and more half marathons than we could count.  Not only does he complete in these events, he holds very competitive times and is often in the top of his category.  He has a personal record for a half marathon of 1 hr 12 min.  That’s a 5 min and 33 second pace per mile!  Dr. Tanzi has an incredible resume and he is still going strong.

    In this very informative and always entertaining podcast, we learn how Dr. Tanzi is able to compete as an elite endurance athlete, run a successful business, have a wonderful relationship with his wife and still be there for his three year old daughter.  Another high performer achieving multi-dimensional success!

    Dr. Tanzi left us some great takeaways that you could run with and apply…Here are some of the highlights

    1. Find an activity that captivates you as a form of meditation
    2. Time-block activities with purpose and a strong “Why” 
    3. Never let fear of failure hold you back….take calculated risks and bet on yourself
    4. Apply the “ABL” principal……”Always be Learning” and then you will never fail

      Dr. Tanzi owns and operates Empire Performance PT located at 1611 Route 6, Carmel, NY 10512.  Any questions you could reach him at 845-225-2000.  You could follow Dr. Tony Tanzi on facebook and instagram.  For the aspiring endurance athlete, look him up on Strava and check out his training regime.  Quite impressive!


    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Overcoming Distractions
    Jun 24 2019

    In this podcast, we talk with David Greenwood, author of the book, Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with Adult ADHD. David interviewed many successful entrepreneurs with ADHD around the country and shared their stories. From growing up with ADHD, how they built their companies to the strategies they use to stay focused and productive.

    David talks about why he wrote the book and why it needed to be written. Chris Paul and David discuss what some of the major takeaways from the interviews were including the myth that having ADHD is all negative.

    Chris, Paul and David also discuss how those who are prone to distractions can maximize the time that they have, use focus time and even hyperfocus to get large projects completed and techniques to keep the distractions to a minimum.

    They also discuss David’s latest project of disability etiquette training for companies.

    Learn more about David and the book at: www.OvercomingDistractions.com

    Learn about his disability etiquette trainings at: www.DavidAGreenwood.com

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    54 m
  • Making a career out of a passion
    Jul 11 2019

    A very exciting treat for everyone this week with two special guests, Master’s Antony Graf and Tim Thackery.  Both Antony and Tim were perennial US National Team Members in Taekwondo and were resident competitors at the US Olympic Training Center.  There were the best of the best in Taekwondo and continue their competitive passion towards their new business, The Juice Compound.  Antony and his wife Darcy own and operates a Taekwondo School and opened the first Crossfit gym in Miami, Fa.  Tim and his wife Carly opened a Crossfit Gym in Burbank, California, sold it and now operates a successful remote coaching program through the Juice Compound where he coaches elite competitors and Olympic athletes.  

    The two of them innovated a children’s called, “Y.E.S.” which stands for Youth Empowerment Systems.  This program enables children to progressively improve their fitness in an extremely inspiring way.  They combined their passion for fitness and helping children so they could leave their mark on creating a strong and healthy America.  

    A few notable take-aways…

    1. There is always something to learn from wherever you go
    2. Follow your passion, regardless of circumstances
    3. Surround yourself with people who inspire you
    4. Celebrate your successes and they will build upon each other
    5. Always be coachable
    6. You could have your cake and eat it to, work hard and reap the benefits

    You could find Antony and Tim at www.juicecompound.com.  Look them up on Instagram and Facebook and they will be happy to share with you what they’re up to.  

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    1 h y 3 m