
  • How To Have A Happy Family Part 4
    Jun 17 2024

    Part 4

    Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness and success- especially in our families

    How do we get there?

    1. We must emphasize God’s blessings v. 22
      1. We should believe in God’s blessings
        1. v. 25 HE gives an everlasting foundation
        2. v. 27 He prolongs days
        3. v. 28. He gives gladness
        4. V. 29 His way gives strength
        5. 28:20 a faithful man shall abound with blessings
        6. Psalm 107:38
        7. Genesis 12:2; 13:2; 24:35
      2. We should desire God’s blessings
        1. Sometimes they are material/physical
          1. Deuteronomy 8:17-18
          2. We work for these (and save and pray)
          3. We give thanks for these
        2. Sometimes they are spiritual
          1. Love joy and peace
          2. Contentment
          3. Favor
        3. Sometimes they are relational
          1. A good friend
          2. A good spouse
            1. He that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor from the Lord
          3. Children
            1. Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward
          4. In-laws
            1. A good spouse for your children
            2. A family connection that results
              1. Adams, Mundays, Pisneys, and soon to be Gentiles
              2. Bethlie’s parents to me and my parents to her


    1. How do we balance the idea of God’s blessings and the issue of “bad things” that happen?
    2. How do we teach this to our children?
    3. Is it ok to think of God’s blessings as material? How do we balance this with the idea that the best ones are not?
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    30 m
  • Have A Happy Life and A Happy Family Part 3
    Jun 10 2024

    In part 3 of this series we see that Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness and success specifically in our families.

    Question: How do we get there?

    1. We must emphasize diligence (Proverbs 10:4-5; 16)
      1. The word
        1. Sharp pointed
        2. Trench - in the sense of dug
          1. A massive amount of difficult work
          2. Time consuming
          3. Physically exhausting
        3. Gold - int he sense of mined
        4. Figuratively - determination, eagerness
      2. Gain requires forethought - diligently
        1. A harvest is an involved process
        2. Preparing the soil
        3. Preparing the seed
        4. Planting the seed
        5. Caring for the field
        6. Waiting for the full growth
        7. Gathering it for the days ahead
      3. Gain requires a process of time and in time
        1. We want our children to develop habvits that lead to success
          1. It is imperative that we ahve goals for our children
          2. Some are spiritual - this requries DILIGENCE
            1. Know God and His Word
            2. Love God and His Word
            3. Fear God
            4. Worship God
            5. Walk with God
            6. Give financially
          3. Some are relational - this requires DILIGENCE
            1. We want you to be sweet
            2. We want you to be kind
            3. We want you to be thankful
            4. We want you to be polite
          4. Some are practicle - this requires DILIGENCE
            1. We want you to learn discipline
            2. We want you learn skills
            3. We want you to learn to handle finances
        2. We repeat our desires and our demands - this requires DILIGENCE too. Repeitition is required.
        3. We model DILIGENCE
      4. Gain requres work (vs.16)
      5. 4:23 Keep your heart with all DILIGENCE
      6. 11:27 he that diligently seeketh good procureth favor: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.
      7. 12:24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule; but the slothful shall be under tribute
      8. 12:27 The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting, but the substance of a diligent man is precious.
      9. 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
      10. 21:5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of everyone that is hasty only to want.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • How To Have A Happy Family Part 2
    Jun 3 2024

    Happy Family Life: Christian Parenting Tips and Bible Insights!

    Proverbs 10 continued...

    Practically, what does it take to have a happy life and a happy family?

    1) It takes righteousness v2-3; 6-7; 11; 16;19-21; 24-25; 28; 30-32

      1. Righteousness in our treasures v.2
      2. Righteousness in our dealing with people v. 11-12
      3. Righteousness in our work v. 16
      4. Righteousness in our words v. 19-22
      5. How do you incorporate righteousness in your life?
        1. What is right?
        2. What does the Bible say?
        3. What would be the right response?
        4. What would be the right step to take?
        5. What would be the right way to handle this?

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    30 m
  • Have A Happy Life and A Happy Family Part 1
    May 27 2024

    We're really excited to dive into Proverbs 10!

    The US Constitution says that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    • life is a right
    • liberty is a right
    • happiness is not, it is the pursuit of it and that is a right

    It seems that Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness.

    vs 1 Having a wise son brings gladness and avoids heaviness

    Get ready for an exciting series!

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    27 m
  • Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom Part 3
    May 20 2024

    Join Dave and Bethlie as they close this 3 part series on Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom out of Proverbs 8 and 9.

    Proverbs 8:32

    What is the value of wisdom?

    (Find point 1-3 in Episode 212)

    4. It brings blessings to our lives Proverbs 8:32-36

    5. Reminds us that God and wisdom are ETERNALLY connected (vs. 22-31)

    1. You don't have one without the other
    2. Folly damages and destroys
    3. Wisdom builds and strengthens and lasts

    Proverbs 9

    Wisdom is better than folly

    Wisdom takes time

      1. (vs. 1) She has builded her house
      2. Dads and moms must recognize this
        • It takes a lot of time to train our children for success in life
        • It takes a lot of time to prepare our children for success in life

    Wisdom takes investment

      1. (vs. 4) Come live with me
        1. Learn from me
        2. Watch me and follow my lead
      2. (vs. 5) Come eat at my table
        1. Receive waht I offer you
        2. Let's talk and linger
      3. Wisdom takes decisions
        1. Forsake foolishness and live
        2. Go in the way of understanding
      4. (vs. 9) Wisdom takes learning
      5. (vs. 10) Wisdom takes God

    Wisdom takes decisions

    1. Forsake foolishness and live
    2. Go in the way of understanding

    Wisdom takes learning (vs. 9)

    Wisdom takes God (vs. 10)

    Folly is a horrible way to live

    1. Foolish woman is simple and knows nothing (vs. 13)
    2. Foolish woman is offering an alternative way to live
      1. Two choices on the shelf - pleaweing God or pleasing self
      2. Two choices in chapter 9 - the life of wisdom or the life of folly
      3. (vs. 14-16) Notice the offer
      4. (vs. 17) Notice the absurdity
      5. (vs. 18) Noitce the result
        1. This is life or death
        2. Galations 6:7-9
        3. Deuteronomy 28-30 I set before you life or death, blessing or cursing etc.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Teaching Your Children to Embrace Wisdom Part 2
    May 13 2024

    Dave and Bethlie continue in Proverbs 8 as we learn to help our children embrace wisdom.

    Proverbs 8:7-11

    1. Do a wisdom check
    2. Think about and choose things that are excellent
    3. Think about and choose things that are right
    4. Think about and choose things that are true

    What is the value of wisdom?

    1. It teaches us to hate evil (vs. 12-13)
      1. It is not enough to know what evil is
      2. We must learn to hate it...
    2. It teaches us how to lead (vs. 14-16)
    3. It teaches us how to be wealthy (vs. 18-21)
      1. Wealth is tricky in our society
        1. Examples: Musk, Bezons, Gates, Trump
        2. Social media influencers
        3. People want to make money doing nothing or just having fun
      2. Wealth is more than money
        1. It is family
        2. It is satisfaction
        3. Is is relationships
        4. It is favor
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    29 m
  • Mother's Day 2024
    May 6 2024

    Dave and special guest Charity Young (Dave and Bethlie's youngest daughter) share the traditions that the Young family have shared over the years.


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    24 m
  • Teaching Your Children to Embrace Wisdom
    Apr 29 2024

    PART 1

    Proverbs 8-9

    These chapters seem to go together with one primary theme: Wisdom

    What is wisdom?

    What are the steps to wisdom?

    What is the value of wisdom?

    Proverbs 8

    What is wisdom?

    Dictionary defines it like this:

    • the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise:
    • the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight
    • The ability to do right regardless of inward yearnings, outward pressures, or eventual outcomes
    • Godly skill for life
    • The right way to live our lives
    • Seeing a situation as God does; Acting on it as God wills; Learning from it as God intended

    What are the steps to wisdom?

    v1 Wisdom and Understanding are personified

    1. Remember:
      1. Proverbs are words of wisdom - truths to live by
        1. They help us train our children\
        2. They help our children make good choices and live successfully
        3. They lead individuals, homes, and nations to discover God's blessings
      2. Proverbs are Inspired Scripture
        2. Sometimes they are pictures
          • Think on them and learn from them...
        3. Sometimes they are literal
          • Apply them
    2. v4 Calls to the Simple and the Fool
      1. Anyone can seek wisdom and find it.
      2. We must teach it to our children - Solomon is teaching it tho his son
      3. Wisdom itself speaks to our children
      4. Our children must also seek it themselves (see verse 17)

    We diligently teach it; wisdom itself speaks it; our children continually seek it

    A powerful 3 fold cord...this provides a wonderful foundation for our lives and our futures and our families.

    Más Menos
    28 m