
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (229)
    Sep 1 2023


    Dr. David Jobes is my guest on this episode. Our discussion centers around that ugly word, suicide. Dr. Jobes provides expert-level information about the treatment of incarcerated individuals in this area. Please check out his impressive background and current affiliations.

    Dr. David Jobes

    For more information on CAMS Click!

    David's Books - Click!

    See ya'll soon!

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers 228
    May 26 2023


    Ever thought about starting your own business? My guest this week thinks it's a good option for ex-offenders and we discuss that on this episode.

    Lifeline to a Soul is a book written by my guest, John McLaughlin. The book is about John's experiences teaching entrepreneurship to inmates.

    Check our discussion on this episode!

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (227)
    May 1 2023

    Hello !

    Welcome to the podcast. My guest this week is Frank Dimaio. Frank's latest book, A Promise Made, a Promise Kept, caught my attention. The book is a study on how to deal with grief. What does grief have to do with serving time in prison? Short answer - a lot!

    There are an incredible amount of "professionals" in the state prison systems. Now, it is not the majority or even close to it, but there are a surprising number of people with white collar backgrounds. Men and women that hold degrees and had a career in their chosen field of study are often overlooked in my view. Still, what does learning about grief have to do with this?

    Men and women who have come from white collar backgrounds and have spent substantial periods of time in prison no longer have the life they had prior to prison. These men and women are released into a world where those previous lives no longer exist.

    My guest this week lost his wife to breast cancer and has dealt with the grief that stems from such a tragedy. We spoke about grief and how things learned from his experience may help us deal with grieving our former lives and help us to move forward.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Journey Of Hope With Rodney Mathers (226)
    Jun 1 2022


    .John Mandala did twenty years flat. Once out, he wrote a couple of books. One of these books in particular, After Prison A Way To Succeed, caught my eye. While looking to explore the book, I also learned quiet a bit about John. The book addresses ways to approach various things we need for the best chance at a successful life after incarceration. In addition, John fills us in on his experiences. Join us for our discussion!

    Just a little side note - I've been doing this podcast since May of 2010. Twelve years.

    If God is for you, who can be against you?

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (225)
    Apr 4 2022

    Hi there!

    I think reintegration is is two things. First of all, it is overcoming adversity. Secondly, it is having reasonable expectations. Both of things are big time difficult! Whenever I find someone that has achieved these two things, I want to pick their brain for ideas.

    This episode takes a look at such a person. Steve Borys is such a person and I speak with him about his book and his successful life.

    If God is for us, who can be against us?

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (224)
    Jan 13 2022


    Quick extra episode -

    More and more, I'm finding it more satisfying and informative to share the tidbits I've learned about the reintegration of offenders. In addition, although I receive many requests to be interviewed on the podcast, I'm not finding the guests that are beneficial to our quest. I have several topics I'd like to throw out there for contemplation anyway so the timing is actually good!

    On this episode, I suggest the idea of "Restorative Justice". This, in my view, is the way some convictions could be handled so that the victim, offender, and society at large can move forward in a safe and productive way.

    Join me as I talk about what Restorative Justice is and how it works.

    If God is for you, who can be against you?

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (223)
    Nov 11 2021

    Hi there!

    I hope everyone is well!

    It has always disappointed me to see people get out of prison and go right back to their old, destructive behaviors. Frankly, I think for some of us it's really easy to fall back into that trap . I haven't personally had to deal with that however and I think, for me, it comes from prison and parole being a punitive experience - for me. I don't want to go back!

    Last week, there was an incident in Houston that was a reminder to me of how easy it can be to allow yourself to create a detrimental thought life. We should never forget that behaviors begin with thoughts. Those thoughts can start so very easily!!

    This guy, Travis Scott, the rapper who put the fatal Astroworld music festival together is the topic of my discussion on this episode of the podcast. I basically posit that we, as people who have lost years of life and suffer the enduring consequences of being a convicted felon, should be careful about what we allow to enter our thought life. I further believe that rebellion and violence laden song lyrics, running as the backing track to our daily lives is very dangerous. Why would we allow a thug like Travis Scott any where near our lives in any capacity?

    Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (222)
    Sep 30 2021


    My guest this week has dealt with and is dealing with a level of adversity that should give us all cause to reflect on what we are doing to deal with the adversity associated with reintegration. Terry Tucker has cancer and has been fighting it for over 9 years. His attitude and determination inspire me and when we started the interview I wanted to find out how he achieved his positiveness. Terry explains his methodology as we chat on this episode. As always, I am sure there is something in his story that you can use in your struggle.

    You can check out more about Terry Tucker here: motivationalcheck.com

    If God is for you, who can be against you?

    Más Menos
    22 m