
  • CNBC 9 San Francisco, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.
    Jan 23 2024

    CNBC 9 San Francisco, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities. We examine if San Francisco or the places listed below are haunted or not. In the city of San Francisco, located in northern California and sharing similarities with Portland, the mystical ambiance is heightened by fault lines and the encompassing waters.

    Chinatown reveals the haunting narrative of the Cameron House, once a haven for immigrants escaping police brutality. Tragically, this refuge succumbed to flames, trapping occupants inside. Persistent legends speak of lingering spirits, occasionally manifesting in eerie photographs. CNBC 9 San Francisco, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.

    Journeying through Golden Gate Park, tales circulate of a spectral police officer meandering the grounds. Simultaneously, the Queen Anne Hotel, previously a girls' school overseen by a stern headmistress, is rumored to be under the continued watch of her ghost.

    Alcatraz, the infamous island prison, harbors its own collection of spectral whispers. Within its damp and unforgiving confines, where infamous criminals served sentences, some believe certain inmates endure not just life but an eternal existence. Visitors recall hearing disembodied voices and the disconcerting echoes of cell doors closing, permeating the eerie silence of Alcatraz. CNBC 9 San Francisco is it one of  America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities?

    After this episode of the Haunting or Not Podcast you decide, is it a Haunting or Not.

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    CNBC 9 San Francisco, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.

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  • CNBC 10 Portland, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.
    Jan 9 2024

    CNBC 10 Portland, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities. Portland, Oregon, holds the tenth spot on CNBC's list of America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities, as highlighted in a 2010 report. Positioned on the Columbia River and featuring fault lines beneath its surface, Portland provides an ideal setting for supernatural encounters, according to the article.

    The city's haunting history is deeply rooted, with tales of the infamous Shanghai Tunnels dating back to the 1800s. These subterranean passages, concealed beneath the city's buildings and streets, were allegedly used to abduct individuals and transport them to Asia as slaves or prostitutes. Legend has it that saloon owners, after intoxicating unsuspecting victims, would send them through secret hatches, never to be seen again. Reports of ghostly occurrences during tours include whistling, mysterious fragrances, and even physical touches.

    Among Portland's renowned haunted sites is the White Eagle Café, formerly a brothel, hotel, and boarding house. Employees have recounted eerie experiences such as the scent of smoke in the absence of fire, overwhelming wafts of cheap perfume, and objects seemingly defying gravity. CNBC 10 Portland, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.

    The Old Portland Underground, colloquially known as the Shanghai Tunnels, forms a network of passages beneath Portland's Old Town Chinatown and connects to the main business district. Initially constructed to facilitate the movement of goods from docked ships to basement storage, the tunnels have been linked to stories of organized crime and shanghaiing practices, though some historians dispute the more sensational claims.

    Nestled near the scenic Willamette River, the McMenamins White Eagle Saloon and Hotel stands as a popular spot for Portlanders. With a century-long history, the saloon has retained its original purpose while evolving into a cafe and hotel. Originally named the B. Soboleski & Company Saloon, it housed industrial supplies before being transformed into a social hub by Polish immigrants William Hryszko and Barney Soboleski. CNBC 10 Portland, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.

    Throughout its existence, the White Eagle Saloon faced rumors of illicit activities, including gambling and prostitution, to stay afloat amidst competition. The Hryszko brothers, sole owners after Soboleski's departure, expanded the saloon, fueling speculations of accommodating their clandestine endeavors. Prohibition in 1915 forced a reassessment of business practices, with rumors circulating about an underground tunnel linking the Shanghai tunnels to the White Eagle Saloon for illegal alcohol transportation. CNBC 10 Portland, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.

    Post-prohibition, sailors became frequent patrons, allegedly participating in illicit activities and engaging in poker games with hired companions. Dark rumors persisted about men being "Shanghaied" from the saloon through underground tunnels and back to the docks, highlighting the pervasive mysteries surrounding the White Eagle Saloon, even if concrete evidence remains elusive.

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    CNBC 10 Portland, America's Top 10 Most Haunted Cities.

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  • White House, Haunted by Abraham Lincoln?
    Oct 17 2023

    White House, Haunted by Abraham Lincoln? Abraham Lincoln's apparition has been reportedly sighted in the Lincoln Bedroom and Yellow Oval Room of the White House. Notable figures such as First Lady Grace Coolidge, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands have claimed to have witnessed Lincoln's ghost.

    Another spectral presence within the White House is that of young Willie Lincoln, who passed away during his time there. In the 1870s, staff members of the Grant administration reported seeing Willie Lincoln's ghost within the White House.

    Andrew Jackson is said to haunt the Queens' Bedroom (Rose Room) where he is believed to emit a distinct, eerie laugh, which has been heard by inhabitants since the 1860s. Mary Todd Lincoln, the former First Lady, also claimed to have heard Jackson stomping and swearing.

    In the East Room, Abigail Adams, the second First Lady, has been said to linger as a spectral presence. Her ghostly activity includes hanging laundry, and contemporary staff have reported smelling wet laundry and the soothing scent of lavender.

    These are just a few examples of the ghostly apparitions that have been witnessed by numerous people within the White House. The reported ghostly appearances of Abraham Lincoln are particularly well-documented. You decide is it a Haunting or Not?

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  • "The Exorcist" On The 50th Anniversary Of The Film
    Oct 3 2023

    "The Exorcist" On The 50th Anniversary Of The Film. 

    In 2023, we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the release of the legendary film, "The Exorcist." This supernatural horror masterpiece, which graced the screens in 1973, was expertly helmed by director William Friedkin, and its gripping screenplay was penned by William Peter Blatty. Blatty's script was a faithful adaptation of his own 1971 novel, bearing the same haunting title. The film featured an impressive ensemble cast, led by talents like Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Jason Miller, and Linda Blair.

    At its heart, "The Exorcist" unfolds the spine-chilling narrative of a young girl's terrifying demonic possession and her mother's desperate mission to rescue her through the ancient ritual of exorcism, administered by two Catholic priests.

    Our journey through the legacy of this cinematic gem delves not only into the horrors displayed on screen but also the controversies that swirled around its release. Furthermore, we embark on an exploration of the intriguing casting choices, pondering the renowned actors initially considered for the pivotal roles in this landmark film.

    Above all, our focus narrows in on the real-life stories and individuals who served as the wellspring of inspiration for both the novel and the subsequent movie, illuminating the eerie and unsettling origins of this enduring classic.

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    22 m
  • Was This The Inspiration for the Movie "Poltergeist"?
    Sep 12 2023

    Was This The Inspiration for the Movie "Poltergeist"? Was It Real Of Fake? The Herrman House was 7 miles away from the "Amityville Horror" House. The terrifying incidents reported there supposedly served as the inspiration for the 1982 movie "Poltergeist".

    From the perspective of spirit lore, poltergeists are often depicted as mischievous entities that derive pleasure from rearranging furniture and playing pranks to vex homeowners. However, in Tobe Hooper's "Poltergeist," these spectral beings are imbued with a malevolent intent, preying on the pure essence of life and ambushing the unsuspecting when they are most vulnerable. This shift in portrayal transforms "Poltergeist" into a truly chilling narrative of haunting.

    While the gripping story line in the movie contributed to its status as a genuinely unsettling tale, the "true" story that served as inspiration for the film becomes even more surreal when considering the account of Lucille Hermann. In 1958, she had to confront severe poltergeist activity in her own home.

    For further details on the Herrman House incident, listen to this episode and can be found in the documentary film titled "Real Fear: The Truth Behind the Movies."

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  • Ghosts vs Poltergeists vs Demons. Do You Know The Differences?
    Aug 29 2023

    Ghosts vs Poltergeists vs Demons. Do You Know The Differences? What are the differences? Do they occur? We discuss the differences, how people seem to be confused about them, and what ethnic, cultural, and religious forces may have shaped our beliefs, maybe yours too. Did you know that one of the most famous movies about Poltergeists, named Poltergeist, was loosely based on a real incident?

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  • Mental Asylum in Georgia. Haunted Or Not?
    Aug 8 2023

    Mental Asylum in Georgia, It Was the World’s Largest Mental Hospital. Haunted Or Not? A truly creepy and scary place. When it was first opened it was known as the Georgia Lunatic Asylum. Back in 1837 Georgia lawmakers authorized a “Lunatic, Idiot, and Epileptic Asylum.” And it was built and opened in 1842. The first "patient" arrived in December 1842. They reported that he died of “maniacal exhaustion” shortly thereafter. Located in  Milledgeville Georgia, on approximately 2,000-acres. The property still echoes "with the memory of the patients who were treated and mistreated at Georgia’s state asylum". The Asylum is mostly empty and in much need of repair. The old asylum is not reported to be open to the public. There is a new section in operation called the Central State Hospital. According to OnlyInYourState.com, "This spooky asylum is one of the creepiest places in Georgia and has so much history behind it."

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  • The Most Haunted Location in America? Gettysburg, Pa - Part 2: Jennie Wade and the Dobbin House
    Jul 25 2023

    The Most Haunted Location in America? Gettysburg, Pa - Part 2: Jennie Wade and the Dobbin House. Is Gettysburg Pennsylvania, the Most Haunted Location in America? Join us for a discussion about Jennie Wade and The Jennie Wade House, Plus the Dobbin House Tavern. Are they Haunted or Not. Are they hauntings or not? Jennie Wade was reported to be the only civilian to be killed during the Battle of Gettysburg. Did the moving of her grave lead to her reported ghostly sightings?

    Plus, Plus the Dobbin House Tavern. Reverend Alexander Dobbin and his wife Isabella Gamble immigrated to America and settled in what is now Gettysburg. In 1774 they commenced construction of a farm and the Dobbin House, for use as their dwelling and as a Classical School, today's equivalent of a combined theological seminary and liberal arts college. The Dobbin house was reported to be a slave hideout and part of the "Underground Railroad". It was used for hiding runaway slaves on their perilous journey to freedom on the "Underground Railroad." After the battle it served as a hospital for wounded soldiers of both the North and the South. As a result it is said to be haunted with numerous reports of ghostly sightings.

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