
  • Welcome to Are We Home Yet, where expats talk about moving, living, and making a home abroad.
    Mar 15 2022
    It takes a long time and a lot of research to really feel at home in another country. That uncertainty is exactly why the "Are we home yet?" podcast was created! To bridge the gap between “this is a new place”, to get to a point where you can really feel like you’re home, even though you’re an expat and even if it’s a country that’s the total opposite of where you’re originally from! For you to know a new place and to stop asking, "Are we home yet?", you'll have to know all the ins and outs of the land. It requires making friends with local people, trying local foods, visiting popular places and/or places of significance to the local population, learning about the new place where you live. While Googling places does get you through the basics of it all, it's not until you're actually there that you get to experience things firsthand and figure out exactly how to make your way through the place. I went through the same exact thing when I moved to China. Although I was super excited, there was instantly this sense of being totally out of place because I had no idea how I was going to set up my “home” in a land that just felt so alien to me. Let’s just say I was quite literally the “fish out of water” until I found people like me, who had also moved to China a couple of years before me and were able to give me the guidance I needed to get my footing in the new land and make it my own. They allowed me to learn from their mistakes, skip over some of the process of figuring it out, and held my hand as much as possible throughout the whole moving process. That’s exactly what I want to do for other people too! With the Are We Home Yet podcast, that’s exactly what I’m doing! My moving abroad podcast features guests from all over the world, people that packed up their bags and moved abroad and had to do the work to make the place their home. Places that you might be interested in moving to too!With their interviews, I ask my guests are you home yet, and you can learn all about the different countries in the world they live, in detail. We’re talking real details about what you would need to live in a new place. This includes things like what to expect when you’ve just landed in the new lands, how to make sure you’re getting the right accommodation, where you can get the best food from, schools and universities, things to do, things not to do, real expat living, everything you can possibly need to know! By the time you’re done listening, you’ll have all of the information you might need to skip over the fish out of water phase and directly into the one where you never have to ask yourself, “Are we home yet?” because you’ll know everything you need to know to make the new place your true home! Before you decide to move, listen to , subscribe , download, share, rate, and review the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) . Check out the Are we home yet website to subscribe to the newsletter for updates and early access to information about new episodes and to purchase the handy https://www.amazon.com/Are-home-yet-guidebook-future-ebook/dp/B09X5CRYHD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=13HJCJCOBNMNJ&keywords=are+we+home+yet+%3F+guidebook&qid=1650535118&sprefix=are+we+home+yet+guideb%2Caps%2C1132&sr=8-1 (ebook guidebook). Music credit: Sparrow's First Flight by Pryor Meadows
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    5 m
  • Founder of Esl Cafe, Dave Sperling, on the benefits of moving abroad, making a home in different countries
    Apr 5 2022
    Want to move all around the world but don’t know if you can handle it? Most of us go through that phase at least once in our lives where we dream of moving abroad, we just want to pack up our bags and move to another country. In the past, that might’ve been extremely difficult, technology was lacking, and there were far too many barriers that restricted everyone’s movement. Not only that, but a severe lack of information about the world as a whole also made people wish and wish to move but left them in a space where they couldn’t do anything about it. I had a conversation with Dave Sperling, who spent many years of his life moving from one place to another, and each time, there were things he expected and things that would sneak up on him.We will be taking a closer look at what it’s like to move abroad, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/teach-in-china-versus-teaching-in-the-uk/ (all the fun things you should look forward to), and the not so fun ones, along with how you can cope with the curve balls moving abroad might throw your way to make your move, a lot easier! Make sure to also check out Dave's esl cafe international job board at https://www.eslcafe.com/ (ESLCAFE.com) (formerly https://www.google.com.hk/search?q=daves+esl+cafe&newwindow=1&ei=OidiYuimOvX19APh-KfoCw&ved=0ahUKEwjoq-2Y46b3AhX1On0KHWH8Cb0Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=daves+esl+cafe&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCwgAELADEAcQChAeMgsIABCwAxAHEAoQHjIKCAAQsAMQChCRAjIJCAAQsAMQChAeMgkIABCwAxAKEB4yCQgAELADEAoQHjIJCAAQsAMQChAeMgkIABCwAxAKEB4yCQgAELADEAoQHjIJCAAQsAMQChAeSgQIQRgBSgQIRhgAUPoDWKIGYLUOaAFwAHgAgAGoCogBqAqSAQM3LTGYAQCgAQHIAQrAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz (Dave's ESL Cafe)) ! Every day is new, and any place you’re comfortable can feel like home. Take in the feast of the senses, the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and people you get to meet along the way. Please share this episode and leave a review, then come and join our Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (Are We Home Yet Podcast. ) Check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (arewehomeyetpodcast.com)   to subscribe to the newsletter for updates and early access to information about new episodes and purchase the handy ebook guidebook. https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
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    43 m
  • Educator Dr. Jenaya, on why she decided to teach English abroad, and what her dream home will one day be like.
    Apr 8 2022
    There are ways that you can travel without even having years of savings in your banks. That’s something I learned from Jenaya. When she said that she was moving to China in 12 days, I asked her , “Why teach English abroad?” She was already qualified teach in America and employed in the teaching profession. She said the only word that I needed to answer my other question, “Is it worth it to teach abroad?” Travel. She was the person that introduced me to the world of “you can pack up your bags and travel, you can figure it out as you go,” which is why this week’s podcast was all about Jenaya and how she did it all! Throughout the podcast, we went over how she got to China, how she got her footing, and how she went from a fish out of the water to a business owner that’s making some serious moves! She did it all by teaching and traveling, and in this episode, we’re going to be talking about what all of that entails! Are you asking yourself, "Should I teach English abroad?" Well to know more insider’s knowledge about what it’s like to teach abroad on your own and build your life as a nomad, but still feel a sense of home wherever you live, tune in to episode 2 of the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet Podcast) with Jenaya! Connect with Jenaya via https://linktr.ee/melanatedstamps?fbclid=IwAR2eTWNbZy6DFAOno4e5sRQuw8HWmFIYbL2DgjXLQhkDKIERfaA67onfsWQ (linktree). Purchase any of Jenaya's books via https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3AJenaya++Perdue&s=relevancerank&text=Jenaya++Perdue&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1 (Amazon). Tune in every week for 2 new episodes with people from around the world! Share this episode and leave a review, then come and join my Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (Are We Home Yet Podcast. ) Check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast)   to subscribe to the newsletter for updates, early access to information about new episodes, and purchase the handy ebook guidebook. Connect to me on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
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    48 m
  • CGTN Journalist Cale, on living in Beijing, making a home with the help of coworkers and comedy
    Apr 12 2022
    Beijing might just be that perfect home away from home that you might be looking for! That’s something that I experienced, and the guest on this week’s podcast, Cale, did too! Throughout the podcast, Cale talked about his experience moving to Beijing, and how he managed to build a life there. Although the jobs in Beijing pay very well, what really makes a difference is the fact that the cost of living is fairly low. Sure, you might still be paying a chunk of your income for rent, but other things like transportation and food would balance it all out! That way, you can spend on things that really matter to you, whether that’s material things or experiences. In this week's podcast episode, I’ll be going over all the great things that make Being a top choice for expats, along with the things a lot of us had to learn the hard way so if you’re considering making the move yourself! To know more insider’s knowledge and lessen your search about living in Beijing, the pros and cons and what it’s like to move to Beijing and make a home there, tune in to episode 3 of the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet Podcast) with Cale! Tune in every week for 2 new episodes with people from around the world! Subscribe, Download, Share, Rate, Review the podcast! Join my Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (Are We Home Yet Podcast. ) Check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) online to subscribe to the newsletter for updates, early access to information about new episodes. Purchase the handy https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ebook/ (ebook ) guidebook. Connect with me on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
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    56 m
  • Educator Keesha, her teaching in china salary gives her a comfortable home and life in China
    Apr 15 2022
    Most of us grow up with a certain plan in mind. That plan is usually a “we’re going to live here, we’re going to get a particular degree, get a little house, and spend the rest of our lives, just hanging out.” But what if that didn’t have to be the plan? That’s exactly what the guest on this week’s podcast on the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) , Keesha, thought! Keesha was working as a teacher’s assistant in the UK. She loved working with kids, but it still wasn’t the most satisfying life. She wanted to be able to make the most out of her life and her career, so she started looking. She wanted to figure out what she could do that would give her job satisfaction but also life satisfaction, and eventually landed on the conclusion that she could teach in China, and well; her findings were very interesting. While you can hear all about Keesha’s experiences on this week’s podcast, the conversation with her gave me enough insight to put together a little moving abroad guide (link below)! Here's a cool thing, her teaching in China salary. Not only is she making a lot more money in China, but since the cost of living is lower , she’s able to have a much higher standard of living while doing the job that she really loves! This makes all aspects of teaching worth it for her. Keesha’s journey gives a lot of insight into what it’s really like to make the shift from teaching in the UK to teaching in China, and if you want to know more about it, tune in to episode 4 of the Are we home yet Podcast with Keesha! If your next online search is going to be, “teach English in China program”, well check out the Are we home yet podcast website for resources on teaching in China and other places. Tune in every week for 2 new episodes with people from around the world! Subscribe, Download, Share, Rate, Review the podcast! When you share the podcast, tag us as well:   IG, FB, Pinterest: @arewehomeyetpodcast  Twitter: @arewehomeyetpod Join my Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (Are We Home Yet Podcast. ) If you're interested in teaching in China, check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) online to subscribe to the newsletter for updates, early access to information about new episodes. Purchase the handy https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ebook/ (ebook ) guidebook. Connect with me on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
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    49 m
  • Assistant to Kindergarten Principal Ziyo, from Tajikistan, on how to feel at home in a new country
    Apr 19 2022
    There's something bittersweet about moving to a new country. On one hand, you open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities and experiences that you could have in the new land. On the other, you might find yourself struggling to make yourself feel at home, even if you've lived there for years! This week's podcast was with Ziyo, a 27 year old from https://www.google.com.hk/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tDP1TcwTykrNmD04ipJzMrMziwuScwDAEwwB0k&q=tajikistan&oq=tajiki&aqs=chrome.1.0i355i433i512j46i433i512j69i57j0i433i512l4j69i61.4114j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (Tajikistan )that had been moving all around the world since he was 17 years old! He talked about what home really means to him and how he goes about trying to make every new country he lives in as homey as possible. Even Ziyo agreed that this is probably the hardest part about moving abroad. However, it's not impossible. There are things you can do to make yourself feel at home in a new country, even if things seem super hard at first, and that's exactly what we're going to be discussing in this post, along with the little reasons you might be struggling to call the new place home. To know more about how Ziyo moved around all over the world and made each place as homey as possible, tune in to episode 5 of the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet Podcast) with Ziyo!Check out the  https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast)   to subscribe to the newsletter for updates and early access to information about new episodes and purchase the handy ebook guidebook. Subscribe, Download, Share, Rate, Review the podcast! When you share the podcast, tag us as well:   IG, FB, Pinterest: @arewehomeyetpodcast  Twitter: @arewehomeyetpod Join my Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (Are We Home Yet Podcast. ) Check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) online to subscribe to the newsletter for updates, early access to information about new episodes. Purchase the handy https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ebook/ (ebook ) guidebook. Connect with me on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
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    53 m
  • Engineer Elif, shared tips for moving abroad alone, and making a home during Covid in another country
    Apr 22 2022
    When you actually get to your dream destination, you’ll find that all that glitters isn’t gold. It’s just that, glitter. While there are a lot of great things about moving abroad, not all of the experience is going to be great, especially if you’re moving abroad alone. That’s somethinghttps://player.captivate.fm/episode/61938714-5962-4fa6-a272-9b88995b76c9/ ( Elif, an Engineer, this week’s podcast guest), dealt with when she first moved to China from Turkey! Elif moved to China in 2021, and even though she had her job and her plan all lined up, things did not end up the way she thought they would. Immediately after she landed, she found herself in her worst nightmare. In this episode, we're going to be talking about the unexpected great things about moving abroad, the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/moving-to-a-new-country-the-first-things/ (reality of a move abroad) alone, and tips for moving abroad alone, and making a home during Covid in another country. Some of the major things that happen and how you can keep them from ruining your move abroad! To find out more about Elif's move to China and how she copes with the reality of moving abroad, https://player.captivate.fm/episode/61938714-5962-4fa6-a272-9b88995b76c9/ (tune in to episode 6 of the Are we home yet Podcast with Elif)! Tune in every week for 2 new episodes with people from around the world, some of whom move abroad alone! Subscribe, Download, Share, Rate, Review the podcast! When you share the podcast, tag us as well:   IG, FB, Pinterest: @arewehomeyetpodcast  Twitter: @arewehomeyetpod Join my Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (Are We Home Yet Podcast. ) Check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) online to subscribe to the newsletter for updates, early access to information about new episodes. Purchase the handy https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ebook/ (ebook ) guidebook. Connect with me on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
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    49 m
  • Alessia who went to study abroad in the Netherlands, feels at home with new friends and a new culture
    Apr 26 2022
    Studying https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/welcome-to-the-are-we-home-yet-podcast/ (abroad )is the goal of a lot of people. That’s because it’s one of the best ways to see the world in your 20s. You don’t have as many responsibilities to deal with, and if you want to really break out of your shell and open yourself up to new experiences, that will change the way you look at life! Alessia is one of those people. She took the plunge to go study abroad in the Netherlands. She put herself out there by moving from Italy to the Netherlands for her university and feels at home with new friends and a new culture! Talking to her brought a lot more insight as to what one can expect while moving to the Netherlands and gave a closer look into the things that we don’t usually think about! In this episode, we’re going to be taking a closer look at what one should expect when moving to the Netherlands and how to make the move a lot easier! To know more insider’s knowledge into what it’s like to move to the Netherlands and more information on why study in the Netherlands, tune in to the https://player.captivate.fm/episode/425385b5-7486-4c56-9e83-810995ff0dcb/ (Are we home yet Podcast) with Alessia! Tune in every week for 2 new episodes with people from around the world! Subscribe, Download, Share, Rate, Review the podcast! When you share the podcast, tag us as well:   IG, FB, Pinterest: @arewehomeyetpodcast  Twitter: @arewehomeyetpod Join my Facebook community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/525591089170200 (https://www.facebook.com/groups/Arewehomeyetpodcast) Check out https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/ (Are we home yet podcast) online to subscribe to the newsletter for updates, early access to information about new episodes. Purchase the handy https://www.amazon.com/Are-home-yet-guidebook-future-ebook/dp/B09X5CRYHD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=13HJCJCOBNMNJ&keywords=are+we+home+yet+%3F+guidebook&qid=1650535118&sprefix=are+we+home+yet+guideb%2Caps%2C1132&sr=8-1 (ebook ) guidebook. Connect with me on social media:  https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Instagram ) https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A (Youtube ) https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast/ (Facebook ) https://www.pinterest.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/_saved/ (Pinterest) Music credit: Fascinating Life by Nick Petrov
    Más Menos
    26 m