This month

I’ve been bothering everyone I know—from colleagues to friends to chatty Lyft drivers—for their self-dev life hacks. Quite a few people came through with smart ideas, so without further fuss, let’s get right to the best of them!

Jon, SEO wiz: I use empowering phrases as my work passwords. (This brilliant idea inspired this newsletter’s theme.)

Dani, PR pro: When you set up FaceID in iPhone, it’s really fun to set it up smiling. Then every time you unlock your phone, you unknowingly smile! Think of how many smiles we can incorporate into each day!

Tricia, Audible Editor: I park in the farthest-away spot to force myself to exercise.

Julia, Humanitarian & my cool cousin: I've started using stop lights as a reminder to take deep breaths.

Melissa, Audible Editor: I think of commuting as a bit of traveling I get to do every day. It has really shaped my outlook toward my commute.

Criste, Sales Director extraordinaire: I use my phone as my alarm in the morning. I set messages like ‘Do good today’ and ‘Enjoy a lovely day.’ Come morning, I’ve forgotten what they are, so I’m always slightly delighted.

Brann, god-tier Visual Designer: I have Maurice Sendak's illustration of Pierre and the Lion as my phone’s lock screen to remind me to pause and care a bit more about the people and things around me.

Monark, Lyft driver: You work for Audible! I love Audible! I try out things I learn from books on my passengers, like active listening. (He was definitely a good listener.)

As for me? I regularly turn chores into daily listening opportunities. I always try to leave each space I occupy a little cleaner than the way I found it. But most importantly: I follow Mel Robbins’s Five Second Rule when it comes to procrastination. (Speaking of Mel… guess which self development superstar has a new listen this month!)

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