I'm tired.

I’ve just spent several hours wrestling two humans under 3 feet tall into their jammies, and one of them keeps getting out of bed to ask for waffles. Meanwhile, I’m dreaming about soaking in the tub with a glass of cava instead of working on this writing deadline. But these paltry annoyances pale in comparison to the troubles of Ms. Pat, whose memoir, Rabbit, is my everything right now. The woman is a comic genius. With two kids of her own by the age of 15, she’s the living embodiment of when life hands you lemons, make lemon meringue and then pie someone in the face. I’m so glad I saved her story for a rainy day, although I’m also a little bit sad that I’m going to finish it soon. Because when a great memoir comes to an end, doesn’t it feel a little like saying goodbye?

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