
I'm running on fumes, how are you? Let me tell you a story about my five-year-old. Last night, he got out of bed at midnight to inform me that he was bored. I was still up folding laundry, so I let him play with a magnet set next to me on the couch while he settled down, and we both went to bed around 1 a.m. To say it was hard to get going this morning is a massive understatement. Have you ever tried to dress a squirmy kindergartener when you're both half asleep? He waited until we were on our way out the door to notify me that he wanted a waffle with a ketchup swirl on it, his go-to food lately. So I went back into the kitchen and popped a frozen waffle in the toaster. When I presented the finished waffle to him, he was aghast at my ketchup swirl. It wasn't swirly enough! There was too little ketchup!

You don’t have to be the parent of a five-year-old to know that life can get emotional sometimes, and that those same moments can also be some of the most hilarious. It’s moments like these that make me love memoirs. You don’t always have to go to far flung galaxies or alternate realities to go on an emotional journey—every day of real life is a journey! And sometimes we just want ketchup on our waffles.

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