For weeks now,

my canine sidekick Trigger and I have been taking advantage of the evening sunlight with longer walks. The ice cream truck’s jangling tune has been heard around the block a few times. And I’ve even left the house more than once without a back-up sweater! All of that means it’s time to start thinking about summer (which I can’t believe is almost here!).

Growing up, road trips were a cornerstone of our family’s summer vacation plans. A drive through the Pacific Northwest to visit both sets of grandparents. Piling into a car to go camping and traipse around historic sites. And even drives that were part vacation and part moving to a new home. (Moving cross-country from the Seattle suburbs to NYC was especially memorable.) I’m making plans for a few short road trips for this summer (Trigger has some dog friends he’d like to visit) and I can guarantee you there will be roadside photo ops, historical markers, truck-stop snacks…and audiobooks.

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