Nice to meet you,

I’m Sean! Heather has graciously handed off writing duties for the newsletter to lucky me—though I’ll wholeheartedly miss reading her editions. Heather’s still around at Audible, but she’s tackling other projects. (She says to tell you hi!) I’ll do my utmost to keep up the high standard she’s set.

As for me: I’ve been immersed in the world of children’s literature for over a decade as an editor and writer, spanning school-library publishing to reading apps to comic books to audioplays for Alexa. Kidlit is my safe space, my first and favorite literary love, and fuel for my inner child—so I’m thrilled to be here.

In the grand tradition of animal mascots for Now in Kids, I’ll continue Heather and Trigger’s tradition with my own rescue pet, Amelia. (Hopefully these two muses will get to meet someday.) Unlike literary white rabbits, this one will actually help me navigate the wide and wonderful world of kidlit, continuing to bring you only the best and brightest listens.

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