It's my birthday!

Well, it was June 1, but I'm celebrating all month as Geminis are apt to do. We're also known for talking about ourselves a lot, which I realize I'm doing right here, but it is my newsletter, so how about we let it slide just this once?

As I have mentioned before, one thing I love as much as I love history is sports. I spent my birthday watching Liverpool win their 6th UEFA Champions League title—for the record I am a Chelsea fan—and seeing my beloved Yankees play the Boston Red Sox in the Bronx. Plus, the NBA finals are always in June and the MLB season really begins to take shape around now, so I rest my case for why it's the best month.

I was thinking of making another grand statement about how memorable moments in sports are often microcosms for the greater political climate in which they take place...but really, I just wanted to mention all of the great sports moments occurring in June 2019. That's all folks, until July!

- Kyle, Audible editor

About the Editor

With tastes as varied as his shoe collection, editor Kyle will listen to just about anything; however, his go-to listens deal with the consequences of human nature: history, politics, religion, and true crime. His favorite pastime is taking long walks with his dogs while devouring a great story from Audible, of course. Follow him on Twitter @_EditorKyle.

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