Like it or not,

holiday music will be playing all month long. So you might as well get the inside scoop about those tunes you’re being force-fed and check out Jingle Bell Pop—our new Audible Original about the secret history of Christmas music. Two huge bonuses here. First, members can pick it up for free this month. Second, I’ve also found that if you listen to an audiobook while shopping, other shoppers are far less likely to try to bother you, which is a huge win for me…or maybe I’m just a Grinch.

By the way, can I get some love for the Grinch? He’s my all-time favorite Christmas character. (I’ve watched the original 1966 animated movie four times already this season.) Sure, the Grinch gets annoyed by people sometimes—especially around the holidays—but what could be more relatable than that? And (spoiler) he ultimately redeems himself by opening his heart to the Whos of Whoville.

Happy Holidays, and I’ll see you in 2019!

- Kyle, Audible editor

About the Editor

With tastes as varied as his shoe collection, editor Kyle will listen to just about anything; however, his go-to listens deal with the consequences of human nature: history, politics, religion, and true crime. His favorite pastime is taking long walks with his dogs while devouring a great story from Audible, of course. Follow him on Twitter @_EditorKyle.

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