Customer Review Guidelines

We love customer reviews. We encourage you to share your opinions, both favorable and unfavorable. Customer Reviews help customers learn more about an Audible listen and decide whether they might love it too. Audible values diverse opinions, so you may disagree with some content that you come across. Keep in mind that something that may be disagreeable to you may not violate our Guidelines.

We take the integrity of reviews very seriously. Customer Reviews should give customers genuine feedback from fellow listeners. We have a zero tolerance policy for any review designed to mislead or manipulate our customers, including by contributing false, misleading, or inauthentic content. By accessing or using our Customer Reviews, you agree to the Terms of our Conditions of Use and to abide by these Guidelines as modified from time to time. These Guidelines apply to any content (including text and links) you submit to Audible and actions you take (such as voting on helpfulness or reporting a review) when using Customer Review features.

If we determine that you have attempted to manipulate reviews or violated our Guidelines, we may restrict your ability to use Customer Reviews, remove content, or suspend or terminate your Audible account. We encourage anyone who suspects that review manipulation is taking place or that our Guidelines are being violated in any other manner to notify us by clicking the "Report this" link next to the review in question. We will investigate the concern thoroughly and take any appropriate actions.

The following are just some types of reviews that we don't allow and will remove:

• A review from someone who has not listened to the title.

• Multiple reviews for the same title from one customer.

• A review that contains a URL that links to an external website.

• A review that discusses technical errors that have subsequently been fixed.

• A review from someone who has not listened to the title on the Audible app or website.

• A review that contains libelous, defamatory, harassing, offensive or threatening comments. For example, don't use obscenities or profanity, and don't express hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability, including by promoting organizations with such views.

• A review that contains non-public personal information about any other person other than the person providing the review.

• A review by the author, narrator or publisher, posing as an unbiased listener.

• A positive review from a publisher, author or narrator on a peer's title in exchange for receiving a positive review from them.

• A review by someone who has a direct or indirect financial or personal interest in the title and hasn’t explicitly disclosed that interest at the beginning of their review.

• A review that has been posted or modified in exchange for compensation or incentive of any kind.

You can see all of your reviews by visiting Your Listener Page

Review Reporting and Redress Rights

If you find a review that you feel violates the review guidelines or is otherwise inappropriate, you may report that review. Once reported, the review will be evaluated by Audible and a determination made to remove or keep the review. Audible will update the reporter of the review whatever the outcome of the report.

If a review you have written was removed due to a report by another customer, you will be notified that your review has been removed.

If you disagree with the outcome of Audible’s decision to not remove a review after it has been reported, you may contact by visiting the Contact Us page.

If you receive a notice that a review you wrote is removed from Audible due to a violation of the Customer Review Guidelines above, you may get in touch via the Contact Us page to dispute the removal.